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mazingerz88's avatar

What should I do to finally follow a cooking recipe?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) March 4th, 2014

I keep accumulating cooking recipes that I end up not doing. I go to a grocery and give up easily when I don’t find some of the ingredients. I should just throw away the recipes maybe.

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11 Answers

dxs's avatar

Maybe you could try starting off simple. Find something with basic ingredients and make that. Like a cake or something. Then move on to something that is a little more challenging. I’m not a professional cook, but I do cook.

janbb's avatar

There are web sites and cookbooks that give recipes for dishes with only five ingredients. Maybe look for one of those to try first.

Cruiser's avatar

I really don’t need a cookbook anymore and almost exclusively use the Food Network to get all my recipes, reviews and cooking tips. Best part is I can pull it up on my droid while shopping at the grocery.

CWOTUS's avatar

Do a google search for “recipes with found ingredients” ... to come up with sites such as this one where you can simply list the various items that you do have and the database can suggest dishes that you can make with little or nothing else.

As you start to accumulate some of the spices and items that you don’t already have, and get more familiar with fresh vegetables and other items that you aren’t yet familiar with, then it gets easier and easier to decide for yourself whether lack of a particular ingredient is going to be a show-stopper or not.

Or you could just ask Kardamom…

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

Do any of your “maybe” recipes include unusual, exotic ingredients that you’ll buy at a gourmet store, use once, and never use again? If yes, I’d discard those recipes.

It’s not that I’m reluctant to go shopping, and spend too much money, on a wonderful item. But, if it’s something that’s very unfamiliar – I’ve never encountered it before, and I likely never will again – I pass on the recipe. It’s just not worth it to buy a bottle of [fill in the blank], only to use a few spoonfuls and then watch it sit in my pantry forever.

gailcalled's avatar

@mazingerz88: What recipes have you actually made? What can and do you cook? Do you get any pleasure out of preparing food? If so far it is a fruitless hobby, you need to find another one.

Most of us who cook or have cooked (I prepared meals for a large family for decades) have clipped mountains of recipes that yellowed and crumbled in the file box or notebook.

ibstubro's avatar

I have been to websites that you plugged in the ingredients you have to use, and they gave you a recipe. You could pick 5 things in the cabinet, and make a dish.

Personally, I think your problem might be that you’re reading ‘trendy’ recipes. I remember when pine nuts hit the stage, and IF you could find them they were $10 for ¼ cup. No more.

Just keep in mind that humans have been cooking for thousands of years, and there are few palatable permutations of existing recipes. If you can’t find the ingredients, you need to back up a step and see what last years “Black Bean Soup with fresh figs and wild morel mushrooms” looked like. Search the base, add your personal favs!

Buttonstc's avatar

Speaking generally, I wouldn’t usually be thinking of Food Network for simple recipes since they have a lot of sophisticated chefs there. And they can come up with se pretty esoteric stuff.

However, there is Claire Robinson and you may find her helpful. Its a five ingredient deal and a lot of her recipes are there.

mazingerz88's avatar

Wow, thanks jellies. Great answers-! :)

Buttonstc's avatar

I just discovered a new one today. Its called Sorted Food.

Its both a web site and a YouTube channel from a few British guys. It one of the most popular YT channels for food.

As well as recipes, they also have a section for developing skills and techniques; obviously much better when you can see a vid as well as read about it.

One of the guys works as a videographer so these are a cut above the run of the mill YT channels.

This should get you started:

Cruiser's avatar

Great link @Buttonstc Thanks for sharing.

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