How many of the hungry will have more food if we forego asking and answering questions on gender, sexual orientation, faith issues?
It was suggested on another thread that we should stop talking about issues such as sexual orientation, which I take grandfather in issues of faith, and gender as well. Say we did that; at the end would the hungry be any less hungry? Would that spur anyone to donate at least one day a month to a soup kitchen, write one check to a food bank? If we forego talking about LGBT issues, the tenets of faith, even government etc. how many additional hungry people will be fed if all Fluther did was talk about it rather than be about it?
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31 Answers
You asked this question at 4:20 mountain standard time people will have munchies right now.
So, um… exactly how high are you right now?
@cookieman I Just ate a rack of sushi and am cooking chicken wings… I am naturally high from my doctor prescribed anti-psychotic medications that I am on. I went shopping today for food; so I had my adventure. I talked to some lady waiting for a taxi about Russia invading Ukraine and told her about a multiple murder in Edmonton at a shopping center.
@cookieman I ate some of my chicken wings and am waiting for them to cool off so I can put them in the fridge.
What fresh new nonsense is this?
I can send my leftover half an apple to Uganda if you’d like.
@Coloma ~The military will just confiscate your half an apple it and give it to the president or military leaders. ~ Corruption is rampant.
I fail to see the connection issues such as sexual orientation, faith, and gender have to do with people/families that are struggling to make ends meet and put food on the table?? Seriously.
If the are homeless, down on their luck, out of work, struggling to make ends meet it matters not to me their sexual orientation, faith, and gender…they are people who need our help and anyone that feels otherwise IMO should just trade places with them.
Frankly told my good friend, I don’t understand. What people eat and what they talk about seems to have no connection. Unless we’re enslaved by aliens who don’t feed us whenever we talk, I’m not sure where you’re going with this?
If you mean would people be using that talking time instead to do charitable work, I doubt it, because people who want to donate to charity probably don’t forget to do it once some spiffy issue is brought up. In fact, you’d think some dude preaching about God all day would be inclined to feed the poor and shit, least as much as he can.
Some people take this place waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy too seriously.
Ask a question, get some answers, have a laugh, fuck off & repeat…simple stuff.
Ceasing the incessant arguments about homosexuality (or sexuality/gender in any light) would not result in less hungry people. It would, however, result in less annoyed people.
Can we also “grandfather” in discussions about overweight women and what they should or should not wear? Thanks!
I think lesbians eat plenty already.
I think that we all have the right to take this site as seriously or as lightly as we want, first of all. You may be here for chuckles, I may be here for knowledge, someone else may be here for serious advice (ie medical questions, etc..)
Secondly, I think people who are charitable with their time, money, other, will be that way regardless of discussion here, but there is a POSSIBILITY than someone may help out that didn’t think about it before.
Lastly, imposing your will on others is an exercise in futility. Trying to convince all atheists that theism is true and awesome is just not going to happen. Convincing all humans that LGBT’s are not sub-humans or posessed by the Devil is just not going to happen.
WE CANNOT CHANGE OTHER PEOPLE by force of will only by reasonable discussion, which demands we be respectful of our differences. I myself apologized to at least two people this week, it’s difficult but not impossible, to admit you’re wrong sometimes, but to be silent on subjects you’re passionate about is, to me, the worst thing you can do. UPPITY WOMEN UNITE!
What she said. ^
I’m uniting. I have a cheesy costume and everything. Let’s go fight crime.
UPTITTY WOMEN UNTIE your bra straps!
I didn’t even notice the uptitty part…so I didn’t get it. Then I just looked at it again and I’m all like, LOL.
They should definitely rebrand all wonderbras as uptitty underwear.
@ucme That’s actually a really good marketing idea! You should email Hanes or something, maybe get your picture on the box…lol
@Coloma I can send my leftover half an apple to Uganda if you’d like.
And that prevents you from assisting a hungry person where you live?
@Cruiser I fail to see the connection issues such as sexual orientation, faith, and gender have to do with people/families that are struggling to make ends meet and put food on the table?? Seriously.
Good point, it exposes the suggestion that not speaking of the aforementioned subjects and talking about hunger is flawed and a bust. No one takes hunger seriously anyhow, when it is not them that are hungry. To simply say let’s talk about hunger instead of LGTB issues or faith issues but have no gumption to do even the smallest part to help correct it is just a waste of talk, might as well just stuck with the other topics.
@Symbeline If you mean would people be using that talking time instead to do charitable work, I doubt it, because people who want to donate to charity probably don’t forget to do it once some spiffy issue is brought up. In fact, you’d think some dude preaching about God all day would be inclined to feed the poor and shit, least as much as he can.
No, I don’t mean that. What I mean is simply talking about it, even if you believe it is a serious or important topic does nothing for the poor, it doesn’t do any more or less for the poor as if the other topics were talked and debated about. To try to say discussion on the poor or hungry is more important when nothing more for them will come out of the talk shows it is not really much of a game changer. You would be surprised how many times and at what personal cost, in time and money people who preach, teach, or believe in God feed hungry people and don’t talk about it at all. In fact they do so in such an unassuming and humble manner, most never even know they are doing it.
@ucme Some people take this place waaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy too seriously.
Ask a question, get some answers, have a laugh, fuck off & repeat…simple stuff.
We don’t often agree but I wholly agree with you there. We should be able to ask and answer questions that suit our fancy, hopefully to get us to think. However, too many seem to have thin skin and want to sanitize the place by being so PC you can ask this, talk about that, but never bring up this or that. If they don’t want to sanitize the place, they want to paint it all the same shade of whatever so all the voices are lockstep with each other and no diversity is seen at all.
@Hypocrisy_Central But in the way you explain this then, talking about it or not talking about it makes no difference, as there is no direct link between the discussion, lack thereof and assistance, or solution. I WOULD think that talking about poverty would raise awareness and push it out there a tad slight though.
Then again everybody knows what poverty is and we see it from afar or close to home. Hell a lot of us ARE poor. And there seems to be no real solution in sight, besides organisms and charities that help out. (many of which are not religious, either)
Organizations, then? There’s one here where they have a shelter, where homeless peeps can go sleep. From 8pm to 8am I think. And the city of Montréal allows the homeless to sleep in the subway stations after closing time, which I think is neat. Thing is they have to be in there before it closes, and if someone needs to take a piss or something, they better have a buddy to open the door for them again. I think this is neat that the city just lets them sleep there as long as they don’t break anything, and they don’t, because they’re thankful for the warm place.
Non religious orgasms, she can’t shout out ”oh God yeah, Jesus yes, yes, yes!!”
@Symbeline That is nice! Here they run them off, several froze to death here this winter, too. For being in the Bible Belt, you wouldn’t know it by our homeless, you have to obey all the rules, which are very strict, to be allowed in, it’s terribly sad.
@KNOWITALL Some people in Montréal are against it, of course. But they’re not hurting anyone, and they respect the grounds because if they don’t, it’s back out in the cold. There is that shelter, but unfortunately it’s first come first serve, and Montréal does have a problem with homeless peeps, too many of them. Although my guess is that every big city is like that. I’m guessing New York has the same problem.
I have assisted all sorts of others, humans, non-humans. Charity begins at home right?
@Coloma Charity begins at home right? Satisfied?
I would be a liar if I said I was not happy about that. Just because you do there are many that could but don’t so satisfaction is far off. I am mostly happy you are not using the excuse of not being able to personally send food to Africa, Asia, Central America etc, where there are chronic poor as an excuse to do nothing. That is what I am most happy about. ;-)
@Hypocrisy_Central ” it exposes the suggestion that not speaking of the aforementioned subjects and talking about hunger is flawed and a bust. ..No one takes hunger seriously anyhow, when it is not them that are hungry.”
You could make that preposition about how not talking about anything does not move the ball forward towards change. That is like saying talking about twin turbo engines instead of hunger is somehow denying the attention to hunger or GLBT issues they deserve . There is a time and place for those discussions and to criticize anything that is not directly related to a favored cause takes away the luster of all the good and sincere efforts made by so many who do reach out to champion these causes on their own each and every day.
It would serve as an inspiration to all here for you to share with the collective all that you do to support and further your causes.
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