Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

What improvements can one make to attract a mate?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) March 4th, 2014

From cleaning teeth to finishing High School. What are different things that one can do to be more attractive to a mate?

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20 Answers

janbb's avatar

Have a job and do interesting things so you can make conversation. And yeah – clean teeth.

Judi's avatar

get out of yourself and make the world a better place.

CunningFox's avatar

Good hygiene and just being a kind, considerate, and respectful person is very attractive!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Get in shape. It is something we can control about ourselves – and it costs nothing to do.
It also helps us in many other ways. Life is better when you can move.

filmfann's avatar

Good teeth, stay fit, nice car, be fun.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Figure out what your issues are (we all have them) and do what is in your power to take care of them or get them under control. Get help if needed. It’s not a good idea to date until this is done. You will easily find yourself in a bad relationship if your head is not on right. Be yourself but project a positive, clean image. Get out and be social, force yourself if necessary. Join hobby clubs or groups doing things that you enjoy. If you like someone show it in a subtle way by talking to them while respecting their space. Smile. It’ll happen.

zenvelo's avatar

Be a good listener. Get in shape and be healthy. Good grooming, (i.e.., bathe, comb your hair, trim your nails). Wear clean clothes and keep them neat, not looking like they were wadded up on the floor for a couple days.

kevbo's avatar

Generally, men look for fertility cues in women, and women look for resources cues in men.

Buttonstc's avatar

Develop the habit of Active Listening. Its a skill and it can be learned.


ragingloli's avatar

A van with the label “free candy”?

ucme's avatar

Bare your arse & paint it red.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@ucme Some monkeys have blue butts . It works for them.

ucme's avatar

I was thinking more of your average randy baboon #blushingcheeks

LuckyGuy's avatar

Woah! I was just ordering some light blue hair dye .
Now where did I put my darn electric razor?

ucme's avatar

Old ladies blue rinse brigade.

livelaughlove21's avatar

For men, being an independent, productive member of society is a great start. Being a decent person is also important. And, of course, personal hygiene is a must.

Looks – you’re either physically attractive or you’re not. Luckily, everyone finds different things attractive. I’ve known many guys that aren’t all that at first, but their humor or quirky personalities seem to transform them into hotties. I know a few women like that as well. But the things I listed above are the foundation to landing a partner, looks aside.

GloPro's avatar

Don’t smoke.

Buttonstc's avatar

And Lyle Lovett managed to marry Julia Roberts despite not being classically handsome.

But boy can he write and record some great songs ! !

Juliasmile's avatar

Sense of humor, but not a crude sense of humor.
A back-bone. I love my man because he will do anything for me (that’s romantic) but if I could MAKE him do anything, I’d lose all respect and wouldn’t want to be with him.
Good listener.
And yes good hygiene!!!

Aster's avatar

I have to think of a single man, 40, who I think is sensational in order to answer this question. So I’ll just describe him. Have a kindness about you; a sweetness but look strong enough to fight . Have a great job, a lovely smile, lots of friends. Don’t drink too much; don’t smoke. Curse a little bit but not too much. Being 20lb overweight is fine to me. And , finally, have a lot of self confidence.Be comfortable enough to cook the thanksgiving turkey all by yourself. Treat women as equals; not sex objects. Just be their friend no matter how gorgeous they may be. Love animals and football. OH ALRIGHT; IT’S ASKING TOO MUCH. LOL

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