When I was a kid some old man lived a few houses away from us. He was real mean and he didn’t like me, but that’s probably because I kept yanking all the flowers out of his front yard. But anyways he died of a heart attack on a real hot day while working on his house. He fell off the ladder, or something like it. Never heard the details, but when I saw him he was lying face down in the bushes by the house. I saw him when he was dead from afar, didn’t wanna go near. Police and the ambulance were there anyway. Guy was lying on his stomach but I could only really see his legs. I ran back home and told me parents and I was laughing. My mom got pissed off, because I was laughing at a dead guy, but years later, my dad told me it was probably some kind of defense mechanism. When you’re 6 you don’t really understand death, so you might react strangely. The fact that this poor old man was always yelling at me gave my brain the reason to laugh, but I really didn’t think any of it was funny, I just felt nervous and the laughing came out of nowhere, was barely aware of it until my mom pointed it out.
That guy’s wife was sweet though, and after the authorities took the body away and all, she gave me candy.
Another time as a preteen I was sitting with my mother by the river bank, and we eventually spotted a dead body floating in the river. Not trying to be mean or insensitive or anything, but at first I thought it was a big garbage bag floating around. Then I told my mom, dude that’s a man, and she’s like, yeah I know, she got up and grabbed my arm and dragged me away. She called the cops and then they fished the guy out further ahead. As it happens, that dead body had been reported by someone else long before my mom called, so that’s why it seemed quick.
And in my early 20’s I was living in a rooming house, and the guy in the room next to mine hung himself. His music was playing really loud for like 8 hours, and someone complained and they went in there after calling the caretaker who had the keys to all the rooms. I was playing games all night long during then. I heard screaming and some guy was crying, so I went over there, although reluctantly, and I saw him there hanging by a wire from a lamp. We cut the guy down and got bitched at by the cops for touching the body, but nobody got in trouble. Had to go through reports for the following days and shit though, describing our experience and what we knew of the guy. I remember this cop asking me, what was the last thing he said to you? In my head I was like, how the fuck does this matter, he’s dead goddammit.
This dude was about my age at the time, and was schizophrenic. He was barely ever home though, I saw him about three times in the seven months that I lived there, never got to know him, but that one experience really hit me, it’s still there after all these years haha.