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Dutchess_III's avatar

What is the difference between screaming and shouting?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) March 5th, 2014

If you raise your voice to your kids to get their attention, does that count as screaming?

How would you define screaming?

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9 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Screaming is very high-pitched and shrill.

Shouting is an increase in volume.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah. Screaming is like a loss of control. That’s why I HATE it when people “scream” at their kids.

gailcalled's avatar

Not necessarily. One can deliberately decide to scream.
.Is “screaming” different than screaming?

Buttonstc's avatar

To me, shouting many times has an association of anger or excitement whereas screaming more often accompanies fear or panic (eek, a mouse) and is more high pitched.

ucme's avatar

The spelling

Dutchess_III's avatar

Or rage, @Buttonstc, like when parents scream at their kids.

cookieman's avatar

Three drinks.

hearkat's avatar

Screaming is what they do in horror movies – non-verbal; not necessarily high-pitched or shrill, as primal screams can be a lower pitch.

Shouting, yelling, and hollering are saying words very loudly. This is why I pointed out that when I found myself upside-down as my car rolled over, I exclaimed “Holy Fuck!” because I wasn’t shouting, although my pitch and volume were certainly higher than normal.

DaphneT's avatar

I second @hearkat, screaming does not contain words. Shouting contains words. Some people shout and scream with higher pitch than others, based on the amount of air they’re using.

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