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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Very strange Emails?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23514points) March 6th, 2014

I have been getting these Emails from people I know and all there is is a hey there and a link to some site, and NO I haven’t clicked on the site, what’s very weird, is one was from my brother so I phoned and asked if he sent it and he said no, just wondering anyone else getting these and what is this link?
How would I find out what this link is, without exposing myself to a virus, or some slimy hacker?

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12 Answers

thorninmud's avatar

That’s email spoofing. Happens all the time. You’re absolutely right not to click on the link.

I get emails “from” my 90 year old mother-in-law with subjects like “Cool new site!”. I don’t think so.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I heard the same thing from someone else. They’re viruses and spam.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

But how do I find out what this link is without exposing myself to trouble?

thorninmud's avatar

Not sure why you’d want to find out. If it were actually something legitimate or actually interesting, they wouldn’t have to spoof it. It’s guaranteed garbage.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@thorninmud Oh in that case you just answered my question and thanks.

LuckyGuy's avatar

In the best case they are just spammers attempting to get site clicks. In the worst case you can get a virus. For fun you can hover over the link (if you don’t have autoclick on) and look at the domain name of the site and google it. You might see it is a company selling health products for example. Don’t go there!
Spammers can buy a million email addresses for almost nothing now. They have nothing to lose. This abuse will stop the day the internet pricing structure changes so that an email costs a small amount. 10 free emails per day and then 10 emails per one cent. I’d pay that. Spammers won’t.

Berserker's avatar

I’ve had that before. For about a week several people were asking me why I was sending all these weird mails with links. Even got a mail from a guy I hadn’t spoken to in like two years. Some kind of spam thing, can’t remember what I may have visited to get that.

Juels's avatar

I’ve had that happen too. You should advise the person sending the bad emails to change their passwords. To be on the safe side, they also run a spam and virus scan.

Berserker's avatar

@Juels Yup, when that happened to me I changed the password. Seemed to have solved the problem, but it took about a day or so. (to my knowledge, anyway)

Juels's avatar

I’ve been getting emails claiming to be from Yahoo that my email account will be deactivated blah blah blah. I just ignore them and then block the sender. Even if I receive an email (supposedly from Yahoo) telling me to update my password, I don’t use the link in the email. Instead, I will bring up the email account and use the normal utilities for updating my info. I once had my email hacked and it sent out strange emails to everyone in my contacts. Changing my password stopped the emails.

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