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talljasperman's avatar

Where is the origin of the word jewelry?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) March 6th, 2014

Is it racism? “Jew” elry. I’ve never noticed it before… What other day to day words are or appear to be racist?

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11 Answers

filmfann's avatar

The name of the Washington football team.

There is no truth to the rumor that the expression “a nip in the air” began at Pearl Harbor.

susanc's avatar

What if you were speaking Spanish and
craved your favorite beer? Would you be constrained from ordering a delicious Negra Modelo because it might be racist? How about if you went to the hardware store to buy some
wasp spray? You couldn’t.
Or if you loved, loved loved loved italian dressing on your salad but you were too culturally sensitive to say the word when offered a choice? Wow. Life is hard enough.

DominicX's avatar

Ha. The word “jewel” comes from the Vulgar Latin word “jocale” meaning “plaything”. :)

Though what about “niggard”?

gailcalled's avatar

Or, a slightly different etomology;

ORIGIN Middle English: from Old French joel, from jeu ‘game, play,’ from Latin jocus ‘jest.’

pleiades's avatar

It is my understand “Jews” don’t call themselves Jews but Judes I could be 100% wrong though

gailcalled's avatar

As a Jew, I call myself “Jewish,” but I would also say, more formally, “I am a Jew.”

I have never heard any of the “members of the tribe” or MOT (how we refer to ourselves jokingly) use “Jude.”

However, the German for Jew is Jude.

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gasman's avatar

Jews call themselves Jews. I have never heard “Judes” so @pleiades, I’m afraid you are 100% wrong on that—at least in the U.S. I never connected the words jewel and Jew, or ever heard others—even when joking around or trying to make clever wordplay—do so. The only exception was Saturday Night Live’s Emily Litella (Gilda Radner), who took off on one of her signature rants about “saving Soviet jewelry” [Jewry] lol.

gailcalled's avatar

“Jew eat?”

Compressed phrase that means “Did you eat?” often heard as “Jew eat?” by particularly sensitive and/or peculiarly paranoid Jewis, especially when asked by a goy (non-Jew). “Jew eat?” syndrome was first exposed to mass culture by Woody Allen in his Oscar-winning film “Annie Hall” (1977).

Alvy Singer (Woody Allen) to his calm friend Rob (Tony Roberts):

“You know, I was having lunch with some guys from NBC, so I said, ‘Did you eat yet or what?’ And Tom Christie said, ‘No, JEW?’ Not ‘Did you?’...JEW eat? JEW? You get it? JEW eat?”

Source Allen, screenplay for “Annie Hall”:

gailcalled's avatar

edit: (I hate this touchpad) “Jews” and not “Jewis”

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