What would you bring to show-and-tell?
If you were to find something special/ important or have a significant meaning to you, and share it with a group of acquaintances, what would you show-and-tell? And why did you choose that to show-and-tell and what is its significance to you?
Would like to hear! I’m not sure what I would show-and-tell, perhaps my cell phone, but I thought that isn’t very creative, even though i often use it and find it important.
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17 Answers
My NES when I was a kid. Also my telescope from Sears.
I found a conch shell a few weeks ago. In tact and everything and about the size of my fist. It looks really cool.
If I hadn’t lost them in a recent move, I’d bring my collection of dried roses. I had each from a significant time in my life. They’re just props from fond memories really.
A few were rom funerals, one from my HS graduation, one from my 16th Birthday, one from the morning my Boyfriend bailed me out of jail, (saint party’s day got a little out of hand)
My most cherished one was from my mother. I ran away with an abusive boyfriend the day I graduated highschool, and didn’t talk to or see any of my family for a good year or so. I was young and naive. I began drinking heavily and spent all my college savings on drugs in one summer. Eventually i knew i had escape the abusive situation. at 2 am i phoned my mother and simply said “i’m at [a friend’s] house and i want to come home” she said “Okay, honey,” hung up and was there 30 minutes later, with ice cream, wine, our favorite chick flicks, chocolate and a single rose. I had never felt more loved than on that day. Even though I made some HUGE mistakes, and hurt a lot of people, she was still there to help me back up.
I have too many cool things and collections in my house to choose. I’d be able to pander to about any audience.
I have a nice collection of smashed pennies – you know, when you put a penny in a machine and it smashes it into a flat oval with the place name on it? I also have a good number of advertising wooden nickles.
I have a collection of antique blown glass animals – tiny little things, light as a feather and many are striped. 1,000’s of glass drinking straws – the coolest have yellow spoons on the end and are decalled with nursery rhyme characters. Oh, and 100’s of figural glass tooth (food) picks – the international set is cool with 12 different heads on clear picks stood on a cardboard bridge.
100’s of old toys, many of them mini working models, just like mom or dad’s. 4” washing machine that will do dolly’s clothes. 2½’ rotary lawn mower.
I could entertain for days.
My 16 yr. old Chinese Goose ” Marwyn.”
Chinese geese can live easily into their 20’s, they are talkative, smart, intelligent and bond/imprint closely with their humans. They respond to words and commands, follow you everywhere when raised from goslings and are one of the smartest and funniest animals to have as a pet. Long live the geezer!
Pictures from my childhood, those taken by my dad, and a few I took with my Brownie camera in the early 60s.
My writing .
To show what experiences that I have had up to the present and to let others know what I had learned from them so that they may gleam a bit of peace in understanding that life offers so much more than meets the eye.
that that simple act of smileing can change anothers life dramatically and to learn to understand that.
Maybe my ten-in-one-scope. It was brilliant. It was a compass, a microscope a telescope binoculars and goodness knows what else all made out of plastic lenses that folded neatly away into a little box.
@Cruiser Ooooh..I love the Raku glaze. I took a sculpting/pottery class about 10 years ago and wish to get back into it. Cool stuff! Have you done any pit firing?
@Coloma No…but I did do Saggar firing and though I got some different results with my pots I am more focused on using the controlled firing of electric and gas fired kilns at my disposal. Though I would love to do a pit firing ala Burning Man style!
Special/ important things: absolutely!
Want to show anyone: no way!
My collection of flash drives. They hold my family fotos and videos, and my manuscripts. They are special to me, so I have some cool ones. I have monkeys, robots, a gold bar, guitar, a little surgeon who has moveable joints and I can play with him when I get blocked. I have Mikey from Monsters Inc., Stitch, and Yoda. I have a football, and a couple of plain old normal ones which I started out with and put on a beaded cord to make them more fun.
They go from 4gb to 32gb. If showing them isn’t interesting for the class, I could share some of my videos.
I have a collection of eclectic musical instruments. “Jews-harps” (also called jaws-harp or Trumps); a button accordion from the 1890’s that can still be played; banjo; bowed psaltery; auto-harp (chorded zither); baritone ukelele from the 1960’s; piano-accordion from the 1950’s; assortment of hand percussion (rattles, gourds, tambourines, etc); chromatic harmonicas in several keys; flutes and whistles of several types (metal, stone, plastic, crystal, wood).
The criteria for the collection is simple: The instrument must be in playable condition or reasonably repairable; and it must be an instrument that I can play or learn.
Just my kind of collection, @Yetanotheruser. If you were within my immediate sphere of influence, you would probably have twice as many. I can find anything, and oddities jump out at me.
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