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Kardamom's avatar

What healthy food are you going to make this week?

Asked by Kardamom (33637points) March 8th, 2014

It could be a Pinterest recipe that you’ve been saving, or it could be an old favorite that you haven’t had in awhile. Why are you making it? Have you been eating junk food all week? Are you turning over a new leaf and trying to live a healthier life, overall? Are you tired of feeling sick and tired all the time? Or did you finally find something healthy that actually sounds good to you? What are you making?

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16 Answers

Kardamom's avatar

I bought potato chips from a gas station the other night. That’s not something I usually do. I usually eat pretty healthy. I haven’t had much time to cook this week, so I’ve been eating more frozen stuff than usual, so now I’m ready to go into the kitchen and make some things to eat this weekend and to take to work next week. Not sure what I’m going to make, but I’ve got some mushrooms, some cabbage, some broccoli and some Brussels sprouts in my fridge. I’ll probably make some type of soup, or maybe some slaw.

Coloma's avatar

I have no idea yet. haha
I have been off the healthy wagon this week, must climb back on.

SavoirFaire's avatar

My wife and I made a giant pot of chili the other night, and we’ll be eating it every other day all week. We do this every month or two, mostly because we love chili. It’s also a great way to gorge on beans and vegetables!

Cupcake's avatar

The place where I work now offers an indoor farmers market weekly. I bought 2 lbs of local, organic, grass-fed beef, as well as local, organic carrots, onions, garlic and potatoes. I’m making a pot roast (for the first time ever) with baked yellow potatoes for dinner.

The house smells delicious.

Cruiser's avatar

I made a low salt 100% vegetarian soup last night and experimented with eggwhite and avocado dumplings that came out really good. Tonight I will be poaching lean chicken breasts with a killer greens and nuts salad. Then Cheetos and Chocolate ice-cream during the movie tonight! Yum!

rockfan's avatar

I made a lentil and quinoa chili yesterday for my family, it turned out really good. Tomorrow I’m making a beet, fennel, and apple soup.

hearkat's avatar

I bought an organic grass-fed beef tongue yesterday, my sweetie is planning to use it for corned beef. Today, we’re making cast iron mac and cheese with the newest cheese creation from the organic cheese farm (where I also bought the tongue). We’re planning to incorporate some spinach I got from our other farm last week, but haven’t decided how. His roast for tomorrow will be a lamb shoulder roast from the half lamb we bought from another local farm. I’m not sure what veggies he has planned to go with that.

The only downside to winter is the lack of local produce. We’ve already signed up for two CSAs and are looking forward to spring!

Cruiser's avatar

@hearkat How do you like the CSA? I have been toying with signing up to one but read that some people say you really need to like a lot of veggies or otherwise they can be in a way wasteful??

marinelife's avatar

I am planning to make chicken enchiladas.

hearkat's avatar

@Cruiser – I’m going to start a new Question on the topic, so as not to derail this one.

Blackberry's avatar

The classic: chicken, rice, vegetables.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Depends on what you consider healthy. Slow cooker pulled turkey sandwiches will make up our Wednesday and Thursday dinners.

Aster's avatar

I slice one zucchini, one yellow squash and one red onion then put all that into a bowl. I pour a lot of olive oil, s&p and garlic powder and stir. Then I spread it in one layer on a cookie sheet and bake half an hour at 400 degrees. I mix it all in with a cup of couscous I made before I began the slicing. It makes 4 servings but I eat the entire thing. lol

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filmfann's avatar

Serves 2 to 4

32 oz. good chicken stock
½ to 1 Chicken Breast – cut bite size
⅔ pkg. Udon Noodles*
6 to 8 cloves of garlic depending on size – chopped fine
3 or 4 green onions or ½ yellow or red onion – chopped
¼ Tsp. Black Pepper (Laura’s preference)
or 1¼ teaspoon Black Pepper (standard)
1 shake of Tabasco Sauce
½ tsp. Herbs de Provence**

Fry the chicken in a small amount of olive oil until lightly brown. (I fry it in the soup pan I will serve in)
Place the Chicken Broth in the soup pan and bring it to a light boil. Add the Herbs de Provence.
Add the garlic (I use a garlic press for a perfect consistency), onions, pepper and Tabasco Sauce and cook for 30 minutes at a slow simmer.
Bring the heat back up and throw the noodles into the broth. Cook the noodles per the cooking time listed on the package.
Distribute the noodles evenly in serving bowls. Pour broth over them until they are just about covered. Serve hot.
The original Fireside Noodles always used green onions. They were used to add color. It makes little difference in taste.

*Udon Noodles either flat or round work best, but Raman Noodles are okay and I have even used Spaghetti with good results. Rice noodles would be good. Experiment.

** Savory, Rosemary, Thyme, Basil, Marjoram & (optional) Lavender

Kardamom's avatar

@filmfann I love Asian noodles and I love garlic!

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