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talljasperman's avatar

Have you ever skipped a lot of school/work and still manage to succeed in life?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) March 9th, 2014

I found out that their was a no fail policy in my junior high and I skipped 88 days of school in grade 7. I had played NES Nintendo from dusk to dawn and was too tired to go to school so I got dressed and waited for the school bus and then walked back in the back door with my key and went back to sleep. Maybe if I hadn’t skipped so much school I would know the difference between their and there. I checked out in junior and high school until the last year and I did all my old homework assignments and read the Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms series and made it to Camrose Lutheran university with 1% to spare 60% average minimum. I’m feeling better on Fluther because I get to write as practice for the school I missed.

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20 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I barely did any 5 day weeks in 10th grade. I never skipped a class when I was already at school, but I skipped a lot of days that school year. I would never have skipped if school started later. I was just exhausted.

JLeslie's avatar

I never skipped work as an adult. As a teen I did it twice. I called in sick when I was not sick. I also never skipped any college classes ever. I missed maybe two being extremely ill. One I actually drove to class and handed in my paper and then left class. The prif said I could have just called and let him know I was sick and hand it in next class, but I didn’t even think to do it.

johnpowell's avatar

I missed 8th and 9th grade. My mom was kinda into speed and didn’t care. She was gone and gave me 20 bucks a week for food. Freezer pizzas and tater tots! I was able to walk into the 10th grade without any real issue. I am super smart or our schools are shit.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

What the fuck makes you think shirking your work will help you succeed. Get off your ass and help yourself.

hearkat's avatar

I was a classic underachiever through High School, and relied on my intellect and test-taking skills to get by. I had to go to summer school for failing freshman English and again for failing Junior History. I was barely there for Junior year in the physical sense, and was definitely not there mentally. My class ranking was somewhere in the middle, but I had good SAT scores. I did better in college, because it was paying for it and because most of the classes were interesting.

Grad school was a different story – I started classes on Monday and found out I was pregnant on Wednesday. The last final of the spring semester was on Monday, and I gave birth to my son that Saturday. So I was pregnant for the first year and had an infant for the second year, and did not perform at my best academically. My professors were very gracious and helpful.

I got my degree over 20 years ago and still love my vocation. Have I succeeded in life? It depends on how you measure success. I live a fairly comfortable lifestyle and I am happy. I am absolutely certain that I could have made more money and earned accolades in my profession had I chosen an aggressive career path, but I chose to be devoted to raising my son and finding my own happiness after a tough childhood. I do not regret the path I’ve taken.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The old saying of, “You snooze, you lose,” still is strong statement for skipping anything.

ibstubro's avatar

I don’t get your question, 100%?

You blew off Jr. & Sr. High, but managed to still get into Camrose Lutheran University and wonder if you have a future?

Does that cover it, or did I miss the mark?

talljasperman's avatar

@ibstubro No… I’m trying to find my passion… apparently it is reading and telling stories. I won my freedom… it is taking longer than most people but I’m getting there.

ibstubro's avatar

@talljasperman you are certainly your own worst enemy. Most of us are. I think you need to widen your world. Experience new things. You need to see new vistas.

talljasperman's avatar

@ibstubro I avoid my neighbours. I prefer to write it in instead of partying.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Well, beings as I’m still in college I can’t say, but I do tend to skip a lot. Mostly because I find it to be a boring waste of time, and gas money, but my grades are still good. That said I almost never call out of work. I need to be violently ill to even consider it. I do believe I have really good work ethic, I just need to believe what I’m doing serves some purpose otherwise I blow it off.

@talljasperman just because you avoid your neighbors(I do like the plague) doesn’t mean you can’t get out and experience new things. Go out to some nature reserves or something. You’ll be alone and it may even give you some inspiration for writing.

@johnpowell probably a bit of both. I somehow managed to graduate in the top 5% in highschool even though I rarely attended the last two years.

Mimishu1995's avatar

No, and I guess I’ll never skip school!

I have established a discipline for myself, so of course there’s no such word as “skip school” in my dictionary (though I admit some classes can get boring sometimes :p)

One of my friends has begun to skip school since the age of 17. She still manages to have a decent knowledge since she was a very good student. But of course her knowledge can’t match mine (because she skip school) and she won’t be able to keep her “good student” position for long.

dxs's avatar

Guess who didn’t turn in a rough draft for an essay last Thursday? This guy!
Guess who’s still (barely) passing writing class? This guy!

LornaLove's avatar

I missed so much school due to travelling. We moved constantly from town to town and from country to country. I did manage to pass though and yes succeed. I have huge holes in my education though and can come across as quite thick because of it. (Basic maths and english being the worse to deal with). Although battling with simple things like times-tables etc., I studied calculus at university level and manged. (Strange).

tedibear's avatar

I skipped one day of school in my senior year of high school, and that was the unofficially designated Senior Skip Day. I went to school but blew off my classes in favor of hanging out in the choir room. I went to Spanish and French that day because I liked those, but otherwise, nope, never skipped in middle or high school. There were a couple of times I blew off a class in college, but those were extremely rare. Maybe once a year I might have said to heck with it.

Aster's avatar

I skipped one day in high school. My best friend and I went to a park and just talked with a few friends. Then Carol and I got to ride in the back of a police car to the school and joked with those two guys up front.
Glad I did it. Once. lol

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Aster To tell the truth, I did skip one day in university last year :p This was the first (and only) time I violated my own rule, because I just couldn’t stand the teacher: he didn’t teach anything and all he did was just shout around at every singe fault we made, even the smallest and most trivial.

Pachy's avatar

I procrastinated and skipped a LOT of homework and still managed to have what I consider a successful career. But now, for reasons related to both my work and non-work life, I truly wish I had been a worked harder in school.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Starting in 7th grade I blew off school so much that I’m amazed that I didn’t get in trouble for truancy. And I dropped out once I turned 16. I’ve done alright though. I may not have as much wealth as some people I know, but I’m happy with my life. That’s success to me.

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