Who wants to play TJBM game, The Jelly Below Me, #55?
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
“The Jelly below me drinks coffee all darned day.”
The response might be:
“False! Coffee makes me cough.”
“True! My coffee bill is higher than my porn bill.”
Then they might state:
“The Jelly below me has blond hair.”
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Tradition now suggests that a jelly re-start the question when we reach about 500 responses. Hopefully almost all the Jellies will join in.
Observing members:
Composing members:
503 Answers
TJBM still wants to participate in this game although they know it’s a clone.
True- only virgins avoid later versions. ;-)
TJBM admires the courage of Malala Yousafzai.
I used to read about her. She’s awesome!
TJBM is going to post a question.
I’m in I’m out, I’m in again. My life has revved right up to the maximum. I’ll participate when I can.
TJBM always reads up about the ecosystem when they move into a new area.
Not something I really care about…
TJBM has a photographic memory!
I do, and it’s extremely accurate for years after seeing something.
TJBM hates having insomnia.
@GloPro You’re my idol!
Of course, who wants it? But sometimes I have it :/
TJBM sometimes expresses their thought/feeling here in the form of a question.
True, it’s called projection. haha
TJBM can’t drive 55.
Especially not on the Lincoln highway!
TJBM is interested in historic highways (US or other).
True. Historic State Hwy. 49 runs through my community.
TJBM has traveled historic route 66.
I used to travel a portion of it outside Chicago before it was historical. That segment is now I-55. My 14-y-o daughter wants to take a road trip from Santa Monica to Chicago (or vice versa, we have relatives at both ends) along the historic route.
TJBM is looking forward to an extensive road trip.
False. Not since 2006 when I traveled the southwest for 2 weeks. Nevada, Az.,Utah, Colorado, and N.M.
TJBM has been to Angelfire N.M. I love it there!
(I had a great response all typed up and my signal took a crap)
TJBM has crush on one person.
sigh I have a crush on no one at the moment. I’d love to be in a relationship but I don’t feel a spark with anybody right now. I think my walls are a bit high.
TJBM isn’t shy, but is stand-offish.
Nah..I’m an extrovert and stand up comic at heart, I am only quiet when surrounded by dull blades. lol
TJBM is bold and asks for what they want.
Well…sometimes. Depends on how badly I want it.
TJBM will share what music they are listening to.
Theme song from the Monkeeys.
TJBM has a song stuck in their head.
Ripple by The Grateful Dead. It’s long been one of my very favorite songs, both to hear and to perform. I am listening to it on Pandora® and I know it will stay with me for the rest of the day.
TJBM has an all-time favorite song.
Yeah, but I changes frequently!
TJBM likes the time change and hates it too.
What time it is isn’t relevant to me either way.
TJBM wishes health care was realistically affordable and someone capped what doctors, hospitals, drug manufacturers and insurance companies can charge.
I do.
TJBM is grateful that they can afford insurance.
False, because I can’t right now after years of good coverage. Pffft!
TJBM thinks our system stinks.
Some of it does.
TJBM thinks it’s poor form to start calling people names just because they don’t agree with what you’re saying.
True…but one can certainly call a spade a spade on occasion. haha
TJBM loves KFC Cole Slaw.
No, no, and hell no, I hate Cole Slaw.
TJBM gets pissed when someone refers to them as a Flutheronian.
KFC’s coleslaw is the ONLY coleslaw I like!
False. One can call me that, Flutheronion, Flutherbroccoli, or Fluther<any vegetable name>.
TJBM has hiked to an elevation of over 10,000 feet.
TJBM sleeps upside down.
How…would one even do that?
TJBM ponders on the fact that there is no up or down in space.
I do. I think that terrestrial astronauts generally maintain their standard vertical orientation, but it seems that visitors to our stellar system could very well see Earth with Antarctica on top, etc.
TJBM thinks that those who run with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain are one or more of the following:
1. Idiots
2. Fun-loving
3. Suicidal
4. In shape
5. Masochistic
6. Unconcerned with animal welfare.
1, 3, 5, 6.
TJBM saw their favorite guitarist live and is crazier than ever
@this_velvet_glove_again Those are also my choices.
I saw one of them last October- Jeff Beck. Even though he’s pushing 70, he’s still at his peak!
My favorite guitarist is Johnny Winter. I can’t attest to his mental state, but he seems to be at Death’s door.
TJBM has been the recipient of another person’s private revelation that they’re gay or bisexual.
Is so, how did you react?
False, other than my goose going through a trans-gander shift from female to male years ago. lol
TJBM has miss-sexed a pet before.
Do that all the time, I can’t tell a female sea gull from a male one.
TFBM TJBM will never go sky diving because they think it is idiotic to jump out of a perfectly good airplane.
TRBM TJBM will never bungie jump either.
True, but..I LOVE going up in hot air balloons…up,up and awaaaay!
The best “high” in the world!
TJBM has gone ballooning.
TJBM doesn’t know what the kid is saying.
What kid?
TJBM considers themselves lucky.
Not anymore, once upon a long roll of prosperity. lol
TJBM does not want to live more than another 15 years tops.
False. Got grandkids yet to be born I want to see grow up!
The Jelly below me is trying not to make the game hit a dead-end.
Possibly. Ask me in another 14½ years, @Coloma. lol
TJBM hates mice worse than snakes.
False. I love little rodents. I kept a baby Roof Rat once ( Black Rat ) and 2 Deer mice, Jack & Lily. They were precious little guys.
TJBM knows what an RTU is.
I sure do. RTU=Rodent Tasting Uterus.
TJBM remembers correctly what IIRC stands for. ;-)
No…what the heck is that?
Heh! Rodent trauma unit. I am an expert at saving rodents from cats. lol
TJBM thinks @Brian1946 has a good sense of humor.
Totally agree. An full of surprise too. I can never see what his next move will be.
TJBM want to see @Brian1946‘s super surprising next move!
True. You’re on stage Brian…don’t disappoint us.
TJBM is good at public speaking.
Oh no. Am not!
TJBM is reliving the Caylee Anthony story. And thinking about frizzers. :(
TJBM is sad about some news they recently heard
I heard a bad news, but just a little upset, not sad.
TJBM want to play.
I love to play. I borrow other people’s children.
TJBM wishes someone would borrow his/her children.
False, I don’t have any
TJBM is glad to be back!
No. I’m always here.
TJBM can use the computer 24/24.
False…but I usually have my smartphone with me xD
TJBM suffers from insomnia
TJBM knows what to wish for if given 3 wishes.
Sex, drugs and rock & roll?
TJBM would wish for the same thing.
A little different. I do wish for sex, but not drugs and rock & roll, video games and being a complete genius instead.
TJBM is some kind of animal.
Are we still talking about sex? True, I think…
TJBM has a very rare blood type.
Hardboiled-detective-who-wants-to-keep-peace-only-to-be-doomed-themselves blood type. Does it count?
TJBM has unusual hobbies.
@Wilky May It’s great to see you back!
If messing up people’s names and making asinine comments can be considered hobbies, then my answer is true!
TJBM has never danced the twist, mashed potato, funky chicken, or the boogaloo.
True. Never danced any of those. I did the Electric Slide once and I looked GOOD doing it.
TJBM has body surfed on the shores of both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
I’ve body surfed the waves of the Pacific Ocean and I surfed on a body I found floating near the mouth of the East River ;-D
If TJBM could go back in time to June 1, 1993, they’d spike Pattie Mallette’s morning coffee with a major dose of birth control. ;-)
I’m up for spiking anyone with anything.
TJBM is going to marry Michael Lee.
Freaking true. I am going to marry him so hard.
TJBM talks to themself.
I talk to the dog a lot. And drivers in other cars, and I rehearse the way conversations should go with the imaginary versions of people I should be having them with. But talking to yourself is just silly ;-)
@AshLeigh Is this new news about Mr.Lee, or are you just celebrating the thought all over again?
TJBM sometimes hears the echos of TV or radio that was on earlier when everything is TOO quiet late at night.
Not really… But I have a fan on at night, so it’s never too quiet.
@GloPro, it’s not real news. He’s just this sexy man, who happens to be a very talented spoken word artist. I would marry the shit out of him though.
TJBM likes spoken word poetry.
I haven’t had the pleasure of a good poetry slam session in awhile. I think I’ll seek one out.
TJBM can actually write a good poem.
I like to think so… I think I’ve written some good things, and some things that are just crap.
Dude. I live in a small town in Alaska. I just watch them on YouTube… Every day.
TJBM lives in a small town.
not quite
TJBM has eaten some cuy.
Not that I am aware of, sounds disgusting whatever it is. lol
TJBM will tell me what “Cuy” is.
Short for “Cute Guy.”
TJBM just makes shit up sometimes.
Sosmetimes. I just makes it up! and its fur real!
TJBM is in a silly mood.
Yep, but i’m weird no matter what.
TJBM is brain dead.
depends on day
TJBM is having chitlings and lutefisk for dinner.
Nope, maybe Tripe or Haggis.
TJBM is a foodie.
Very much so. Meat? I love it! Veggies? I love ‘em! Meat products in a tube? Can’t get enough. Liver? Pass me the pâté! Tripe? Chitterlings? Tried ‘em, not too fond of them.
TJBM likes exotic sausage.
Why does it always come back to sex and NSFW? Yeah, I like exotic sausage! Just kidding, I do like jalapeño cheddar elk sausage. Homemade and fresh caught.
TJBM has his/her mind in the gutter.
That would sometimes be a step up.
TJAM TJBM would like to join me in the gutter.
Nah…my teeth are too white. lol
TJBM has pretty teeth.
Just the fangs.
TJBM is an astronaut.
A cerebral astronaut yes, my mind is lost in space a lot of the time. lol
TJBM is going out now for the rest of the day. toodles
I will be in about 6 hours.
TJBM knows the difference between a vibrant business and a vibrator business.
I think so?
TJBM wants a new amp.
TJBM dances in the nude.
Only when the music is up and the curtains are closed! LOL
TJBM will try anything once!
TFBM TJBM thinks this thread will top 175 responses before TJBM #?? breaks out and distracts people.
Pretty much.
TJBM is sleepy…. zzz…zzz…
Not really but my allergies are making me feel extremely out of it.
TJBM is having a beer at the end of their day. Well, almost the end, still have the dinner ritual to do, pffft. lol
Martin-EYE extra dry.
TJBM can make more than 25 cocktails from their memory.
Yep. And I would love one of each right now… Headed out on a first date and I have the jitters.
TJBM is glad they don’t have to suffer through first dates anymore.
Just did that a few weeks ago, the guy had the personality of a dirt clod.
I should have known, creative bohemian and dull State Analyst, not a match. I did all the heavy lifting to keep the conversation going, AND….I held open the door for him TWICE and picked up his dropped napkin and he never said “Thank You.” WTF!
Why do I always have to be the guy disguised as a petite blonde? lol
Okay, rant over
TJBM hates people that cannot make and sustain eye contact.
I think I have a creepy stare or something, I’ve been told my eye contact is intimidating. I touch and go on the eye contact… No long gazes.
The first date was OK. I don’t feel a spark but I had a good time. We’re gonna go out again just to see. No goodnight kisses…
TJBM intimidates people, but not on purpose.
Well, sometimes…
TJBM loves to make a lot of friends :)
Well… No, not really.
TJBM wants to listen to that awesome album again (but has to go to work/school instead and is like grrr)
What album?
TJBM has seen a unicorn in real life.
(the one you consider awesome and want to listen to again and again :)
Yes, his name was Ben and he had lost his bike :(
TJBM has met Elvis.
What Elvis? I know no Elvis :)
TJBM can think of a horror story featuring potatoes.
A mother thought her child was made of potatoes and she fried him. not even close
TJBM can think of a really terrifying story featuring a pink blanket.
A month ago my mom bought me a really beautiful pink blanket. I really loved it and I slept with it every night. It was only yesterday that I knew the reason why it was pink: it originally had a different color, and someone once used it to cover a child from behind and brutally beat him, so it was filled with blood. To cover the murder up, the killer dipped it in pink paint and threw it away. Somehow it found it way to the market and mom saw it.
I’m writing this story in my dead row, because I was found guilty of the murder of a 6-year-old child, thanks to that blanket. Goodbye, cruel world. I’m going to the electric chair tomorrow!
TJBM is fearful of me after reading this story.
No, I’d like another one :D
TJBM is annoying their neighbors.
I don’t have neighbors within sight, so it’s hard to annoy, or be annoyed by, them. False.
TJBM has kept something really odd in their freezer before.
You mean like body parts kind of odd? No, nothing unusual….just stuff from the grocery store.
TJBM has been hypnotized at least once or would like to try it someday if they haven’t already.
No, and never will.
TJBM is getting more and more
once when I was a little girl I caught a baby snake and ran home to show my mom. It was a copperhead. My mom freaked, understandably. We opened the freezer door, threw the snake in and left it to freeze to death. I took him to show and tell that week. Top that, classmates!
The only reason I’m dizzy is because I woke up and stayed in a zombie state just long enough to drive my neighbor to her car. I’m waiting on her now…
TJBM has a great symbiotic relationship with the neighbor.
No, we’re not that close.
TJBM wants a life of Robinson Crusoe.
only on tv
TJBM can’t find a mate.
True, but I’m not really looking either. I cave and go on a date about once a year and then return to obscurity. lol Too much work, too much bullshit meet and greet stuff, gah, I hate dating!
TJBM hates the meet & greet crap.
Nah, I usually kind of like the meet and greet crap. Once in a while I’ll get on a roll and entertain an entire group of strangers with some wild tale. lol
TJBM still has a favorite Sesame Street character.
Of course! It’s Cookie Monster!
TJBM still loves to watch Sesame Street as well as other “kid” shows.
I was too grown for Sesame Street whe it first came out, so I had to regress to it later. On my daughter’s second birthday the feature letter and number were her first initial, and the number 2, so I recorded that. It was pretty weird timing, but she wasn’t impressed. She already thought the world revolved around her. The only current kid show I get a kick out of is Dinosaur Train.
TJBM knows that really the world revolves around them.
False xD
TJBM loves jam tarts! <3
Yuck. But I love jam bands.
TJBM finds free live music to go to.
I find some from time to time, but mostly they’re not any good.
TJBM can blow a car!
False. Sorry mom, that really was a hickey on my neck.
TJBM measures up.
No, I measures down.
TJBM is want to hit someone.
Well, I’m hopping on my motorcycle for a 60 mile ride to Reno, highways included, so NO, I do not want to hit anyone!
TJBM likes slow, windy back roads and lazy day driving.
Absolutely, why I live in the Sierra foothills, almost every road is windy and beautiful.
TJBM has wicked allergies today.
Since I’m from New England, that sentence makes no sense to me: improper use of the word “wicked”.
Speaking of allergies, though, I’m coming down with a cold.
The Jelly below me feels run down.
Do you mean do I feel like my get-up-and-go just got-up-and-went? Actually, just the opposite. I started a supplement regimen several days ago that seems to be kicking in and providing me with more energy.
TJBM takes dietary supplements.
Nope. I get my nutrition from smart eating.
TJBM donated blood today.
False, but I did about a month ago. I donate to “Stem Express” a very cool research company and I am one of their favorite donor comediennes. lol
@dxs Screw context, haha…my allergies are “wicked”, as in evil and nasty.
TJBM has a poison apple they are saving for a wicked queen.
MWAA-HAA-HAA I’ll never tell!
TJBM is finally getting some prep work done in the garden.
not yet
TJBM can drive on the freeway by faith alone.
Not anymore- I have a seizure disorder. :0(
TJBM loves to go on trips with no destination planned.
I love that, yaaaay :)
TJBM is wondering if that someone is thinking about them.
I have social anxiety problems, so I guess so.
The Jelly below me feels like shit on a spit.
@Coloma No! No! “Wicked” is an adverb!!
Not at the moment but I have had those moments in the past.
TJBM thinks there is a conspiracy involved with the Malaysian Airlines 777 jet that went missing recently.
I have no idea, a mystery for sure.
TJBM has a theory on that missing flight.
Stupid theory: The plane has been captured by aliens!
Make-more-sense theory: the plane may have been sucked by a wormhole (or any other time travel bullshit) and now is at another time period :p
Scary theory: the missing plane incident is part of an experiment conducted by the CIA with the help of Malaysia (no wonder why the US left so soon and Malaysia denied so many possibilities).
TJBM has some more theories.
Bermuda triangle of Malaysia?
TJBM has flown across the ocean for 12 hours or more.
No, only 1 hour, on the beach.
TJBM has seen a piece of the missing plane while swimming.
@Mimishu1995 intercepted it for her own dark purposes, explaining why she points an accusitory finger in so many directions away from herself! LOL!
More likely, stolen, diverted, but then crashed before an accurate position could be given.
My heart goes out to all the families, may they find peace.
TJBM thinks I should have invited myself next door when I smelled fish on their grill.
@Jonesn4burgers I’m a bitch on the inside :D
No way! That’s my fish!
But seriously there’s a friend of mine who always expects to be invited whenever she smells good food. She gets very angry if others just eat without her. Nonetheless, she wants to lose weight and always complains about how slowly she gets thinner. Well, that’s going to be a loooong quest for her…
TJBM can’t stop eating and hates exercise despite wanting to lose weight.
TJBM has to go now to watch “Mysteries at the Museum.”
????????????????????????? Sounds cool. Must be cable. I haven’t done cable in years.
TJBM will tell their favorite type of museum. (I enjoy art, but when it comes to museums I lean more toward science. I would like to see the spy museum someday)
I really like the Pima Air & Space Museum between Phoenix and Tucson and the Arizona Science Center in Phoenix. (Yeah, I dig the technological stuff)
TJBM has never been to an Opera and will only go to one if they are dragged there kicking and screaming.
No, never been there. And about that dragging matter… I’m not sure.
TJBM is drunk…....hic….....hic…........hic….....
Nope. I have given up the drink until Easter.
TJBM is wondering how in the hell a teenager caused $4000 damage to her car yesterday hitting her parked car head on in a high school parking lot.
…..hic….because she was drunk….... like me?..... hic…...
TJBM….. wants….. a…....hic….... break…....hic
SERIOUSLY. You’d think I’d have better karma for giving up my blood. Geeze. Apparently a full parking lot is perfect for learning how to drive a stick shift. He told the cop he hit my grill going about 20mph accidentally popping the clutch and hitting the gas instead of the brakes. Imagine being a pint light on blood and walking out to find that mess. I was lucky to stay standing.
TJBM drinks wine coolers?
More…... hic….... wines? Suuuuure!
TJBM wants a…....... hic…....... wine paaaaarty!
not really
TJBM wants to see blood flowing from their faucets.
Um, no.
TJBM wants a new life.
True. A life filled with travel and seeing new things, meeting new people.
TJBM was Born to be Wild but settled for Quiet Life.
Very…. true…. hic….... I’m a wild animal! I’m ready…to….. eat everyone!
[Snap out of drunk cloud]
Err… what happened?
What the hell have I been writing?
TJBM would like to tell me what was going on while I was drunk :(
your w(h)ine party
TJBM wants to move to Somalia.
Hell no! I like green grass and trees and an alpine setting, not desert and dirt and war.
TJBM is a mountain person over an ocean person.
@reijinni Thanks. Luckily no one attended that stupid party…
No. I’m neither of those.
TJBM posts answers here mindlessly :(
I don’t over analyze it too much, but I try to think before I type. People don’t always get each other, though, and they never will.
@Coloma There are plenty of places you could have both… Or if you enjoy lakes you know where to go!
TJBM thinks they have a good sense of humor.
Yeah, sometimes I just crack myself up. But I’m not a nut-case.
TJBM is a nutcase.
True, but I’m a good nut!
TJBM has a case of nuts.
Yes, and I also have a crock of dials.
TJBM likes to occasionally post mindless stuff. ;-p
Gobble the wap in the morpsel yackit!
That is mindless enough for TJBM!
Quite. haha
TJBM wishes their boss would just die. lol
Not until I hit the link!
TJBM is…?
Sometimes he is and sometimes he isn’t.
TJBM subscribes to Netflix or Hulu or just grabs pirated movies right off the Internet.
I have Netflix but not streaming. I get 2 DVDs a week in the mail. Super fast. Practically overnight delivery from the return time.
TJBM went fishing today.
TJBM wants either a Bojangle’s or a Tim Hortons in their neighborhood.
Fuck no, I want to go back to my Walden Pond privacy, no neighbors within sight or sound.
TJBM is having a crab dinner.
I’ve heard that with the latest trends in grooming that there’s a crab shortage. No crabs at this table, anyway :-)
TJBM saw a beautiful sunset tonight.
No, but the sunrise was beautiful.
TJBM loves Peanut M&M’s.
Actually, I do.
TFBM TJBM is thinking everyone that post to this thread will eventually get at leas one lurve, OK some won’t get any, but they don’t know it yet.
I’m don’t look at other people’s lurve that much. Such a selfish answer. LURVE FOR ALL,—but I can’t lurve me, so I need some lurve too).
EDIT: holy crap I just gave almost 200 lurve.
TJBM knew that this is the year of the Horse.
Indeed I do!
TJBM would like a year of the seahorse.
Mmm…no, how about a year of the goose.
TJBM thinks they are getting sick.
Pretty much. Sick of schoolwork…
TJBM is bored.
No…hic. I’ve been drinking… hic. I think I’ll have a party…hic ;-p
TJBM thinks you jellies are hilarious.
Not you too @GloPro? Sorry, I forgot to clean up the mess I made while I was drunk…
If they weren’t hilarious, why would I stay here?
TJBM has a secret identity.
Several secret identities in fact. I could reveal them to you but then I’d have to kill you. I have a policy of not killing my fellow Jellies so the less you know, the better. =)
TJBM has felt an actual earthquake in progress.
Yes- the 6.7 magnitude Northridge earthquake, which was 20 years ago.
TJBM has been to court as a defendant or as a plaintiff.
Yes. I have been to court, as an audience.
TJBM loves attending courts.
As a spectator maybe but hopefully never for something that would directly involve me. And I sat on a jury, only once, for a short civil case. It was a little underwhelming but I’m still glad I got the experience to see firsthand how part of the justice system operates.
TJBM thinks nanotechnology can become seriously viable in the next 20 years.
How should I know? I can’t predict the future.
TJBM knows that some spammer jellies advertise in different languages other than English.
Of course, one can only speak in the language they know. haha
TJBM hates listening to other people blowing their noses.
No, not as long as they use a tissue or hanky, and do it in a discreet manner.
TJBM can name the last concert that they attended.
Other than some local music venues the last real concert was seeing the Grateful dead in S.F. in 1993 just before Jerry died.
TJBM is an old deadhead.
Not quite, although I have great respect for their historical contributions to independent music. I love Brown-Eyed Woman and their excellent cover of It’s All Over Now, Baby Blue.
TJBM occasionally uses Ctrl+F or F3, to search for text on a page.
Yes, Ctrl+F.
TJBM is politically active.
I vote, sometimes I get involved in discussions. I don’t campaign though.
TJBM would like to hold a political office, but not President.
Hell no….only if I could be President of my own island. lol
TJBM just made a deeelicious pasta salad for dinner later.
Nope. Papa John’s offered me a deal I couldn’t refuse. I had BBQ wings (not goose, I’m certain.), and cheese sticks. still trying to reach the rest of the sauce on my cheeks with my tongue.
TJBM can lick sauce from their eyebrows with their tongue.
How did sauce get in your eyebrows to begin with? I wouldn’t know, as I don’t tend to suck food out of my hair.
TJBM met 3 Sochi medalists today. Kick ass!
I didn’t get sauce in my eyebrows. TJBM CAN lick sauce from their eyebrows. I only licked it from my cheeks. I didn’t meet any medalists today. I did have an interesting visit though.
I visited with a number of people today. One might have been interesting?
TJBM has a favorite…um…toilet paper brand!
Whichever one clots my nosebleeds the fastest?
The Jelly below me currently has a Texas stubborn nose bleed that just won’t clot.
I haven’t had one of those in a long time. Have you put ice against it?
How is my question about licking eyebrows so hard? I asked it twice, and still didn’t get an answer.
TJBM likes to stick their face in their bath water and blow bubbles.
I don’t blow bubbles but I do like to stick my face in the hot bath water, yes.
TJBM bought new shoes today.
False. No new shoes for 3–4 days. lol
TJBM stuck their face in the warm bath water bubbles they were blowing today.
My tub is not bath worthy. I prefer hot tubs anyway.
TJBM is planning a lazy, cozy night in front of a fire.
Haha..no, it is still like 70 degrees here, I am HOT!
I am planning a cozy night watching a Netflix movie and nursing my crappy sinus headache.
TJBM is hot.
Like hot in the hot tub, blowing bubbles and licking my eyebrows.
TJBM cranks the car heater and rolls the windows down sometimes.
I miss my hot tub…bah, and tonight is a full moon.
TRUE… I’m always hungry xD
TJBM has had a looooong day
…and looooong night.
TJBM wants a job for the MAFIA :D
How much do they pay?
TJBM has sold their soul to the devil.
Many times. And fortunately no one knows that evil grin
TJBM is the devil :D
“Man creates both his God and his Devil in his own image. His God is himself at his best, and his Devil himself at his worst.”
Elbert Hubbard
Maybe a little then, huh?
TJBM collects something.
Used to. I collected trading cards and models of many kinds. Now I’m kind of bored of collecting, but I will, sometime, when there is something interesting enough to collect.
TJBM thinks @GloPro‘s avatar is totally badass!
Of course.
TJBM went to school with two people who are now in jail for murder.
Not that scary, but I went to school with two people who are now potential murderers. Haha!
TJBM believes in the alternative dimensions.
I do, actually. There are things we haven’t accessed yet. That said, I don’t change my behavior because the ghosts are watching. Sorry granny.
TJBM has had a friend murdered.
A friend? Haha! A lot. I create them and I kill them! speaking of writing mystery stories…
TJBM is a hoarder.
Opposite of a hoarder, actually. I’ve sold everything that wouldn’t fit in my car 3 or 4 times in my life. I will inherit my mom’s hoarded crap eventually, and I cannot wait to own 500 Beanie Babies, a thousand rubber stamps, a loom with a whole room full of yarn, and a pantry full of expired food from Costco.
The food I will send to @LuckyGuy
TJBM eats expired food without concern.
Very likely.
TJBM lives laughs loves :)
nope, I Just live and let die.
TJBM’s diet is mostly insects.
No. My daughter just found a garden snake in the basement, hiding out the winter. It’s FAT. I suppose that would explain why I haven’t had to clear any cobwebs all winter long. Our insect eater goes out tomorrow when temps hit 50.
TJBM would just have snake stew tonight if it were he/she.
No thanks, not into eating exotic animals. Bleh!
TJBM is still waking up with Folders in their cup.
nope, been woke for awhile.
TJBM will throw Oprah a welcome party when the arrive at hell.
False. A. There is no hell and B. I like Oprah.
TJBM just had their plans for today cancelled and now has no idea what they are going to do.
Anything I want!!! The lake is like glass, let’s go kayaking!
TJBM sometimes walks to the grocery store, the library, the post office, wherever.
Yep. Small town. Can walk anywhere!
TJBM is on a mission to buy a good, used 30 foot camper for $4000 or less.
Ooo, I’ll help you look if you let me take it to Burning Man.
TJBM has been or would like to go to Burning Man.
Haven’t been. Had a deal on an OLD but functioning RV north of Reno a couple of years ago, $4000. The guy backed out at the last minute, leaving me stranded and not paying back my $20. to put gas in it so I could see how well it runs. I was going to use it to move my stuff here. Everything had to change at the last minute. I hope the next man they burn is him.
TJBM knows a man they’d like to dance around while he burns.
I could say my ex husband, but nah..I am so over him, you know, the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. However….for being such an asshole in so many different ways, to so many people, the guy has managed to avoid any real hardships.
His time will come, it does for everyone.
TJBM’s time has come.
I found a 2006 for $4300…. waiting to hear back.
If it has I missed it.
TJBM found a camper for ONLY $106,000!!! wtf??!
Would not even consider it! I found many great deals in the RV sales flyer, found free in racks all over, like grocery stores, 7-eleven, etc.
TJBM would love a little afternoon tickle just now.
not really
TJBM could use a ‘Dr.’ Phil voodoo doll right about now.
No, because 1. I don’t know Dr. Phil and 2. Don’t know -> no grudge.
TJBM is interested in witchcraft.
False, but I am interested in crafty witches.
TJBM is a cannibal with a bone in their nose.
Not with any bone, but I’m a real cannibal! Everyday I savage and savour pigs, chickens, oxes, shrimps… oh, there are just too many!
TJBM eats a lot :p
TJBM will eat unusual food.
TJBM thinks unusual=exotic.
False. Unusual does not always =exotic.
TJBM will send good vibes for a new position I just applied for. Sounds great, now waiting for a response.
Vibes in Westwood already !
TJBM has favorite shirt.
No, but I have a favorite dress.
TJBM is in love?
Only with my pets. lol
TJBM likes Red Hots candies.
TJBM is on spring break?
TJBM is ruling out that the malayasian 370 has been stolen and the people are imprisoned.
Not ruling out anything at this time,,,I think it’s somewhere in a jungle somewhere.
TJBM has a theory about Malasian Air 370
I’m inclined to go with yours. ^^^
Either in the ocean or in the jungle, I doubt it is possible to hijack, hide and imprison 100’s of people and a giant airliner.
TJBM partied for St Pattys day yesterday.
Nope. My daughter insisted we dress our XBOX avitars in green. That’s it.
TJBM was around when MCD’s first started the shamrock shakes, and knows the ill effect they had before the change.
Yep, I was.
I was born about 10,000 years ago,/There ain’t nothin’ in this world I don’t know…
TJBM is fluthering rather than othering.
I am for a few minutes more.
TJBM has a naked philtrum! ;-o
Yup, I haven’t had a mustache in several years.
TJBM has one foot smaller than the other.
Yes, my left foot is wider than my right foot, my left breast is a little bigger than the right and my left eye is a weensey bit higher than the right. Us lefties…we graitate to the south. lol
TJBM is having a deeelicious little artisan dinner soon.
Nahh. Not really. Artisan seems like a word that marketers use to make food sound more appealing. I don’t even know what it means.
The Jelly below me reads people like a book.
It depends. I am able to mirror behavior and personality quite well in sales jobs. Reading people in personal relationships is a little harder for me.
TJBM reads actual books.
I do, but not as much as I did pre-internet.
TJBM remembers the ancient days of BC PC.
BC PC? What’s that crap?
TJBM only plays games with cool graphics.
Certainly, if the controls aren’t too crappy and the graphics aren’t too horrible.
The Uninvited, Deja Vu to name a few.
TJBM is nostagical
I have been know to be at one time or another.
TJBM thinks Apple computer technology is superior to PC computer technology.
No. I hate apple.
TJBM loves mexican food.
Not really. They’re too spicy, and I don’t like spicy food.
TJBM can eat a big chili!
Is that a giant vat of ice cream? Then I’m in.
TJBM loves chilis.
TJBM has had enough with chilis :)
Well then have the ice cream.
TJBM is lactose intolerant.
TJBM wants to live with Putin.
No, I want to live with Henry David Thoreau.
TJBM has their own Walden Pond.
On a small scale, without the pond…my garden is my retreat, no matter what the weather.
TJBM has been experiencing some freaky weather the last few weeks.
How about that spider rain last Sunday?
TJBM has no fear.
Very true. No winter in drought ridden CA.
Still at only half of average rain and snowfall. It is sunny, in the low 70’s and Sunday was pushing 80! Crazy! I am dreading a long, hot summer. Bah!
TJBM hates hot weather.
Usally I would say yes to that but this year no i’m so sick of this cold weather
Where are you sandal season
TJBM likes ice cream?
You bet! Coffee/mocha, rocky road, pistachio/maple nut and mint choc. chip and, and, and…
screw you for this!~ lol
TJBM is a hedonist at heart.
God yes, if it feels good do it! A lot.
TJBM has experienced decadence.
Oh yeah, if somethings good just kill me with it.
TJBM is craving something now.
I am craving the decadence of an a rich chocolate fudge brownie, oven-warm, with a scoop home-made vanilla-bean ice cream, topped in hot fudge, whipped cream, a cherry on top, all smeared sensuously on the body of my SO! Is that decadent enough for you?
TJBM thinks there is no such thing as too much of a good thing.
In many ways, true, short of Heroin. lol
TJBM smokes a little herb on occasion.
No, but I smoked enough to last a lifetime back in the day.
TJBM has grown out of something they used to do regularly.
True, dating, clubbing, gimme peace and serenity and freedom. lol
TJBM is bummed out because they got a dud Cantalope. Blech!
I’m bummed for you. Nothing worse than a Cantalope dude!
TJBM thinks the government owes them something.
Its getting caught up.
TJBM can tell me what spider rain means.
Raining Spiders
TJBM has had a similar experience, may be not with a bald head.
I like spiders, but it needs to be on my terms, not theirs.
TJBM wants an ice cream cone. What’s your favorite flavor?
Refer to my above post, too many favorites.
TJBM has seen the movie “The girl next door” based on true events of a sinister aunt that abused and murdered her 16 yr. old niece in the early 1960s.
No. I have my own copy of “The Little Girl Who Lived Down The Lane”, about a girl who poisoned her mother and pretended to be living with her father who was deceased. It was fiction.
TJBM would like to be having a July picnic right now, with corn in the cob, sweet plump tomatoes, fried chicken, homemade biscuits…...................
The food looks delicious but since we’ve been having lots of summer weather during our “winter”, I can wait another 12 months for the July part.
TJBM knows how to write font like this.
No. Nobody will tell me.
TJBM will tell me.
That I will.
Start and end the text line with an @, with no space between it and the adjacent character.
I find it useful for distinguishing an upper case I
from a lower case l
, and the number 1
from the previous two.
E.g.: Illegal vs. Illegal.
TJBM will write the first line of their reply in this font.
TJBM will show us their face, I’m in, Ashleighs in, Brians in. :-)
Can’t do it right now, but you’ll see the ol’ wizened pass by this time tomorrow. But ya gotta look fast…
TJBM will also show their face.
TJBM is excited that they know how to type like this now.
, I guess. I’m showing my daughter’s eyes today. Maybe tomorrow I switch for a little bit to my face.
TJBM agrees with my opinion that the picture looks like my daughter is reading their mind.
Apparently the mere presence of your post has him at a major loss for words, @Mimishu1995. ;-)
Mimishu1995 @if you read my post you’ll see I said ”...this time tomorrow.” You only gave me 10 hours, instead of 24
TJBM believes that
<this is my real face.
Mmmm…no, unless you have plastic skin.
TJBM is scared of men that look like Santa Claus.
No, but I do get a weird feeling. They look like Santa, you gotta love that, but Santa being a fictional guy, who do they look like?
TJBM will notice I already posted above, and an ongoing conversation left it utterly ignored. :(
@Jonesn4burgers Yes, I’ve noticed. Your daughter’s picture looks like she’s reading someone’s mind. I hope it’s not mine
TJBM believes that
<this is my real face.
Yes! :-)
TJBM has robbed a bank wearing a Nixon mask.
No! I am not a crook!
TJBM believes anyone who says “I am not a crook!”
No, I don’t.
I hope it is really your face. It looks like a very pleasant, happy face.
TJBM is sneaking out of work today.
Nope. I am following up on a job fair I attended last night.
TJBM has been the victim of a crime.
good luck on the job hunt!
Not directly, but I think I was kind of a victim when this happened.
TJBM has been the perpetrator of a crime.
Only speeding on occasion.
TJBM drives like Mario Andretti.
This jelly used to drive like Mario Andretti. I’ve been over 120 MPH and I bent a lot of sheet .metal in my youth. I’m much more careful now.
TJBM knows what it’s like to regain consciousness hanging from the seatbelts.
No, but I know what it’s like to jump off a cliff to avoid being run over by an airborn Jeep on a mountain trail, and I know what it is like to be alive after having a car flip off a road and roll right over the place I had been camping the night before. 0–0
TJBM can jump like a Willys in 4 wheeh drive.
nope, can’t say that I can.
TJBM has a poster of Kim Jong-Un somewhere in their room.
No, but I do have one of his uncle, Menta Lee Il.
TJBM has a computer that’s still running on Windows 6. ;-)
How about my desktop?
TJBM wanted to have fun here but was held up by some annoying computer system errors a while ago.
Nah, I was stuck working on boring work stuff. No fun what so ever.
TJBM really likes other cultures.
If I didn’t why was I still here?
TJBM wants to go to other countries.
True- I’d like to go back to Nepal and fly around Chomolungma.
TJBM knows who Chomolungma is.
False, sounds like a disease. The dreaded chomo lung.
TJBM had a nce day and is going to bed now.
Yes. I’m going to bed in a few minutes. And wait, what is a “nce” day? “Not certainly exciting”? Yeah, today’s a bit boring.
TJBM has fallen asleep…
Not yet, but I’m getting there.
TJBM will say “Goodnight,” Gracie!
Ok. “Goodnight,” Glacie!
TJBM is in dream world.
No, he’s currently in the real world, at work, and keeping democracy safe.
TJBM would visit outer space if given the opportunity for a free ride out there and back.
In a heartbeat, yes!
TJBM is looking for a new job because they hate their job.
Well, sure, why not? I would have to not plan anything for after, because it would likely end my life, but what a way to go, distancing myself from all that is, was, ever will be me, and all things to do with my existence. Kind of like being regurgitated from my source.
TJBM would like their life to end at home, peacefully.
TJBM loves their home
I do. Too bad it’s being torn down in September. I could live here forever.
TJBM thinks eminent domain is bullshit.
Often it is, agreed. There are times though when I have seen property owned by someone who will not occupy, develope, or sell. It is times like that when it can be useful. I’m sorry you are losing your home.
TJBM is curious about my new avatar and will go to my profile page to read about it. (Long read.)
@Coloma, How did you jump ahead of me on the space question? I didn’t even see that anyone else was here at the time! (Buddy just visited again.)
Cool. Gotta love the Buddies! I lost some of my Buddies because the tree they used to live in died and had to be removed. I got a lot of firewood, though!
TJBM is doing spring things today
yeah, freezing
TJBM is still frozen.
Window wide open, little green babies basking in pots under the sun in the back yard!
TJBM has babies wanting new room to stretch their roots.
No babies yet, but got some seeds going into the soil in the next few days.
TJBM is aware that this is the Spring Solstice
Now I am.
TJBM is coping with green pollen everywhere. aaaaach0000000!
@Mimishu1995 beat me to it- GoodNight Gracie!
Nope- luckily I don’t have any allergies.
TJBM is allergic to most things.
No, not allergic to most things.
TJBM understands my reference above to say “goodnight,” Gracie!
Old George Burns?
TJBM just blew their healthy eating for the day. Hey…it;s not my fault, I was GIVEN Lemon Merangue Pie!
Nope. I have diabetes so I eat healthy every day and never stray far from my restricted diet. It sucks.
TJBM donates to at least one charity several times a year.
Used to. The tables have turned.
TJBM has been turning tables, and chairs, and, “Where the heck is good for the t.v.?”
My tables have turned too, bah humbug, most of my tables are in storage now. lol
TJBM has lots of cool stuff in storage.
How about my bad-grade-exam-papers-which-are-carefully-hidden-in-my-attic-and-blend-with-other-throwaway-papers-which-are-all-ready-to-be-sold-to-the-local-recycling-man?
TJBM used to get bad marks and had some creative way to hide them from everyone.
Nope. Grade A book smarts all the way through. Doesn’t mean I am as proficient at application.
TJBM worries that people will eventually figure out how stupid they are.
Nope, because I’ve already established my foolishness since the day I first joined :)
TJBM is an all-A!
Heck no….I’m A+ all the way.
TJBM is an F-
Hmmm, grace is proven in accepting criticism. F-, bring it on. I’m willing to fight for my reputation.
TJBM doesn’t want to figure out the world’s divisions.
Why should I lose sleep over such silliness?
TJBM is very carefree :)
Away from work, yes, I can be very carefree much of the time.
TJBM has been to Las Vegas and gambled on several occasions.
No. I have had enough of all those gambling games at home.
TJBM doesn’t exist.
Today I do. I don’t know what tomorrow has in store.
TJBM fell off of the wagon last night. I’m pretty sure it ran me over.
People still use wagons?
TJBM fell off a car last night.
Haha, no, no car. It was definitely the wagon.
it’s a figure of speech used to indicate I was sober for a period of time, then I went out and got drunk.
TJBM thinks American slang phrases are silly.
I am a teenager, I use all that kind of speech.
TJBM loves to say dear purple unicorn.
Dear puple unicorn!
TJBM sometimes speaks mindlessly.
Rolling, rolling, in the grass, blow bubbles to the wind and scratch my
What were we talking about?
TJBM loves rolling in the grass, but hates the chiggers.
<<My dog loves rolling in the grass. I prefer the hay.
TJBM is ready for a roll in the hay.
Ahhhhhh, for the return of times gone by!
TJBM would rather roll their grass than roll in the grass.
No. Let the cows do it themselves.
TJBM hates animals.
I love Animal(Muppet). He’s crazy!
TJBM thinks Kermit and Miss Piggy make a cute couple.
TJBM is addicted to the Muppet.
I like Wayne’s World version best of all.
TJBM likes pointless humor movies like Wayne’s World and Dumb and Dumber.
TJBM is a self-genius!
I like to think so at times. haha
TJBM is in a league if their own.
Yes. The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen!
TJBM is too-much-coffee’ed.
TJBM is ready to go into orbit, without a ship.
TJBM is ready to milk a sow.
No, no livestock here. I
TJBM is curious about sow’s milk.
Not in the least. I’m not a milk fan in general, only with the occasional cookies.
I think drinking milk with a meal is repulsive. haha
TJBM will tell us what repulses them.
Vomit repulses me. Both the odor of it and the sound of someone going through the motions of regurgitating is completely nasty.
TJBM is planning on seeing a movie over the weekend.
I’m not. I’m planning on seeing a baby. Caleb was born today! :)
TJBM will tell us about a scar they have.
I have a semi-circular smallpox-vaccination scar on my left arm.
TJBM thinks that puppies and kittens are:
a. not as cute as,
b. as cute as,
c. or cuter than human babies.
Puppies are all cute. I can’t say the same for humans.
TJBM has a piggy bank.
No, but I used to have a hog bank. It looked like a Harley Davidson gas tank with ears, snout and tail added. It was way cool.
TJBM likes to ride motorcycles.
Boy do I! I ride a Ninja. It’s my favorite possession.
TJBM has a favorite possession.
Outside of my life, I’d say it’s my house.
TJBM has had an encounter or confrontation with a major and unconfined predator.
I tried to chase a bear away from my backpack in Little Yosemite valley.
I don’t consider my life a possession. It’s more like a gift to me.
Bears are common around here. I’ve had too many encounters to count, more than a handful at close range. I’ve been chased by an Elk, which isn’t a predator but probably more dangerous than the bears I’ve met.
TJBM wishes Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory was real.
TJBM wants chocolate covered garlic.
TJBM really really really want CHOCOLATE!
Really really good quality chocolate or the cheap crap? I know where the Belgian chocolate is. That is some seriously good stuff.
TJBM likes the finer things in life. (I really not a snob.:))
Can you find anyone in the world who doesn’t like finer things in life? :)
TJBM is playing dumb…
Nah, I don’t have to play at it. I’m good at it.
TJBM is considering a new pet.
No, but a few days ago I saw a kitten that looked so much like what my cat used to look like when I first found him <3
TJBM agrees that sometimes words are very unnecessary…
TJBM has written a comic.
No, but…I have an old friend that did a great comic of the two of us years ago….she captured our appearances and my funky house perfectly. This was the 70’s, we were about 18–19 and we would hang out at my house sitting on maroon silk pillows and having a nip off the bong. lol
TJBM used to have a bong.
No, but I had a friend who had one big enought to hold a fifth of Jack Black with room to spare, and a bowl big enough to serve chili in. It was real fancy too.
TJBM has an idiot child prancing around their house right now giggling like a freaking hyena on nitrous.
No, I have a teenager who just came down with get this! chicken pox!! AHHHH!
TJBM has had chicken pox.
Yes. When I was 12, my baby brother pointed to my zits and asked mom how com his pox went away and I just kept getting new ones. I chased him outside. LOL
TJBM has tied their sibling to a tree.
Nope, I’m an only child as is my daughter, but she used to fight with her dog brother. ” Mooom, Ruckus is STARING at me!” “Moooom, Ruckus ate my muffin!” “Mooooom, Ruckus won’t get off my bed!” Damn….. sibling rivalry. lol
TJBM has a hangover.
No ma’am. I haven’t had a hangover since my days in the Army which was 1988. Man, that makes me feel really old…..
TJBM uses glasses or contact lenses on a daily basis but doesn’t like either of them in reality.
I got used to wearing glasses over time.
TJBM can read Greek, Welsh, and/or Polish.
Yes Greek.
TJBM knows why we study dead languages.
To please some bullshit elders!
TJBM thinks a lot of subjects are unnecessary and would like to tell what they are.
Mellow lady. Some stuff we need for the basics.
TJBM Likes Kimchi.
What? I’ve never heard any movie called “TJBM Likes Kimchi”.
TJBM knows what @Adirondackwannabe is talking about.
I might, I love cabbage but never had Kimchi.
TJBM loves cabbage, raw, cooked, cole slaw, cabbage rolls, stir fry, yay cabbage! lol
RAW Cabbage!
TJBM is still in the bedroom.
My bedroom is on the other end of my house.
TJBM is bummed Syracuse just lost.
Nope. Rooting for Jays.
TJBM saw bluejays near their home today.
Scrub Jays out west here, yes.
TJBM saw a Canada goose making her nest in some reeds by a lake yesterday. Love dem goosies
I saw a huge flock of geese headed north this morning, but not nesting yet. The lakes are still frozen over.
TJBM has seen some beautiful animal babies.
Yes I have. White (albino) Bengal Tiger cubs at the Wildlife World Zoo in Litchfield Park, Arizona.
TJBM would like to exercise daily but just can’t find the time or motivation.
True. I need a partner methinks to hold me accountable.
My wagon only rolls for a few weeks at a time before I fall off again. haha
I walked about 3 miles 4 days a week from the end of Dec. through Jan. Now I have rolled out the hedonistic chuck wagon again. eating Hersheys kisses as I speak. lol
TJBM has a sweet tooth teeth
All of my teeth are sweet teeth.
TJBM had eight cookies today.
No, eight pieces of a cookies today.
TJBM eats slowly.
Slowly like a wolf…
TJBM is having woodpecker problems…(they want to build a nest on my house!)
Nope, only cockroach problems.
TJBM hates cockroaches.
True. Those things are absolutely disgusting.
TJBM has ridden on at least 10 different roller coasters in their lifetime.
I ride every one at every park I’ve ever been to, so my count is waaaay higher than that.
TJBM lies about their number.
My number of what?
TJBM tells the truth about their number.
What number?
TJBM know what number @AshLeigh is referring to.
Yes I do. It’s #23. It involves an obsession with the 23 enigma, an esoteric belief that all incidents and events are directly connected to the number 23, some permutation of the number 23, or a number related to 23.
And there you have it.
TJBM believes that the Universe was indeed created by the “Big Bang Theory”.
TJBM wants a time machine to justify the Big Bang Theory.
Sure, and yes I do believe in the BB.
TJBM hates it when the phone wakes them up. Bah!
The phone wakes me every day. I set my phone alarm to go off, then a few minutes later a loud radio alarm.. If the phone wakes me, I can avoid the loud one. If I’m too deep to hear the phone, the loud one wakes me.
TJBM has learned ways to deal with the effects of sleep apnea.
False as I’ve never had sleep apnea. I have a couple of friends who do have it and from what they’ve told me, it sounds kind of miserable.
TJBM got a laugh when Amazon.com made an announcement that they were going to look into drone technology to possibly help them deliver packages in the future.
Yeah, a very wry laugh!
TJBM thinks there are appropriate and inappropriate uses of any technology.
There are appropriate and inappropriate uses for just about anything.
TJBM will give an example of something they used, other than technology, inappropriately.
Handcuffs. Hmmmm. He didn’t seem to think it was so inappropriate though.
TJBM knows who gets to decide what is or is not appropriate.
Whomever holds the keys to the handcuffs, I suppose.
TJBM is so excited Roadhouse just came on TV. Lazy Sunday Funday!
I don’t even know what that is :)
TJBM is out, enjoying the sun.
I was, but….having tummy trouble today, had to get back to the potty zone. lol
TJBM is having tummy trouble.
It jiggles more than I prefer at the moment, but other than that it’s all good.
TJBM can feel their fat jiggle when they brush their teeth naked.
Haha….my fat boobs jiggle for sure. I wish they were still my little teeny bopper boobs.
TJBM is thirsty.
Not so much. I just polished off 24 ounces of coffee. =)
TJBM actually liked disco music at one point in their life and they’re not afraid to admit it.
So true! I love the night life, I was one of the bad girls, yeah, I was hot stuff baby, I could shake shake shake, shake my booty, doin’ the hustle, beepbeep! If they could get my body parts functioning properly again, the first thing I would do is dance to some Donna Summer, and some Bee Gees.
TJBM cried when Andy Gibb died.
Who the hell is Andy Gibb?
TJBM gets very emotional when a movie character dies.
Nah, I only get emotional when someone doesn’t know their history. Andy Gibb was a classical music composer, ranked up there with Mozart and Bach.
TJBM enjoys twisting other jellies” tails.
I’m a nice jelly
TJBM eats pineapples even though they are allergic and gets all scratchy.
Sometimes people just do what they know can lead to negative outcome…
TJBM likes to take risk.
Nah, I just like screwing around for the fun of it.
TJBM loves classical music.
TJBM would like to share the music on their mind :)
Sure do, it was my generation. :-)
TJBM slept like a baby and is feelin’ good this morning.
Nope, I’m sick and feeling awful.
TJBM has a fever and is really weak today.
TJBM recently got a tax refund.
Pfft. This jelly is self employed. I’m on the wrong end of that stick.
TJBM just pictured some beautiful Scottish or English hills and pastures.
Mm no, but my zone is equally picturesque right now, surreal green grass, trees leafing out, cherry blossoms and plum tree blossoms wafting around. Spending the afternoon with a friend in the park, just sittin’ in the sun and perfect breeze on this amazing 70+ degree day unfolding.
TJBM loves to sit in nature and just be.
TJBM has ridden a camel.
No, but I would if given the opportunity. Smoked quite a few when I was younger. Tobacco-free for 33 years now!
TJBM is free of a former addiction.
I am.
TJBM has an addiction.
I’m addicted to music Fluther.
TJBM can answer the following question:
What do you get when you cross a one-liner with a rhetorical question?
TJBM is having groundhog for dinner.
No pork tonight. I’ve been cutting back. Chicken for me. Gonna treat myself to chocolate ice cream though.
TJBM has a sick kid, and now everything is out of whack.
High five, @Jonesn4burgers My daughter is just getting over chicken pox.
TJBM’s SO is leaving on a trip soon.
No SO…so no. lol
TJBM had cereal for dinner.
On the contrary, I had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, dill pickles, potato chips, a salad, and a diet coke. =)
TJBM, if given the choice, would choose to go skydiving rather than hang gliding.
I think I would like to do both.
TJBM is from Mexico.
Nope, amigo!
TJBM knows some foreign language.
No, but I know American Sign Language and Morse Code.
TJBM wants to learn a second language.
No, I want to learn a 4th language.
TJBM knows a lot.
I have some well rounded knowledge on a number of different things, yes.
TJBM sometimes likes to fall asleep to the sound of music playing.
No. Music always keeps me awake.
TJBM has an unusual method to fall asleep.
Not really… As a child I needed to listen to SOAD’s Attack on repeat, though.
TJBM has missed two days already and is sick of being sick.
No, I’m pretty much in the peak of health. If TJAM is ill, my sympathies, get well soon!
TJBM thinks NSA should be exempt from FISA.
No. Don’t care for sport at all.
TJBM hates sport.
Nah, I love sports! I only got a good TV setup for the Olympics when I first moved to my house.
TJBM loves acronyms.
Depends on how amusing they are.
TJBM is still waking up.
@Yetanotheruser Thank you, that was so nice :)
I’m always ‘still waking up’ :p
TJBM hopes they have enough toilet paper, so that they won’t have to go to the market until tomorrow.
Haha..I just bought a 12 pak yesterday, I’m wiped out. I could fed Ex you a roll. lol
TJBM has to go, right now, oh coffee
TJBM has been godwinned.
I don’t know what that is.
TJBM has been out of T.P. sometime, and will tell us what they did instead.
@reijinni No, but I have been Gadwicked. My old cats name. lol
True, I have used a washcloth then tossed it. I like to keep baby wipes on hand.
TJBM lives with a highly annoying person.
Depends on who I’m staying with.
TJBM has a very hard decision to make.
Yes. Cocoa puffs or Captain Crunch?
TJBM eats breakfast.
Yes. But sometimes not until lunchtime.
TJBM sometimes has meals that are traditional another meal (e.g., breakfast for dinner).
Yup, it happens a lot.
TJBM agrees that cat + couch + coffee = lazy hour at home :)
not quite
TJBM sleeps with ladybugs.
Not usually.
TJBM sleeps alone.
Tonight, yes.
TJBM is secretly in love with someone they’ve met only twice.
Um, no. haha
TJBM is pissed off that they are on a jag where they have tons of healthy food at home but due to poor planning they end up being out running around starving then get fast food.
Not just now, hahaha, but I have been there!
TJBM has a lovely collection of crystals.
Yes, there are many silicon crystals in my technology.
TJBM is having a lazy day.
No way! Went to class, went to work, had a nice work out…I might go finish my essay now. Or maybe I’ll go eat.
The Jelly below me can explain to me the relationship between integration and differentiation by using a cartesian plane.
I cannot, my mind is in the twilight zone right now, literally.
TJBM likes the old b&w Twilight Zone shows.
Probably the closest is Mt. Evans (14,265 feet), but the mountains stretch in an arc, and I can see at least 29 named peaks over 10,000 feet, from Pike’s Peak (14,115 ft) in the south, all the way to Long Peak (14,259 ft) in the North.
TJBM is knows what a fourteener is.
I guess… someone who is fourteen? no? Explain what it is if I guessed wrong, please
TJBM is a mountain lion.
A Bengal Tiger actually but who’s comparing? =)
TJBM likes to play in the rain like they were young again, whenever they can.
@Yetanotheruser I know what a 14er is, and doesn’t your excellent state have about 26 of them? I think we have about 10 in CA.
Usually, unless the rain is really really cold!
@this_velvet_glove_again A fourteener is a mountain peak that is over 14,000 feet tall.
@Brian1946 Colorado has 53 of them. California has 10. But we know what Calfornia has that Colorado has not—the “Left Coast”:
TJBM can share a beautiful geographical feature of the place they live.
My grandparents from another town (and many more) appreciate this the most.
TJBM likes silence.
(Crickets chirping)
It would have been so appropriate to do that at 499, so the new thread could start there.
TJBM won’t let me miss the new thread when it starts.
I’ll try, but these creutzfeldt-jakob prions are really messing with my…my…uhm….
TJBM reports potholes to their local street maintenance bureau.
I don’t.
TJBM lives in a valley.
@Yetanotheruser Oh I had no idea! Thanks :)
TJBM had a dream about a cake and a puppy.
I dreamed of a puppy eating a cake.
TJBM had an extraordinary dream.
No, it was boring.
TJBM just decided to have another cup of coffee.
Just had one.
TJBM is a coffee bean :)
No, I’m a human bean.
TJBM is a coughing being who dreams about cream.
No, I’m a cream being who dreams about coughing.
TJBM hates vegetable.
No, TJ love vegetable.
TJBM got rain from Typhoon Haiyan last November.
Yeah, couldn’t go anywhere for a long while.
TJBM hates rain.
No, I love the rain. Especially after the last 10 years of drought or near-drought conditions in Colorado (last fall’s flooding notwithstanding).
TJBM understands meteorology.
One of my college roommates was a meteorology major. It was pretty neat to discuss how he did it.
TJBM can predict the weather with their joints. (not the ones they smoke)
If you mean the pain thing, yes.
TJBM watched a movie about becoming some shark’s lunch.
No, I’d rather the shark be my lunch.
TJBM will share a good book they have read recently.
Hotel Cosmos by Ali Smith.
TJBM likes Edgar Allan Poe <3
Yes!!!! He’s cool in a dark sort of way.
TJBM Has a real dark side.
I’m generally a bright sunny person, so no.
TJBM is having something special for breakfast.
Unfortunately he is not. Just a bowl of cereal and a piece of fruit…..boring.
TJBM has dined in a revolving restaurant on the top of a hotel at least once in their life.
No. Never eat in a restaurant.
TJBM has a shocking prediction.
I predict…....
TJBM will be the first poster on yhe new JBM thread. OOOOOO EEEEEE OOOOOOO!
I don’t know….did I miss the new thread or is it still in the thought stage?
TJBM likes weird art.
It was a prediction! Nobody started it yet, dear.
Sometimes. Every seen the guy who converts old toilet seats to unusual art projects? I love it!
TJBM would sit on a toilet seat which is painted to look like a gaping dragon mouth.
Sure, why not? From she who has a naked headhunter statue right next to her, you must rub his well endowed penis for good luck when you come to my house r be speared and beheaded.
TJBM is looking forward to a long phone call with a friend later.
Well, most of my close friends live nearby enough to visit, so no.
TJBM will actually go to the trouble of starting a new thread.
Just in case you didn’t get it, here’s the link to the new thread.
No! We haven’t gotten to 500 yet!
The Jelly below me will help drag this on for 6 more TJBM posts.
Sure! Let’s do it!
TJBM will help us go for 5 more!
Another one bites the dust.
TJBM will show me the way to TJBM #56. ;-p
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