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mazingerz88's avatar

( NSFW ) Why don't pipes have bones?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29372points) March 12th, 2014

How come male humans did not evolve with articulated joints, bones in their genitalia-? I’m imagining might be of some help easing erectile dysfunction issues. Of course there’s arthritis but still…you know guys right-? LOL

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9 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

That might have a pretty mean down side. I can’t imagine arthritis in my penis, let alone think of the phrase compound fracture of the penis without cringing a little.

Cruiser's avatar

It’s difficult enough waking up with morning wood…I could not imagine having to go around all day with a boner. Where would you put it? Think of all the sports you couldn’t play. I wouldn’t be able to sleep on my belly.

ucme's avatar

A bone in your boner, imagine if you fractured it & had a cast put on…batter up!

ragingloli's avatar

Bones help an organism to copulate longer. By longer, I mean hours. Human mating sessions are rather short, so they lost their baculum over the course of evolution, due to lack of necessity.
Yes, you had them once.

rojo's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe thanks for that! It makes my pecker cringe and try to hide inside just thinking about it.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@rojo I know. Makes me want to market steel briefs or cups.

Berserker's avatar

Back when we were cavemen, life expectancy for a human was like, 25 to 30 years old. So things like impotency were probably never heard of.

gondwanalon's avatar

Human males don’t have penis bones because obviously with over 7 billion of us now on Earth we don’t need them. HA!

NanoNano's avatar

Did you know that a male cat’s penis is barbed, so that once its in there, its stuck in there – pretty hard to get out? Imagine that feature in the human population. Gives a whole new meaning to the term “clingy.”

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