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KNOWITALL's avatar

Do you have any realistic theories about Malaysian 370?

Asked by KNOWITALL (30077points) March 17th, 2014

Or you can post your own or someone else’s crazy theory.

I did hear that there were supposedly about ten government workers on the plane that were working on cloaking devices (like the Klingon’s?)

What do you think or hope?

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48 Answers

ucme's avatar

I do, but i’m going to wait to see how the story plays out then pretend that’s what I was thinking all along.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme Good plan!

I’m leaning towards terrorism or bottom of the ocean.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I think one of the two guys in the cockpit decided they wanted to go out in a big way. Either that or some young woman with 7 midget henchmen took over the plane and crashed it. They had names like sleepy, dopey, doc, etc.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I’m sorta ruling out terrorism for now,simply terrorists like claiming credit right away and no one has.
I think some Government is covering something up.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I just wonder if all those people are dead or not, imprisoned, etc…

crushingandreaming's avatar

I’m ruling out that the plane is stolen and the people are imprisoned, because if it were on the bottom of the ocean they would have found it by now.

ucme's avatar

Maybe the ghost of Frank Sinatra took them on a lunar mission… “Fly me to the moon
Yeah, no one thought of that did they?

picante's avatar

My husband developed his “conspiracy theory” within the first 48 hours of the plane’s disappearance. He believes it was hijacked by a person or persons trained by the Chinese government for the express purpose of obtaining the Freescale personnel who were onboard.

Given the vast array of possibilities posited by the “experts,” his thoughts don’t seem too abstruse.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@picante There’s been some strange thing’s happening with the Chinese lately, I’m not sure he’s wrong either.

zenvelo's avatar

I think it’s somewhere with the cooperation of a local government. But what they’re doing is baffling. I have some friends that think it was taken to very high altitude and then the passenger compartment depressurized to kill the passengers.

I don’t think it is in the ocean because no debris has been found, and there is an alternative distress beacon in the tail that would have alerted satellites for 48 hours after impact. From what I heard it is one that can’t be disabled.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@zenvelo Which one though? Any theories on who or why?

Does anyone think it will be filled with bombs and sent back to the US like the conspiracy theorists?

ucme's avatar

Best case scenario, the white witch got crushed underneath the landing gear in Malaysian Narnia.

ragingloli's avatar

CIA false flag operation.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Thanks @ragingloli, I was expecting something a little more showy from you…lol

ragingloli's avatar

I am not openly going to admit that I teleported the plane into a black hole.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ragingloli Nice! You and your alien overlord friends…lol

filmfann's avatar

I lean towards the SPECTOR style plot.
The plane was landed at a secret airport, where it is being repainted to resemble another airline.
It will be loaded with gas, and flown into a major tourist point (possibly the Taj Majal), or Jerusalem.

ragingloli's avatar

“The plane was landed at a secret airport, where it is being repainted to resemble another airline. It will be loaded with gas, and flown into a major tourist point (possibly the Taj Majal), or Jerusalem.
By the CIA

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Whatever it is I am leaning towards a government cover up of some kind.

elbanditoroso's avatar

It’s clear to me that an alien spacecraft locked into the airplane and used its tractor beam to pull MH370 into one of the indoctrination pods.

This is the first step in conquering planet earth.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Ohhh I like @elbanditoroso theory.

Cruiser's avatar

My thoughts on this mirror what @zenvelo wrote. @picante The only intriguing aspect of the Freescale employees on board is that Blackstone Group owns Freescale. That would put a Tom Clancy spin on this mystery.

rojo's avatar

Best theory I have heard is that Desmond only got 5 of the 6 numbers in again.


KNOWITALL's avatar

@rojo Nice LOST reference!

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

It was planned well in advance. There was pre-flight programming involved. Someone or something was on the plane that hasn’t been mentioned publicly yet. It has to be something worth a great deal of risk and prep.
Perhaps a plan to smuggle included mechanics loading something(s) where it won’t be detected by baggage handlers or passengers. The pilot then flies to a designated place where the passengers can be unloaded. They have to be someplace deserted so they can’t report anything until after the smugglers have made their getaway. They may have left the plane and switched their valuable cargo to another mode of transport so the authorities would be looking for the wrong thing.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Jonesn4burgers What leads you to this conclusion and where are the people? :)

turtlesandbox's avatar

My thoughts are a combination of @zenvelo and @Jonesn4burgers. I believe the pilot was involved and he took the plane to a high altitude to kill the passengers. I believe there was either a heist involved with cargo or the plane will be used for a future attack somewhere.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

@KNOWITALL They are suspected to have diverted to the Australia area. I imagine they were ditched on an island south of there near the antarctic. They wouldn’t have to kill them to keep them silent, if they just abandon them someplace remote. The system was tampered with preflight, so it would not be difficult to avoid being detected. I believe the passengers will turn up within the next three days. Of course, if everything plays out as I said, I’ll have badges deep up my arse for the rest of my life. Aughhhh!

rojo's avatar

look on the bright side, at least it will be a short life; if they find out.

turtlesandbox's avatar

@Jonesn4burgers How would the hijackers get the cell phones from all 200+ passengers without one person getting a message out to someone to alert authorities? I hope the passengers are alive, but the little evidence available to the public suggests otherwise.

Judi's avatar

@turtlesandbox , I doubt there is any cell service where they’re at.

elbanditoroso's avatar

What is the possibility that there was some terrorist on board as a passenger, trying to get from place to place.

The CIA (or the secret agency of your choice) knew of this and took over the flight to arrest this terrorist quietly. But they don’t want to announce it because that would, in turn, cause a huge backlash in the Islamic world.

(yes, this assumes that the terrorist in question is Moslem. Not really much of a stretch these days)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@elbanditoroso One of the problems I have with this theory is that both pilots are suspect simply because of this disappearance and their obviously middle-eastern names.

Moslems=terrorism, really? It’s getting to be a normal general association now in America, which is sad and scary for other Moslems in this country.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@KNOWITALL – I agree that the moslems=terrorism theme is overly prevalent, and it probably is not fair to most moslems. Stereotypes are pernicious and nasty.

However, if you take a look at the various terrorist incidents going back 40–45 years (we can start with Munich Olympics 1972, if you want), statistics will show an overwhelming number of them are caused by, or done in the name of, Islam by Moslems or people in the pay of Moslems. So while stereotypes are nasty, statistics are facts.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@elbanditoroso I know, I just hate it. Generalizations are one of my pet peeves, it just does a disservice to the individual and their choices.

Judi's avatar

The girlfriend of the one adult American was on the news last night and she thinks it was hyjacked for some further terrorist purpose down the road.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

@turtlesandbox , The height they flew up to would negate any cell phone use. It was probably a temorary manuever used for that, and to evade detection teporarily. With all cell phones out for the moment, they could demand all cells be handed over, or a disabling device, which would make a lot of sense.

zenvelo's avatar

Occam’s Razor: Wired Magazine gives a realistic explanation.

Cruiser's avatar

@zenvelo That is a good find but doesn’t answer a couple obvious questions..If there was a fire or malfunction why not send a distress signal? If all com systems were down I am sure someone had a working cell phone….and why was the plane reported flying below the 5,000’ radar detection altitude and why still either a plane on a runway or debris?

turtlesandbox's avatar

@Jonesn4burgers & @Judi Of course, you could both be right. I had 9/11 on my mind and I was thinking how the passengers of the hijacked planes were able to use their phones to call loved ones when they realized what was going on. I thought it would be the same for the passengers of the current missing plane.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@turtlesandbox They discussed that one the news last night. 9/11 the planes came in low and phones could function. 45000 feet phones wouldn’t function. Plus some of the calls came from air phones on the plane on 9/11.

Cruiser's avatar

@Judi I like that scenario as well but I heard something on the news today I cannot yet find a reference to in that they found evidence of a new flight plan trajectory being entered into the planes computer 12 minutes before that final “good night” radio message from the co-pilot.

rojo's avatar

Remote islanders spot plane Yep, residents of Kudahuvadhoo which is in the Maldives. And what is at the end of this island chain?

Yep, that is right Diego Garcia. Just like my original theory in this earlier thread.

Cruiser's avatar

Someone who knew the pilot well says he was not fit mentally to be flying…it’s from an annonymous source which will bring veracity of the statements into question.

“The captain of Flight 370 was in no state of mind to fly the day it disappeared and could have taken the Boeing 777 for a “last joyride” before crashing into the Indian Ocean, a fellow pilot says.”

“Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah’s world was crumbling, said the long-time associate. He had been facing serious family problems, including separation from his wife and relationship problems with another woman he was seeing.”

“The man, who spoke to the Herald on condition of anonymity, said Captain Zaharie was “terribly upset” when his wife told him she was leaving and believed he may have decided to take the Malaysia Airlines plane to a part of the world he had never flown in.”

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

I can’t even express how sad that makes me feel.

flo's avatar

Still no news about it 2 months later.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Because I was correct in saying it did not crash. They should have been looking for where it landed. I think it is strange how there were so many suspicians right away, then suddenly they were looking for crash sites.

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