Do women ever love men as much as men love them?
I was reading an article today and the author stated that women never love men to the same intensity that men love women. Women reserve their deepest love for children.
I saw a lot of truth in this statement. What are your thoughts?
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18 Answers
Silliness. Of course they do.
No, I’d say that’s crap. Women can love just as intensely if not more.
I believe that women have a higher capacity for love in general and beat men by leaps and bounds; yes, it is for they’re children and for humanity in general. There have been studies where it has been found that women were more likely to help others, women tend to be the majority of caretakers for the sickly and elderly parents, etc. Men tend to be selfish in general; there are exceptions to the rule. Men may have more intense romantic (lustful, possessive) feelings but I think that is tied to their identity, ego, pride and testosterone in some way. I think that men tend to have shallow feelings of love and it will never equal to the love of a woman who will love despite appearance, age, sickness, intelligence, money, etc. Men will love you as long as you fit into some mold they have subconsciously created for themselves. You’ll always hear stories of men leaving their wives for someone younger or being unhappy because their wife isn’t what she used to be. Also first time fathers tend to be jealous of their babies. That is a known fact. They don’t know how to handle their wife/girlfriends complete attention transferring from them to their newborn child.
@dappled_leaves would you dump a husband behaving badly or a child behaving badly first?
@Imadethisupwithnoforethought I don’t think that’s a relevant question. An adult is responsible for his decisions, a child is still learning. Also, the nature of the harm would matter greatly in making such a decision. It’s hard to imagine that there could be comparable “bad behaviour”.
@dappled_leaves Ah, but what if this child was not actually a child? What if it was an adult child?
@livelaughlove21 Yes, my second point still applies. Obviously, it’s not impossible for a mother to turn away from an adult child, but I can’t think of very many cases where the betrayal of a child could rival the betrayal of a spouse.
Stereotypes. Females historically have been the caretakers, and are believed to have evolved to be more compassionate and emotional. Men have been the hunters and executioners, and are believed to have evolved to be more rational and pragmatic. There are exceptions to these generalizations, and in today’s Western society, I see more men who are in touch with their emotional side, and more women who can detach and objectively deal with matters at hand – the overlap is increasing, and that’s a good thing.
Additionally, the love of one’s offspring is a completely different kind of love than what one feels toward their romantic partner, or towards their parents, grandparents, siblings, best friends, etc. there’s no way to compare or say that one is deeper, just as there is no way to say that @Coloma‘s love for her adult child is any deeper than my love for my adult child. (Just using Coloma as an example, since she commented just above me.) Could you say that a parent of an only child loves that child more than a parent of more than one child could love any of their kids? It’s preposterous.
Love is infinite and boundless and each loving relationship is unique.
I think that it is not something determined by the sex of the individual but by the maturity and commitment of the individual, regardless of sex.
I agree with @rojo and @hearkat. I’ve known women with an almost callous disregard for their older children. And I’ve let it be known to women I am dating that my teen age children are principal relationships.
What the author probably doesn’t understand is that women are no longer willing to be treated as doormats for men who shift their focus elsewhere, and women are strong enough to discard a man whose ardent fire has burned out.
Do women ever love men as much as men love themSELVES?
I think there’s a lot of truth to this.
Kind of the reverse of how men will never be as bat shit crazy as women are.
I dunno…sounds like a ploy to get attention where attention is fabricated to get attention.
I love my 2 sons more than anything in my life and if my wife loves them more than I do than that is only one reason why I married her.
Sometimes more so, sometimes with a better head on their shoulders. Sometimes not. Different people have different ways to show their love and give their love in different amounts. And of course there’s the norms laid down already which makes it seem like the man is “supposed” be her prince charming and slave of her desire but that’s a load of bullshit.
I don’t think this question can really be answered because it’s so broad. You can’t really ask any question about “women” in general because, like men, they’re all very different. I’m sure there are plenty of men that love their women more than their women love them. I’m also certain there are plenty of relationships in which the women love their men more than their men love them. Cheaters are mostly men, after all, and you don’t cheat on someone you truly love (don’t argue with it, it’s damn true).
I do think that most men love more deeply than they let on, while women often have their heart out on their sleeve. The women might not know how deep their man’s feelings for them really go, making it hard for them to love as deeply. But all of this is trivial, because there’s no way to measure love.
I do think that women save their love for their children more than men do, generally speaking. A woman is way more likely to give up her husband for her kids than her kids for her husband, and I think that’s how it should be when the children are young. Adult children, however, can betray you just as much as your partner can, no matter what @dappled_leaves may think. I’ve seen it happen, and the person I’m thinking of chose her grown kid over her husband. But like I said, you can’t say this about all women, or even most of them. Who says one love is “greater” than another?
I don’t have children, but I love deeply and rarely.
Surely the capacity is based on individuals rather than an entire sex, as I’ve known a few women who seem to have hearts of stone, same with a few men.
@rojo Lucky for the guys, some act like children, thus they are easier to love…lol
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