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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Do you think there is any hope, at finding any of the passengers from Malaysian flight 370 alive?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23605points) March 17th, 2014

Do think there might be a slim chance if it was a hijacking, that when and if found anyone might still be alive?

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32 Answers

Coloma's avatar

No. Not after this amount of time. Possibility vs. probability.
Anything is possible, but what’s probable is that plane is 40,000 leagues under the sea or downed in a remote section of jungle.

talljasperman's avatar

I hope it’s not a hoax for another Lost sequel. Actually if it saves lives than I hope it is a hoax and everyone is fine.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@johnpowell sad but I have to agree if it was terrorism the passengers would be as expendable as poop in a crapper.

chyna's avatar

I honestly wish they would, but don’t really see how they can now.

jaytkay's avatar

I think the copilot killed the pilot and himself and the plane flew along until it ran out of fuel and crashed into the sea.

talljasperman's avatar

Some government blew it out of the sky because the pilot saw too much.

Mimishu1995's avatar

How am I to know? Everything can happens.

Now we just have to cross our fingers.

zenvelo's avatar

I think we’ll find them in a North Korean camp.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@zenvelo could you imagine the repercussions if that happened?

rojo's avatar

There is a very slim chance.

We never did find what THEY did with the people who were supposedly on the “planes” that were involved in the faked 9/11 “Attack on the United States”.

NanoNano's avatar

There is still hope.

Coloma's avatar

@rojo You really believe 9/11 is a conspiracy theory?

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Coloma The same as the landing-on-the-moon conspiracy :)

NanoNano's avatar

It took two years to find the plane that disappeared over the Atlantic ocean in 2009, Air France flight 447.

So anything is possible at this point.

Cruiser's avatar


Cruiser's avatar

Sorry you see truth as cold…we are talking about peoples lives here and after 10 days and the lacking evidence of a warm fuzzy ending to this event….I truly wish I had more optimistic words for you.

rojo's avatar

@Coloma Do you believe the Warren Report?

ucme's avatar

Of course there’s hope, with the absence of any factual evidence to the contrary, then all else is just pure speculation.

Coloma's avatar

@rojo I don’t believe anything for certain, we simply do not know, period. I have no doubt there is and has always been a certain amount of coverups in government, obviously, but still….the fact remains we know nothing for certain.

jca's avatar

I think there’s hope – never say never. Depends on what happened to the plane, of course. If it crashed into the ocean, no hope. If something else, then yes, IMHO, there’s hope.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Expect the worse, hope for the best. Personally, I think terrorists could use them, but as someone else said, if it was a crash, then chances are most died, but it’s a big ocean.

ucme's avatar

I liked that they showed photos of some of the passengers & their backstories on the news today.
Not heard a thing about them until now, touching stuff.

Berserker's avatar

Hard to say, when we don’t know what did happen. Unless it’s something crazy like aliens or whatever, I think eventually it will turn up. Unfortunately, will any of the people be alive, if they’re not all dead already…who knows.
But it’s not because we haven’t found them NOW that we never will.

downtide's avatar

If the plane was hijacked and the passengers were still alive I think we’d have heard some kind of ransom demand from the hijackers by now. There’s still a very very slim chance that the plane landed safely and the passengers have not (yet) been murdered but with every passing day the odds get slimmer.

NanoNano's avatar


If the plane was hijacked, I don’t think a ransom was the intention. They probably wanted the plane itself, the passengers being just a loose end to deal with.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@NanoNano Maybe it’s a trial run to get people out of the US, like terrorists after a big event.

downtide's avatar

@NanoNano Maybe not a monetary ransom but terrorism usually involves a political motive and terrorists are usually eager to broadcast their message to the world. The fact that we’ve heard nothing makes me think that something went horribly wrong in their attempt.

Coloma's avatar

Okay…I confess, I hijacked the plane and it is hidden on a gold claim here in the Sierras, The passengers are now my slaves, destined to mine forever more and turn over all the gold to me.

NanoNano's avatar

It could be a trial run…or politically motivated…

There’s something that goes on everyday that might change the opinions of many on what is going on here. And that’s the smuggling of drugs and weapons on commercial airliners between West Africa and South American nations. There’s an entire air network that does this. The US and other authorities know about it, but stopping it requires enormous international cooperation.

Maybe someone took this plane for some purpose along those lines…

This UN document touches on the practice. Since most of these flights of drugs/weapons are over international waters in the Atlantic and between nations with weak central governments, there is little that is done about them…

NanoNano's avatar

(Trafficking by ship has dwindled – too slow, too easy to interdict. So they’ve switched to remote landing strips in the African desert and old airliners)...

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