Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Can you guys help me find a market for an idea I have?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) March 18th, 2014

I create forms that are geared toward offices or individuals who find themselves having to enter the same information on several different forms, over and over. The forms I create are interactive. They only have to fill out one master and all the subsequent forms autofill.

What kinds of businesses do you think I could target with this?

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8 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Car dealerships, financing dept.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Added to my list! Thanks!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Also maybe a real estate closing office, they use a ton of forms with the same info entered time and time again.

Juels's avatar

Doctor’s offices and schools.

herculies's avatar

I know this idea is done on the web… not sure if it’s done at the P.O.S.

Should be simple in practice. A client ID should only require a few bytes… each part of their bio is also an addressable parameter. Put it all on some kind of flash drive (usb or better is a magnetic strip, like a credit card strip… uses ‘off the shelve equiptment’)

Life would be so much better.

Demonstrate at next consumer electronic show, make tons of money, get a lot of awards.

You are a genius!

Dutchess_III's avatar

I must not be a genius because I have no idea what you’re talking about @herculies. What is POS? Good idea about demonstrating at shows tho….I always like being an actual part of things like that, rather than just being a visitor.

herculies's avatar

@Dutchess_III Sorry. POS is Point Of Sale… an ill fitting word, but I meant that place where they ask you for all that.

Off the shelve equiptment means using equiptment that is readily available.

With new laws enacted by congress to make documents uniform (specially hospital forms) this is ‘right time right place’ kinda idea.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s not like that though. It isn’t a specialty software at all. Each form would be customized for each business. I’d have to build each one by hand. I would just email the final result to them.

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