What words/phrases really bug you?
Asked by
GloPro (
March 20th, 2014
from iPhone
I catch myself saying “No worries.” I guess I have spent a fair bit of time with Aussies…
I also say “whatever, dude” to express annoyed disinterest in continuing a conversation. It makes me feel so grown up.
I found the same question from 2011, but it’s been so long I’ll bet there are new phrases…
What sayings make your skin crawl?
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198 Answers
retard, mixed marriages, colored, anything that’s a putdown to a group of people get’s my goat. And guess where I usually hear this crap. My family.
At the end of the day, “whatever” bugs the crap out of me because I had a boss that said it all the time.
And LOL expired about 12 years ago. My kids make fun of it.
edit: @zenvelo just beat me to it.
Here’s one that used to bother me, but I now feel it’s fine:
“It is what it is.”
I would have wanted to punch myself in the throat if I had said this a couple of years ago. But now it makes sense. Things are what they are, and the sooner we accept that – even as we act to change things – the more at peace we will be.
I recall really getting irritated at my son when he was young with his “Talk to the hand….” crap. That really set my teeth on edge.
Let me count the ways:
“Awesome” used for everything but its real meaning…“filled with awe”
“Like”..as a nervous interjection, like, you know what I mean?
“Wise” as a modifier; education-wise, vocabulary-wise, decoration-wise and of course, wise-wise (That is my invention.)
“Couple things” without the “of”
“Ish” as another bizarre suffix; eastish, parallelish, weddingish, gayish, funnyish.
Neologisms such as “plastify”.
“Cool” to mean anything from “not bad” to “the most stupendous thing in the universe.”
Misuse of the phrase “begs the question.”
I always answer this the same way, “sorry for your loss”
They’re not lost, they’re dead.
pretty much anything eubonics (unless it comes directly out of Snoop Dog’s mouth… He’s smooth)
Textspeak terms, with the biggest pet peeve being the addition of several letters, for example “BFF 4everrrrrrrrr”
@ragingloli Even ‘cold enough to freeze the balls off of a brass monkey?’ I think I’ll take that one up.
Talking heads on TV using the expression, “At the end of the day blah, blah, blah”
One I have recently heard that ales me cringe, “That girl is a hot mess.”
“having said that”
“I get it”
“game changer”
Sentences starting with “So”
Get a life
“Build out” – new business terminology.
Any liberal buzzwords and phrases that hint that if you aren’t on board with the user’s beliefs or causes you’re the devil himself.
Much like @Adirondackwannabe except besides racist talk (blue gum, chink, etc..), I can’t stand religious intolerance for any religion or group of people, or breed-specific lie repeating, also ‘lower classes’ in a snotty tone.
“Reach out to”
As in, “I’ll reach out to Bill today and ask his opinion.”
How about, “I’ll call Bill…” or “I’ll eMail Bill…”
Be specific. Say what you mean.
I also dislike a string of pronouns attempting to describe something.
“Hey, can you hand me the thing I mentioned the other day that’s over there?”
I refuse to answer. I’ll just stare at you until you can actually describe what you want.
Bro anything.
Just makes you sound like a bitter sexually inept high schooler.
When someone writes should of, could of or would of.
“Begs the question” and “beg to differ” are kind of annoying. And so is dibs. Nothing really bugs me unless it’s offensive or downright stupid.
Anyone else saying something random! Only I can do it! Only me! .... I’m not selfish.
And birds that won’t shut up
The phrase “family values” makes me want to throw up, since what it really means is “anti-gay” (the word “family” alone has come to mean that, which is unfortunate).
I’ve never been a fan of those business buzzwords like “paradigm shift” and “proactive”.
Those “tw-” words like “tweet” and “twerk” and “tween” bug me. Also, “gifting”, “guesstimate”, and “hubby” ;)
I hate it when people say things like, I’m not racist, but…I have nothing against gays, but…yeah, but shut the fuck up.
When people mispronounce the word “lackadaisical” and say “laxadaisical.” You can be lax, but you can’t be laxadaisical. You are lackadaisical.
When people say “calling on” as in “we’re calling on members to demonstrate.” I prefer “asking for.”
I agree with @gailcalled that “my bad” is annoying, and I agree with @dxs that “begs the question” is annoying, too.
I also find “backstory” annoying. Until about a month ago, it was “history,” not backstory. “What’s the backstory on this?” I prefer “what’s the history?”
Also, when discussing financial stuff, some say “back it out” instead of “break it down.” “I backed it out and 80 minus 20% is -” instead of “I did the breakdown and…..”
@jca “backstory” has an appropriate use. People who use it as a synonym for “history” use it incorrectly and don’t get the concept. A backstory is a fictional history for a fictional character in a story, book, play or film. I agree, though, that it is annoying when used improperly.
@jca I had never heard “laxadaisical” until very recently. “Lackadaisical” is such an odd and interesting word, but “laxadaisical” is what you get when dumb people try and use it.
@jca I always say “my bad”. My bad.
In my high school Latin class, if anyone said “my bad”, our teacher would make us say “mea culpa” instead ;)
”...based off of…”
What the hell does that even mean??? If it has something as its base, then it is “based on” that thing. It is not “based off” that thing. Hearing people say this makes my blood boil.
@dappled_leaves That reminds me of ’‘taking a dump’’. In the words of Beavis the Great; why is it called taking a dump, when what you’re really doing is leaving it?
I also don’t like “my bad” as people seem to think that they don’t have to apologize or make amends for making a mistake, if they just throw out this flippant retort.
If I hear ”—just another day in paradise, man,” one more time, I’m going to shoot the dumb son of a bitch who says it. And that goes for all Buffet music as well. How many times do you have listen to this shit before you’ve had enough? It was old after the first year.
*I know, right? ARGHHHHH!
*Well, what can you do?” (as in something bad happens to someone and they say this)
I too hate “at the end of the day” and “it is what it is”
What’s buffet music? Or am I better off not knowing lol
I used to hate when my boss would say “Because my name is on the door.” No brain needed if your husband is rich, basically.
You should have responded with “It will also be on your grave stone.”
Disrespect Chaps my Ass did I get it on the right one this time?
Mine was mentioned already. “My bad” is annoying.
Also, when people say “it is” instead of “there is.” As in, “is there milk in the fridge?” And, the person responds, “it is.”
Has anyone mentioned “As If….” yet?
“Sucks” and (even more charming) “sucky” to mean so many things that it no longer means anything.
@rojo Does that even exist anymore? Do people still say that?
I bet I can find an answer here where I said that haha.
@Symbeline Oh well, my bad, I just suck at the end of the day (hmmmm), oh well it is what it is. Like I get it dude, whatever, get a life bro….hahaha
I was trying to use them all but I ran out of time.
Hella, YOLO, the struggle is real, the thirst is real, “Oh, you’re bi? So you mean you’re a manslut/That’s just an excuse to sleep around/etc,” and when someone says, “you’re not bi, you’re just not 100% there (as in gay) yet!”
Truth from fiction, fact from diction motherfuckers.
Or however the hell that went.
I also know it’s Gail’s favorite haha :p
“Expresso” for espresso.
“IMHO” or “IMO.” People, it’s just like how you learned in sixth grade to (almost) never write “I think” at the beginning of a train of thought, because this is already implied by the fact that you have written it. And adding the “humble” just makes it sound condescending.
“Are those them?” instead of “Are these they?” I have been hyper-aware of this one ever since one of my favorite shows, Venture Bros, pointed it out.
@Symbeline: Whatever. (I had lots of company. And wasn’t it fact from fiction, truth from diction? )
@ragingloli That is so good I’m going to pull a George Kastanza and go there just to say that to her out of the blue.
@wildpotato Honey or sweetie is not always a putdown, sometimes it’s term of affection. :)
@Symbeline That phrase has gone by way of the T-rex. :)
Who said this originally, and what the hell does it mean, anyway?
I know it’s regional but when people describe things as “wicked good” it’s like nails on a blackboard to me.
@jca Nooooo not wicked anything lol. Some people back on AnswerBag used that ALL THE TIME. To the point that even if I thought it was cool, the overuse of it completely killed it.
@jca Yeah, like Hella Fun…over it.
Make me, go on, make me.
I know you are but what am I…almost smashed the telly in when Pee Wee said that, puny fucker!
The phrase “things of that nature” as in “I like to visit museums and things of that nature.” Really? Of what nature, EXACTLY? It can be totally open ended and ambiguous so I think that phrase is annoying.
I use no problem a lot. Is that bad?
The words as and per never sound right when next to eachother:
...as per the guidelines…
Someone I know used ” Well this is a repulsive development” TWICE yesterday…I wanted to throttle them. Nothing is cute after the first time.
Well that’s a repulsive development. (That is a repulsive combination) :)
You both are repulsively developing this matter.
…man I can’t even say that properly.
I am repulsed by the person in question….very annoying type. Must have been a mosquito in a previous life. lol
@Coloma Well thanks big fing time. Now my feelings are hurt. Sulks away.
@Adirondackwannabe Haha..not YOU…the person who said this yesterday to ME!
There, there, don;t go away in a huff! :-p
@Coloma Yeah, don’t go away in a huff, just go away. :) I knew, just screwing around. I needed some fun.
Then I will huff and puff and blow your house down.
There is no huffing and puffing as per the Fluther guidelines.
Yeah, besides, Fluthers a brick house. lol
She’s a brick house
Mighty might just lettin’ it all hang out
She’s a brick house
The lady’s stacked and that’s a fact,
ain’t holding nothing back.
She’s a brick house
She’s the one, the only one,
who’s built like a amazon
We’re together everybody knows,
and here’s how the story goes.
She knows she got everything
a woman needs to get a man, yeah.
How can she lose with what she use
36–24-36, what a winning hand!
@Winter_Pariah Hah! Exactly what I was thinkin’..damn you…now I am going to bed with that song burning in my head. lol
Heard one this evening, it is a minor irritant but still do I need any further irritation?
” ‘preciate y’all”
@rojo Maybe they were some kinda cowboy. ’‘spits’’
Yalls gots sum kinda repulsive prob ye wants to develop? ’‘high noon muzak’’
Here is central Texas, it is not uncommon to hear that. Honestly, I don’t think they even know they are saying it. It is just something that rolls off the tongue, like ‘bless his heart”. Said, but not meant.
Aaah right, like the common ’‘how are you?’’ Like anybody really gives a fuck how you’re doing when they ask you that lol.
gee, I used to tell people I appreciate them, cause I thought it was nice to hear you’re appreciated. Not anymore!
I’m pretty stoked that I don’t say very many of the things mentioned here…
@wildpotato On fluther I add “I think” and “in my opinion” on purpose, because the fluther commandos (I am not talking abut the mods) will be all over you for facts and data for stating an opinion overlooking that it is an opinion. It does not seem that all people get the implication unless it is said, and even when it is said some people miss it. Some things the request for data or more information is perfectly reasonable, but sometimes the questioning implies the questioner is implying the other person is saying something is a fact when it is just a personal opinion.
@GloPro “You’re appreciated” and “I appreciate you” bother me, but if some one says, “I appreciate what you did,” that sounds fine to me.
“sometimes the questioning implies the questioner is implying…”
@JLeslie I think you know that I know that you know how confusing that sentence was.
@GloPro I do. I wrote it three times until I settled on that version. LOL. I hoped people would understand what I meant. Did you understand it? I think it was 4am when I wrote it. Not my best time of day for thinking straight.
Haha, I got the gist of it.
Even if you state “In my opinion” there’s always room for someone to put words in your mouth. Some people are just like that.
@GloPro Not exactly. I remember a recent Q where a jelly, let’s call her Sally, gave an answer, and Gina didn’t agree and tried to tell her why she was wrong. Sally’s response was that she didn’t agree and that is why she lead her answer “in my opinion.” She stated her feelings and beliefs on the topic, and people can agree with her or not.
In contrast an answer about facts where there is no room for opinion is something else. If someone answers a Q on cooking saying 4 teaspoons equals a tablespoon, it doesn’t matter that they hold that opinion, it is simply wrong.
People get especially touchy on medical Q’s. I have been accused of giving medical advice that I shouldn’t. I use all sorts of disclaimers: in my opinion, from my experience, I am not a doctor, I recommend the person should consult with a doctor, etc, etc., and, still I get accused of stating things like my word is the gospel. Saying it’s my opinion isn’t enough for some people to understand that it is just my layman’s opinion on what I have read and what I have experienced.
Yeah, I understand. What I meant is some people will twist your words when disagreeing, even if they are twisting your opinion. Some people will make things up and be so adamant in their answers that they assert them as facts. That’s why I link to everything so often. It might still be my opinion, but I’ll link where my opinion came from.
I have no problem throwing out medical facts (with links), but I hesitate to ever tell anyone what might be wrong with them. Offering differential diagnoses based on a quickly worded question can freak people out unnecessarily. I let other jellies do that… And sometimes I do cringe.
Well, I have helped too many people, so I am not going to stop answering medical Q’s. Anyone who thinks medical advice on the internet is the gospel is stupid. But, it is a place we can come to get help when we are having a tough time with getting answers from doctors. It isn’t any different than talking to a friend.
“Asshole” is another word so overused that it has lost all its power and force. It now becomes almost meaningless.
Improper use of the phrase “Begs the question.”
@JLeslie I agree, and not only that, but people are often more detailed and forthcoming online with regular people than their doctors. Sometimes I feel like I can talk to you guys but I have limited time with my doc.
My friend said yesterday that he hates going to the doctor because he always tells him what a fat, nasty bastard he is (he’s a little overweight), but he goes to the dentist every six months because they don’t make him feel bad.
Did anyone already mention the expression “true dat.” If so I second it.
@gailcalled Just about every swear word is overused. Asshole, fuck, shit, bitch, more. I live in a French place where I barely hear these words, so they don’t seem overused to me, but I know for a fact that they are lol.
@Symbeline That’s why we’ve started spicing them up a little. Like fucktard or bee-yotch. I’m not typically a fan of reinvented swear words. I say fuck more than a lady should, though.
@GloPro I’m not much of a cusser unless I stub my toe or something, but I make stuff up alot. ‘Son of a buck snort’ is one of my favorites.
@GloPro Yeah, I’ve heard many variations. I’m interested in the history of swearing, sometimes you can find some funny stuff, but I’m not particularly a fan of hybrid swearing.
And as anyone may have noticed, I swear all the time. Fuck being my favorite, ain’t nothing like the old classic fuck lol.
And lmao, bee-yotch. Or beeotch. Man that is so GANGSTA!
My grandma didn’t like swearing, whenever she’d jam her finger she’d yell “clucking bell”
Did she ever say stuff like damnation, or fiddlesticks? Cuz those are awesome. Great alternatives to swearing, if I could train myself to say them.
Nah she never did, I myself see no reason to mask swear words, let the fucker out!
Oh I totally agree. But as I like the history of swearing, I enjoy finding out about everything related, you know, such as the word ’‘buggering’’. You should know by now that I have no intent to ever mask away the beauty of swear words lol.
@ucme Stealing that from your gma!
@Symbeline Oh that wasn’t meant as a dig at you, perish the thought, I know how you roll :)
@KNOWITALL Go for it, she’d be so proud of me, so very, very proud :D
Clucking bell reminds me of futt buckers. When I first heard that I just about died laughing haha.
Ha, futt buckers, I may use that in front of a vicar & watch him work it out, he’ll probably flash me a scornful look & i’ll say, “hey, you figured it out, so you swore not I”
I’m new to this site. I am shocked at how cursing is allowed here by the Moderators. I come from another site where the use of these words (especially the F word could get you banned).
I don’t know about this place.
@BeenThereSaidThat Swearing is just a way of expressing yourself, so long as it’s not done in a hostile manner, then the mods let it go.
”...and what-not.” What is a what-not?
@ucme I disagree. I think people who swear a lot do it mainly for attention or they really don’t have much of a vocabulary. The average person has a low opinion of people who can’t talk without cursing. They won’t tell you that to your face, but they do.
Oh dear, you went down the lack of vocabulary & attention seeking route, I believe we’re through here.
@BeenThereSaidThat I was really shocked when I came as well, I hear cussing on occasion, but not to the degree that it is done here at times (like the Fbomb and some NSFW’s), especially in the past. I’m sure it’s because it is part of a lot of people’s normal everyday language.
It reminds me a little of jr high and highschool, when it was cool, but hey, this place is for jellies of all different backgrounds and other countries, whatever works I guess. I don’t look down on people for cussing by any means but nor do I think it fun really, it’s just not my thing.
Different strokes for different folks right?!
I think @BeenThereSaidThat‘s operative word was “swear a lot” @ucme. I have to agree that if every other word is a swear word, or you can’t get through a sentence without one, there could be an intelligence issue.
I like this site because people don’t have to censor themselves.
Like Sammy says: I Gotta Be Me
This site wouldn’t be as much fun without the raw contributions of people like @ucme and @ragingloli. I don’t think they give a shit if anyone is paying attention.
@Dutchess_III Yeah but I don’t see anyone here who pretty much exclusively swears in their posts, that would be pretty excessive & yeah, dumb.
I’ve more than proven that I have a good vocabulary, and am easily able to go through conversations without ever swearing. I just don’t want to. :) I couldn’t possibly care less what people think of that. As @ucme said, I don’t use cussing to attack others, so what’s the problem? If people don’t like me swearing, then don’t read my posts. Doesn’t bother me.
@GloPro Oh, we have to censor ourselves! We’ve just gotten pretty good at it. The Whip stings.
@Symbeline I got one for ya, see how long we can go without swearing on here, whoever lasts longest wins a “special prize” ...you game?
Sure am lol, so you mean on all Fluther, or just this one question? Either way, I’m game. :D
Shit. Count me out @ucme!
@Symbeline All Fluther, I wish you the best of luck, let’s get this fucking thing started…oops, starting right after this post :D
Lol, okay now it’s official. But I’ll be watching you like a hawk. :D I used to think I was the one who swore the most on here, but you definitely let it rip just as much as me. Steal my crown will you.
You guys are funny, I’ve actually not noticed excessive swearing from any of you particular jellies. Sucka’sssssss
Heehee, this is going to be fun. Just to be clear, if either of us become tempted, we’re allowed to say “clucking bell” :D
Also, i’m here for you any time you need me, do you hear me? C’mon, we can do this sob, whimper
Clucking bell works. This is a good opportunity for me to practice using damnation and fiddlesticks. :D It’s ON…pardner. This will be cool. :D
@KNOWITALL Well yeah. I like swearing a lot, but I also respect Fluther’s rules about it; no excessive swearing. It has to be believed that I succeed, as does ucme. I’ve never been warned about my swearing here, ever, and as far as I know, neither has ucme.
@Symbeline Wellllllll, think damnation wouldn’t be encouraged in polite conversation. How about another of my favorite non-cusswords Hellz Bellz…lol
You guys are going to torture yourself and for what?!
Hmm…no damnation then. I’ll have to think of something else…dag nabbit! I always loved that. not even sure how to spell it though
And yes we’ll torture ourselves. Why? because it’s fun. :)
Never been warned about swearing, but was told once about being “obscene” away from nsfw threads, sexy talk but not at the dinner table.
So yeah, let the game…begin!
@ucme @Symbeline “and may the odds ever be in your favor.”
Another phrase that irritates the hell out of me as well.
@Symbeline Well then I won’t mention God or religion all next week, voluntarily.
Self-discipline is a good thing, wouldn’t want to get boring & predicatble I suppose.
As long as no one uses Shut the front door! then I’m all for your little game.
How about “smash your back doors in”?
@Symbeline They just make my ocd kick-in, I want to sanitize everything…hahahaha
@ucme Back Door Teen Mom starring Farrah from Teen Mom 2, is a real thing.
@KNOWITALL I believe the phrase refers to anal sex, overheard it once when sleeping over my grandparents house…bad granda :D
I found a good one; holy fecal matter, Batman!
@ucme And seriously, you heard that from your grandparents? Haha wow. XD
@ucme Ugh, you goof ball, I KNOW THAT! Whatta ya think I’m innocent or something, shooooooot, I’ve hung out with gangsta’s, bikers, hippies and cokeheads many many times in my early life. I’ve been around yo, just after seeing all that, I got out of that life, it’s no bueno.
@Symbeline Oh how I wish, but just my little joke i’m afraid :)
@KNOWITALL Just yanking your chain m’dear, no need for name calling :p
@KNOWITALL Dude, your whole answer sounds like a Taco Bell commercial. XD I can picture it. Young girl hanging around with the bad crowd and eating tacos. Man I’d go there all the time if they had commercials like that.
If Samuel L. Jackson can be censored, so can we.
“I’m so tired of these monkey-fighting snakes on this Monday to Friday plane!” HAHAHA, seriously. What a classic censor moment.
Shnookerdookies sounds more like a pet name to call the wife.
Johnny Depp had a fairly classy self censor in Dark Shadows: “You may strategically place your wonderful lips upon my posterior and kiss it repeatedly!”
Clark Gable’s famous line from Gone With the Wind, you think he really said damn?
@GloPro: those are great.
My aunt used to say “Go fart in a mitten” instead of “Go fuck yourself”.
I’ll often say “Son of a gopher”.
He did in the movie, but not in the book @ucme.
Here’s a phrase that just pisses me off every time:
@BeenThereSaidThat I think people who swear a lot do it mainly for attention or they really don’t have much of a vocabulary.
Horseshit. That’s just an excuse for sanctimonious people to register their disengenuous “shock” at someone else’s statements and to redirect the attention from the speaker to their own li’l ol’ selves. Unless the focus of the conversation is about how juvenile drama queens and holier-than-thou grandmas get all butthurt over expressions used by others, this is a matter of childish derailment and is selfishly off-subject. Whenever some self-righteous shithead ejaculates this tripe into a conversation, I have no problem cutting them a new asshole. If they want to do Aunt Bea from the Andy Griffith Show, fine, but they’re going to have to play another room—and learn not to step on other people’s lines.
Well,@Espiritus_Corvus, you’re out of the no swearing game. Me, too, most likely. I don’t even realize I use swear words half the time. Fiddlesticks!
Well, @Symbeline & I are still playing, for giggles mostly, other than it’s deliciously ironic…hoorah!
@Espiritus_Corvus Have you met anyone from my generation? There are people that drop an f bomb in nearly every sentence. Tell me that’s not just stupidity and trying to fit a mould.
When people make signs or notes using quotes for emphasis.
@SecondHandStoke I started doing that when I joined Fluther! I noticed it, too, and started getting on my own nerves. I still do it, but I have become conscious of it and have cut way back.
@ucme Aye indeed, I’m still in the game. Haven’t cussed since then. :D
@Espiritus_Corvus Along with all that, I hate it how anti cussing folks often play the rude card; as in, swearing is the only way to be rude. I’ve seen people with ’‘polite’’ vocabularies who are mean spirited, but because they don’t swear, they think it’s easy to hide their toxicity. I can’t possibly be the only one who sees through that.
I guess I’m biased and I can’t stand it, because I’ve never been mean to anyone with my swearing.
I appreciate well-placed swearing. But it seems like some people use swear words just to be combative. Often it’s used when their arguments are pure bullshit and they think swearing will deflect from that truth. If they throw enough F and C and etc. words out there, no one will really notice their argument.
The words we define as obscenities, like any other words, have power and can be useful, like poblanos..It is in the overuse that they become boring, banal, tedious and utterly unawesome.
@gailcalled Perhaps, but you should remember that not everyone is passionate on the English language like you are. Not everyone seeks to enrich their vocabularies. For some, communication is just that, and they don’t look beyond it.
@Dutchess_III If some people use cussing as a way to detract their from the fact that they don’t know how to debate…then they probably shouldn’t debate. Although what you’re saying applies to people who don’t cuss just as much. They just use something else to hide their poor debate skills. For example, and I see this on Fluther ALL the time; people in debates who say things like;
You clearly don’t know…
Obviously, you haven’t done any homework…
Your opinion is naive/misinformed…
But after that, they don’t make an effort to explain why you’re wrong or why there’s something you don’t know.
Clearly, if they’re that smart, a productive explanation should follow. People trying to belittle your knowledge or opinions by merely saying so can go in the same boat as combative swearers.
@gailcalled Like poblanos? Hahaha, okay…
Some people may use swear words to make others uncomfortable intentionally. Some people use really big words the same way. It isn’t the words, it’s the context.
There’s this neat little trick we are all capable of and that is recognizing your audience. I don’t cuss when talking to my 95 year old granny or my 9 year old nephew. I didn’t used to cuss with my mom until we comfortably crossed the threshold of us both being adults and our relationship shifted. I pepper (like poblanos) my conversations with swear words as adjectives when talking to friends. I guess it’s my comfortable self, I don’t know. But I don’t consider it censoring myself with granny, I consider it respect. I still make the same points, just less colorfully.
@GloPro Some people may use swear words to make others uncomfortable intentionally. Some people use really big words the same way. It isn’t the words, it’s the context.
(To pepper?To poblano?)
@Symbeline; You don’t need a huge vocabulary of fancy or polysyllablic words to be clear and interesting, do you? Now i have to check out an outhouse I found on Craig’s List.
Haha, I was just editing that same thing into my post, @gailcalled :-)
@Symbeline I’m still “clean” too, funny thing is it’s not been a strain, very easy in fact.
I want the special prize, whatever that turns out to be :)
Haha yeah, isn’t too hard on my end either. I want the prize too. Guess this is going to be a long battle. :D
Do either of you think you would actually catch yourself if it is a part of your everyday speech pattern and doesn’t stick out to you naturally?
Are you only doing this for written word?
@Symbeline Imagine if we never swore again, i’d feel like I lost a limb if it went on too long :D
@GloPro Well you see, you can’t edit real life, here you get that chance, just in case.
@ucme Yes, I’d feel like I lost a limb as well…but the phantom pain would never leave, and it would eventually go all out, dropping f bombs like mad all over the place. :D
@GloPro In real life it would be much harder, because every conversation is reaction, while here on Fluther, I mean, I can think everything over and edit it all…sometimes I’m quick to post though, especially if a conversation is busy. I may very well lose. But I don’t plan to. :D
Also, in offline life, I swear in French mostly, rather than English. But I would swear in English during conversations which would occur in said language.
@Symbeline Like I said all along, there’s no arm in swearing!
I just wanna throw something out there @Symbeline, supposing we agree on a time limit, say a week, or maybe even a month & if we’re both still going strong, would we call that a draw & shake hands on it?
Do not, under any circumstances, view this as a sign of weakness, coz I got your bottom licked :D
WEAK, he’s already twitching!
@ucme Well yeah, if we set up a time limit, we can call it a draw and all if we do both make it.
On my part, agreeing to this is not weakness, rather than knowing that there probably isn’t a prize for the winner, anyway. XD
Also wut, you’re licking my bottom? XD
@GloPro Wrong!! Just thought there’s no point on us both going on forever, which looks increasingly likely :P
@Symbeline LOL, I wanted to say another word for bottom, but we’re not swearing…god i’m good :D
Yeah, this could probably go on forever…what time limit should we have? Would be cool if there existed a national swearing day or something…we could use that as a deadline.
Being a gentleman & seeing as though I initiated the game, i’ll let you decide on an end date.
I’m more than happy to agree on whatever you say…no pressure!
@Symbeline I remember a few years back there was an event on facebook titled Swear like a Drunken Sailor Day. Think it took place in September.
September is too long. XD
@ucme Okay then…let’s be some hard…bottoms. :D How about we end it on Easter? April 20th? The day that Jesus came back…we’ll also come back. :D (is Easter the same date in England, too?)
Haha, careful, someone might think you’re good Catholic boys swearing off swearing for Lent.
I look forward to the barrage coming on the 20th.
@Symbeline It is the same here & yes, that’s fine by me. Look forward to 4wks of abstinence followed by a shared prize that is…to turn the air blue with impunity :D
We will be monitoring you two!
That’s your call, but there’s really no need, we got this made.
We’ve got this by the rump! ’‘driving gesture’’
In lieux of swearing, I might make a bunch of zombie movie references for those four weeks haha. Calms down the impure beast within, so to speak. XD
An added incentive, it’ll show the small minded folks who believe those of us who swear have nothing more to say…poppypenis!
Poppypenis. HAHAHA! If it wasn’t on the lists I provided it should be.
Please continue to make hilarious substitutions.
I still think “clucking bell” will make several dozen appearances.
And futt bucking, perhaps. XD
I don’t hear it very often, every decade or so, but a phrase that really bugs me is:
“I guess it is time to schedule you for your next colonoscopy”.
^^ Would you be happier when it turns into, Mr. Rojo, you are now officially too old to ever need another colonoscopy.”?
Along the same lines, I don’t like to hear “That procedure is not covered.”
Or “I’m sorry your mammogram/ultrasound are diagnostic, not preventative, so you are fully responsible until your deductible is hit.” That one I was actually told AFTER they pre-approved the procedures. The procedure is the same either way, but if I think I’m sick the insurance company leaves me high and dry? That’s some bullshit.
Gotta love the health system yo.
I especially didn’t like the phrase “Your biopsy came back and to our surprise it’s cancer.”
Within the past week, I heard someone say “laxa-daisy” instead of lackadaisical. I have heard the incorrect “laxadaisical” but never yet “laxa-daisy!”
Two mispronunciations which I find very annoying are “miss-chee-vee-us” instead of “mischievous” (miss-chih-vuss) and “dia-bee-tus” instead of “diabetes” which should be “dia-bee-dees.”
“He has went…”
“We tooken the money….”
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