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How is orthodontics covered in other countries?
I have health and dental insurance. Despite paying $400/mo for this coverage through my employer (family plan), I still ended up paying an additional $8,000 in out-of-pocket costs last year for things that were not covered.
My daughter is about to start “phase 2” of her orthodontic treatment. Over the past couple of years, she has had a palate expander and had braces. The “phase 1” cost was $2500. My insurance covered $1000 of this. However, the maximum lifetime benefit per person for orthodontics is $1000. So, we just found out that “phase 2” will cost approximately $5700. None of this will be covered, and I have no idea how to pay for this. We are meeting with the orthodontist next week, and I suspect he will discuss financing options.
This cost is going to be a huge strain on my family. Plus I have 2 other kids. How can the insurance company justify a $1000 lifetime benefit?
Anyway, if you live in a sane country with a better health care system, what is your experience with orthodontic care? Is it covered at a higher level? Less?
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