Social Question

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

How does unplanned food eating come about for you?

Asked by Hypocrisy_Central (26879points) March 20th, 2014

When you find yourself eating when you had not planned to, was it because:

• You were bored and before you knew it, there was a snack in your hand.
• You were going through the day and someone gives you food, or invites you to lunch or dinner, etc.
• You are going through the day and come across food that is just available and you get hungry, such as free samples, food giveaway, free and open buffet at the museum you happen to be at, etc.

When you find yourself eating and think, why am I eating, I did not plan to eat now, how did it happen, or how does it usually happen?

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9 Answers

rojo's avatar

Pretty much the way you describe it above. Except for chocolate which just seems to appear in my hands and I have no recourse but to consume it.

Also, sometimes I eat to keep from having a drink. but many times I end up having the drink afterwards anyway so….

Cruiser's avatar

I am on a pretty strict diet and I absolutely hate it when I cannot stick to my plan. Like today I brought my lunch and things got busy here so my lunch got delayed and just when I was about to heat up my lunch, I had to run out to the office supply store to get stuff we ran out of. Now very hungry, I stopped at Subway to get a salad to eat while I drove. Work is my number one reason my eating schedule gets knocked out of whack.

Berserker's avatar

If somebody offers me food, I’ll usually take up the offer, unless I just ate like half an hour ago. I don’t like refusing offers, makes me feel impolite lol.
Otherwise, my eating habits revolve around a rather strict routine, and I don’t like it being disturbed, so I don’t often find myself eating unplanned meals.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’m on a super-strict DASH diet this week and I’m starving, I magically found a small square of Milky Way dark in my hand. ;)

livelaughlove21's avatar

I am strict about eating about 1400 calories per day and working out Monday-Friday so I can eat whatever the hell I want on weekends. Now, I could eat all day if I let myself. I love food and I certainly don’t have to be hungry to eat. And I can put it away. I’m not overweight, but you’d probably wonder how I manage to stay under 500 lbs with the amount of food I can consume in a day. So, pretty much every meal on Saturday and Sunday is “unplanned,” as I don’t plan my meals on weekends.

cookieman's avatar

I was stressed and before I knew it, there was a cookie in my hand.

I was going through the day and someone mentions there’s leftover food in the conference room — next thing I know, there’s a pastrami on rye in my hand.

Haleth's avatar

People plan to eat? That sounds wonderful!

I’m like a prehistoric hunter-gatherer, foraging for whatever is available whenever I have time. Breakfast this morning was a red-bull and a crumply pop tart that I found in my car.

GloPro's avatar

Sometimes I eat when I’m sleepwalking. What a weirdo.

Stinley's avatar

Boredom usually make me reach for a snack. I always make the decision though, it never just happens. Sometimes I find myself looking for something to eat in my kitchen but it never gets to the point where I don’t realise i’ve started eating something.

I lost weight (54 bs!) for about 12 months and for the last 6 months I have been maintaining my weight. I think I’m just conscious of what I eat.

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