What are some of the dumbest things people have ever said to you?
For some reason this memory popped into my head. I had the daycare. One set of parents wrote me a check. It came back insufficient. I called them, wound up talking to the husband. I just said, “The check you wrote came back. Thought you’d like to know. Do you have any idea when you can get that week’s payment back to me? And also, they charged my account $15.00.”
He said, “I can write you another check.”
I said, “Will it clear? If it will clear I’ll just redeposit this one.”
He started snarling,“You telling me my checks are no good???!!!”
I was like…WTH?? I mean, he was really angry with me!
I accidentally deleted my entire operating system the other day. OMG. Lost all my files, pictures, everything. I called Geeks on Site to see if they could help. The person who took the call (not a tech) said, “They can see if we can restore it to an earlier time.”
I said, “You can’t restore it to an earlier time! It was just born today!
OK, even if all they’re doing is answering the phone, and don’t have a whole lot of technical experience, they should know the most basic of basics!
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30 Answers
@Dutchess_III – When the woman said, “They can see if we can restore it to an earlier time.”, she was likely just trying to say, “Relax, there are people who work with me who know what they are doing. We’ll take care of you. Ok?” What could you possibly get angry with the person answering the phone about? You’re calling this service to fix a problem you created that you are unwilling to fix yourself. It sounds like she answered the phone and had to deal with your frustration.
I didn’t get angry. I just said, “It can’t be restored to an earlier time!” Frustrated, maybe, but not angry
It’s not a question of “unwilling to do myself.” I don’t think it CAN be done. Having said that, I’ve been fixing the hell out of it for 3 days now, with no help. I just wondered if there was anyway to get my files back. I don’t think there is.
@Dutchess_III: “I just wondered if there was anyway to get my files back.”
Files or OS? I thought you recently had a thread here about Windows Restore where we warned against storing files on your OS partition (and having no backups).
Anyway, I have worked tech support. It’s a thankless job. Please consider that they only interact with frustrated, angry people who feel powerless all day. Combine that with the fact that it appears from their perspective that many of the people calling to yell at them have simply decided that troubleshooting via a simple Google search is not as much fun as calling to yell at someone who is obligated to help.
I was walking the local dam with my sister, a mutual friend, and a friend of the mutual friend. The friend of a friend ended up walking with me most of the time because my sister and our other friend were chatting. I mentioned that I was trying to lose a few pounds and he asked how many calories I was eating per day. I told him I was eating between 1300 and 1500 calories per day. He replied, “Oh no, you should be eating more like 1000–1200 calories per day or you won’t lose weight.” Really? Tell that to my scale, homie. People are so clueless about weight loss, and yet think they know exactly what you need to do to lose weight. Idiot. I didn’t bother asking him where he got this magic number or explain how I got my number (through the mystery of math) – I just didn’t respond.
I was having a very casual conversation with a friend recently and I used the term “vulvar cancer.” She (yes, she!) said, “what’s a vulvar?” Whaaaaaaat? I just gave her a confused stare and said, “You know…a vulva.” She shook her head. My stare turned blank. “It’s the external female genitalia.” She replied, “Oh! You mean vagina” as if I was a complete idiot for saying the wrong word. Ugh! How dumb can a person be?
Working in customer service from the age of 17 to 23, a relatively short time, I’ve come into contact with my fair share of idiots. None that are sticking out at the moment. I’ll come back if I remember anything.
I didn’t yell at anybody, @hominid.
It’s a long story, but what I ended up doing, thinking I was following the direction of the company I bought the computer from, was re-installing Windows 7. Not what I should have done. Not at all. I’m just glad that my most important stuff has been shared on fb and other places. Haven’t had an “OMG, I need that and it’s gone!” yet.
@livelaughlove21 Yeah, I’ve worked in customer service too. The stories I could tell!
Actually, your friend’s friend was right. There is a math to it. It takes 3500 calories to gain (or lose) one pound. If you increase your calorie intake by 500 pounds a day, then in 7 days you’ll have gained a pound. Same with decreasing your calorie intake by 500 calories a day. If you consistenly increase or decrease your calorie consumption by 100 calories per day, in 35 days you will have gained, or lost a pound. Like my sister said, it’s just as hard to gain weight as it is to lose.
27 years ago I lost about 30 pounds that had creeped up on me, and I’ve kept it off by counting calories. Well, until recently. In November I went on a mission to lose 20 pounds. I’ve lost 10 so far. It’s not a quickie thing!
In school I heard a teacher tell a female teacher not to put too much salt on her food because it will be bad for her prostate. I’m like, seriously, this guy’s a teacher? Lulz.
O noes! LOL! I once subbed for a teacher who had notes around the classroom. The grammar was SO bad. I mean, I would have fired him if I’d been the principal!
@Dutchess_III How was he right because of what you said? I was the one that said I got my numbers through math. Of course there’s a math to it. There’s no way he could know how many calories my body needs or how many calories I should eat to lose weight. He didn’t know my height, weight, activity level – nothing. I was losing weight on 1300–1500 calories per day (I still am)...why would I cut down to a ridiculously low and dangerous intake of 1000–1200 calories?
I know a lot about nutrition and weight loss. No one is really going to school me in that arena unless they’re a nutritionist or something. I get my numbers through experience and through calculations of my TDEE – 15%. I know how to lose weight, and I know how to do it the healthy way without starving myself or depriving myself of what my body needs. No one should be eating 1000 calories per day, I don’t care who they are.
Girlfriend to me: “It’s not you, it’s me” and then she dumped me.
College girlfriend: “Let’s just be friends”
My father said the dumbest thing anyone has ever said to me in my entire life. When I was in high school he said, “If you’re a homosexual, we’ll kick you out of the house.”
@Hawaii_Jake reminded me of another one. My husband and an old friend of his from high school had reconnected and were talking about a guy they knew that used to own a bar they went to when they were way too young to be in bars. This guy happens to be gay. I caught the end of a sentence spoken by my husband’s friend: ”....just because he decided to be gay.” I thought…maybe there’s a reason you guys aren’t friends anymore. And you know, we had a cookout recently with this friend and other old friends of his from school. They kept grabbing my husband’s butt or rubbing his leg or making sexual comments to get a rise out of him because, in their words, “he used to be a phobe.” Yeah, well, he’s not anymore, or else I wouldn’t be with the guy.
And another related one. I heard this joke spoken by someone that I actually really like. He’s my husband’s grandpa and it actually shocked me to hear him tell this “joke.” It actually makes me sad that he said it and I’m not even going to type it because it’s too horrible, but it was about gay people. Not only dumb, but ignorant and hateful. My husband hasn’t mentioned this to me since it happened, but I saw him looking at me when it was said, probably wondering if I was going to say anything. I didn’t, because I knew it wouldn’t change anything. You can’t choose your family, but it doesn’t mean you have to think like they do.
Southern people. sigh
It drives me crazy when people say (especially young people), “I don’t really care or follow politics”. How can a person living in this country who probably votes every four years not give a crap about who and why they are voting for a person they pull the lever for?
I still think people should have to pass a test to vote. (joking, but not really)
@BeenThereSaidThat Which is why I don’t vote. I made the decision to not care about politicians, so I don’t feel I have any business voting for any of them. I have my issues I care about, but it’s not enough to make an actual decision about which candidate should lead the country.
I don’t mean you personally since I don’t know you but I also find that sometimes people who chose not to vote are the first to complain about who is in the White House.
If you have ever seen a “man on the street” interview when they ask college kids a question like “who is the Vice President”? They don’t know but if you ask them what Party they like they will most times voice that they are Democrats since the Republicans are mean S.O.B’s
I guess their teachers have done a good job brain washing. Many don’t think for themselves or try to learn about what is going on in the country they live in.
I have heard lots and lots of stupid things but this one sticks above the rest. Me and my friends had gotten pulled over by the local police and asked to get out of the car so they could look around. So I get out of the car and this really short Police Sergeant comes over to me and asks me….“why are you so tall and your friends are so small?” I just stared down dumbfounded and speechless at Mr. diminutive Policeman. lol I still shake my head and laugh! lol
@BeenThereSaidThat I know you weren’t talking about me, no offense taken, but if you did know me you’d find that I don’t have much to say about who is in the White House, but I certainly know who the President and Vice President are. I tend to judge politicians by their personalities and what kind of vibe they give off. I like Obama because he seems like a genuinely good guy; I didn’t like Bush because he seemed like a douchebag, and a stupid one at that; I liked Clinton because that guy was cool as hell. But again, I don’t vote because being “cool” or a “good guy” isn’t a good enough reason for one to be the President of the United States. I’m inclined to agree with you that people that know nothing about politics shouldn’t be voting.
“Your gas prices are too high.” (Dude, I only work here…)
^^^ That would be customer service. The customer holds you personally responsible for all corporate decisions!
The first thing that comes to mind was someone angrily asking why male sexual predators were getting more jail time than female sexual predators.
He’s a misogynist so I’m sure he was implying that either male SP’s should get less jail time or female SP’s should get more JT.
Since he once said that it was okay to rape a woman if she was scantily clad, my guess is that…hmmm, that’s explicitly several magnitudes dumber than my previous example, so I’ll go with that one.
BTW, do you know how you deleted your OS?
From what I can see using Windows XP, I think I’d have to do something like: start > My Computer > Local Disk > I386, right click, Delete.
However, I once managed to turn off my computer sound output when I was trying to reattach the props to my keyboard.
No…I inserted, and ran, my Window’s 7 installation disk, not realizing what I was doing.
The speech pathologist who told me my son’s speech delay was caused by my breastfeeding.
My day’s side of the family are all lawyers except for my aunt, who is a housewife. With the exception of my aunt, they are all very well read and intelligent people. In 2005 we were all in Charlotte at my aunt and uncle’s house. We’re watching the World Series, and my uncle brings up the interesting fact that the Houston Astros are the first team in 52 years to be in the World Series that didn’t have a single black player on the roster. My aunt pipes up from the kitchen: “That’s because those poor black kids can’t afford a baseball field!”
I’m sure that’s it, Aunt De. Brilliant.
I don’t have a specific one-liner, but a summary of stupid things said to me. Whenever I share my health issues to someone I trust and get in response, “you should eat this, or don’t eat this, or all of your health issues could be resolved if you went on this diet.” Not only dumb, as in lacking knowledge of the truth, but exceptionally inconsiderate. I wouldn’t even say they’re well-meaning, because well-meaning would be not offering advice but asking how I feel and what I’ve done to take care of myself.
Word to the wise, never suggest to someone with chronic illness what they should do.
Or…don’t share your illnesses with someone if you don’t want advice!
When I tutor, I try to get my students into a relaxed state, so I joke with them. With some, nonsensical questions work well. So I asked one of my thirteen-year-olds “How many numbers are there in the world?” She, without hesitating, replied, “26.” She was thinking about the alphabet, of course… This girl is extremely smart – which made the episode even funnier.
I’d like to amend my answer.
Q: What are some of the dumbest things people have ever said?
A: ”... don’t share your illnesses with someone if you don’t want advice!”
@Dutchess_III – I am careful about sharing. I understand that people want to be helpful, and problem solving for some is their way of trying to be helpful.
When I or someone with health issues turn to a friend, we do so not only for TLC but to share our reality, in the same way everyone talks about the happenings of their lives.
To tell me or someone else with health issues not to share is rather rude and inconsiderate. It would be like me telling you not to share about the things affecting your life.
What Those with Chronic Pain or Illness DON’T Want to Hear (part one) and part two
What Those With Chronic Pain or Illness DO Want to Hear
Text conversation yesterday: ( I am selling an Iphone for parts) : How much you want?
Me: 100
them: is that your price? and then, they ask: Can you come to Paralowie? Me: No it’s too far.
Them: Well can you come to Pooraka? ..... Those two suburbs are like 2k apart. >;<
And, I am with @livelaughlove as far as voting. All the different parties, all the lying weirdos, and it’s compulsory here, meaning you fall out of the pub, run over there and circle anything just to get out of a fine, then go back to the pub. Not voting.
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