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tinyfaery's avatar

What is your dream concert?

Asked by tinyfaery (44303points) July 1st, 2008

If you could bring anyone back from the dead, or could reunite any band with all of its living members, or bring someone out of retirement, who would it be, and why?

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43 Answers

uno's avatar

Weather Report anno 1977–78 (Heavy Weather/Mr. Gone), with the undead Jaco Pastorius and Joe Zawinul. I had the pleasure of attending a JZ concert a couple of years back, and it was just awesome.

lefteh's avatar

There is an amazing tribute band that plays here a few times a year, but I can’t even imagine seeing the band reunited. And hell, if we’re bringing people back to life, let’s throw Syd Barrett into the mix and see all five Floyd members together again.

shrubbery's avatar

Pink Floyd.
Lefteh nailed it.

shilolo's avatar

A PhishGrateful Dead double bill, with a massive jam for set 3 with ice cream provided by Ben and Jerry’s.

lefteh's avatar

Gee, I wonder what Ben and Jerry’s flavors those would be.

shilolo's avatar

No clue…ask PnL.

trudacia's avatar

Soundgarden reunited! I’d also love to see Elvis live!

Notorious BIG and Tupac live, together.

shilolo's avatar

Wait, Tupac is dead? I mean, he keeps putting out music.

marinelife's avatar

For me, the original Queen with Freddie Mercury back from the dead. He was an amazing talent. I never get tired of their music. i would love to have seen him perform live.

jrpowell's avatar

Jawbreaker. I might be the only person here who knows who they are.

edit :: I have already seen most of my favorite bands.

trickface's avatar

Boards Of Canada supporting Radiohead in an ubermodern swedish museum.


an intimate extended new york showcase of Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Interpol and LCD Soundsystem.


Godspeed You! Black Emperor! supported by You Slut! or Explosions In The Sky performing in a grotty mouldy farmhouse during a giant house (or farm)party.


Metric supported by Foals in a crowded party in a swish city apartment (like the one in Cloverfield), lots of damage and sex.

final OR

Air playing Moon Safari in a giant spaceship while I sit on a sofa with my wife, we’re aged 79 and we’re orbiting the earth from above.

jlm11f's avatar

@ shilolo & lefteh – Cherry Garcia and Phish food !!!! Duh, doesn’t everyone know that? :)

lefteh's avatar

Yes, yes, I was being sarcastic. Maybe I do need to give in to the sarcasm mark.

Unless you’re being sarcastic?

jlm11f's avatar

i was joking. you must not have been in the chat room that day. the whole point is that I did not know where the flavors originated from and shilolo likes to take the opportunity to embarrass me for it mean shilolo! :P

marinelife's avatar

@tinyfaery Thanks for this question. I just went on YouTube and spent a delightful half hour watching and singing along with Queen.

lefteh's avatar

You didn’t know where the flavors originated from!? Good for him for embarrassing you!

tinyfaery's avatar

I forgot to tell you mine, which is still a possibility—The Smiths. I’d travel anywhere to see them.

boffin's avatar

Batdorf and Rodney
Ides of March

I’ll work on some other possibilities…..

thebeadholder's avatar

My dream concert is Madonna!
Reunited: 10,000 Maniacs
Back from the dead: Kurt Cobain and Nirvana since I never got to see them live :-(
I lived in Seattle during the height of grunge. I am still a sucker for it.

lefteh's avatar

You lived in Seattle during the height of grunge? How did you manage to never see Nirvana live?

tinyfaery's avatar

@bead Nirvana was soo bad in concert; in my opinion you didn’t miss anything.

Randy's avatar

Brand New. I’m dying to see them live! Good thing is I’m going to the warped tour this weekend which other than Brand New, is my dream show!

thebeadholder's avatar

@lefteh: Didn’t know anyone in Seattle other than family. Had moved there from the opposite end of the country in 1992. He was dead less than a year later. I did go to his vigil and saw Courtney (~yippee). So that’s why….
@tinyfaery: that’s too bad. Probably cause he was so f-ed up? Or they just stunk live?

tinyfaery's avatar

@bead I saw them in 1991, and they were baaad. Though, I hear they got better as time went on.

thecoot's avatar

Coltrane, Herbie Hancock, & Quincy Jones. And if there had to be a female singer in the mix, Alisha Keys or Lauryn Hill.

thebeadholder's avatar

thecoot: you reminded me saying Lauryn Hill…I would love to see The Fugees reunite!

whatthefluther's avatar

I’ve seen a lot of bands and tho I would love to see Freddie Mercury, Jon Bonham and Keith Moon play once again with Queen, Led Zeppelin and The Who, respectively, I’m going to have to go with a couple of pretty good bands and individuals that I missed the opportunity to see:
The Beatles
Nick Drake
Elliott Smith
Jimi Hendrix
Janis Joplin
Frank Sinatra (last but not least)

zarnold's avatar

yeah I hate the fact that I’ll never be able to see a lot of the artists I listen to live. Some I really would want to see (preferably somewhere in ny): Black Label Society supporting pantera; Zappa w/ talking heads; Black Sabbath (pre Dio); Hendrix; Sublime supporting grateful dead; Red Hot Chili Peppers; Parliament; George Harrison (beatles too); Led Zeppelin The Band; and rage and wu-tang clan together. I’d also like to see a slash vs. hendrix guitar duel.

Realistically though, I think the best I can hope for is the all points west festival; the lineup looks really good.

mcbealer's avatar

dream A ?-aid type concert featuring U2, Sting, Clapton, Radiohead, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Coldplay

reunion The Police, No Doubt, Matchbox 20, Bush

resurrected The Doors, Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin

NOharmNOfoul's avatar

Cant believe nobody brought up a GUNS N’ ROSES reunion. Axl and Slash!

fabulous's avatar

Bon Jovi i luckily got to see them 2 years ago it was fabulous.

mcbealer's avatar

2 more reunion Midnight Oil and the Violent Femmes

lefteh's avatar

I would pay so much to see the Violent Femmes.

mcbealer's avatar

@ lefteh ~ yeah, saw them in 1989, to date one of the best concerts I’ve seen.

tinyfaery's avatar

Violent Femmes play every few years. I saw them in 2002, and every now and then I hear about them playing somewhere. You might have to travel, but that doesn’t seem to be an obstacle for you.

shrubbery's avatar

I met the singer from the Violent Femmes, for some reason he was at my school fair a couple of years ago…

wilhel1812's avatar

Pink Floyd.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

elliott smith, nick drake, or nirvana – if whoever i picked was okay with it.
my first choice is 100% elliott, though, if he was cool with coming back.

Noel_S_Leitmotiv's avatar

I’d love to see Dead Can Dance again.

FutureMemory's avatar

Infest, Immortal, Negative Approach, Youth of Today, Elysian Fields (with Jennifer Charles, not the cheesy metal band), Sunny Day Real Estate.

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mcbealer's avatar

update: I would really really love to see the Thievery Corporation

rockette's avatar

In 2006, David Gilmore, lead singer of PINK FLOYD toured the US. It was as close to PINK FLOYD as you could get. He sang his new stuff and the PINK FLOYD standards

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