General Question

pleiades's avatar

Is it possible somewhere in a new born solar system that a large mass of water is just floating around soon to become a planet?

Asked by pleiades (6622points) March 23rd, 2014

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8 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Only as a massive piece of ice.

pleiades's avatar

@gailcalled Are you 100% sure?

This Billy Nye quickie vid made me ask the question

It’s about Jupiters role in the solar system

ragingloli's avatar

Anyway, if that super comet (that is what it would be) is close enough to the star for the water to liquify, after the star ignites, it will be slowly withered away by solar winds/radiation, like any other comet, because it does not have a liquid iron core to create a magnetic field required to deflect the radiation.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

There is water floating around everywhere in the cosmos just as ice

Winter_Pariah's avatar

I’d assume it’d start out as a multiple large chunks of ice, but as far a planet of water goes, it’s still being questioned and looked into, but…

ninjacolin's avatar

@pleiades you may want to consider the largest/oldst body of water ever found.

Researchers found a lake of water so large that it could provide each person on Earth an entire planet’s worth of water-20,000 times over. Yes, so much water out there in space that it could supply each one of us all the water on Earth-Niagara Falls, the Pacific Ocean, the polar ice caps, the puddle in the bottom of the canoe you forgot to flip over-20,000 times over.

Not sure about a single planet of water but it looks like there’s lots of water out there in general and some of it massively grouped together. I found this pretty mind blowing

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