What would make (or has made) you come to work loving your job (most) every day?
Asked by
ibstubro (
March 23rd, 2014
Positive work environment.
You get to define it, here.
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16 Answers
My job is to take care of myself… if I don’t then I get dirty and sick
School—> friends—> hang out—> <3 <3
I work in a fascinating industry, so even when I have had bad bosses or when we’ve had enormous problems or difficult situations, the business is still fun to be a part of. And if one pays attention to keeping the heart of the business running well, it makes it feel worthwhile and gets one past all the crap.
I’m not to that point yet, but I no longer dread going to work everyday, and I like the people I work with. I no longer wake up almost every workday with either a migraine or throwing up, from the stress of having to face another day at a horrible job…and I am happy with that vast improvement for now…
I definitely do not love my job. I just tolerate it.
My job is high stress and patient lives depend on me providing fast and exact results to doctors. At the same time I’m overworked. I’m expected to basically be a perfectly functioning robot monitoring several analyzers and solving multiple problems and special request while skipping breaks and never getting tired. All the while testing hundreds of specimens and scrutinizing thousands of test results a day.
What would it take for me to love my job? A couple extra coworkers would help to get me there. But that will not likely happen. So I just get tough and do my absolute best every day. I admit that my job is important and rewarding in several ways such as I get a good feeling knowing that in a small way I’m helping to save the lives of people and the pay is more than I expect.
I’m definitely not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. Mondays always have a brutal workload. Feel sorry for me. HA!
I worked in interior design and home staging/decorating forever. LOVED the work and was very good at it. Engaged my creative side, flexible, fun, seeing a room/house come together is so gratifying. Shopping for the perfect objects was great too.
Getting paid to find art, rugs, pillows, and all sorts of items. Creating offices, nurseries, game rooms, master bedrooms, living rooms.
Enjoying all the praise and ooohs and aaahs at the open houses. Sadly, with the economy going belly up the work just evaporated in 2010.
Now I am working in a job that I hate, and trying to find my way back to something more stimulating and creative. I really need creative work, it’s who I am.
why @cookieman likes going to work
• I love visual design
• I love helping students
• I really enjoy teaching
• I have a very nice office
• I play jazz all day
• I love projects and I always have lots of projects
I like the four day weekends,I love working by myself I enjoy driving a large transport truck.
I would need:
1) Responsibility
2) Job variation
3) The absence of jerks
I love my university academic position for several reasons:
1. I love working with my students- it is very rewarding
2. I have fantastic bosses- very supportive and encouraging
3. I am largely self-directed and autonomous in what I do, and my bosses trust me to work that way
4. I have a passion for teaching
Of course, there is one jerk there, but what workplace doesn’t have a jerk? I quite enjoy standing up to him…........
I haven’t reached that point yet, but I’ll let you know when.
I’ve only been in my current place of employment for a little under three months, but this is the first job I’ve ever had that I actually enjoyed. With jobs I’ve had in the past, I’d get lazy and burned out about a month in and would have to actively convince myself not to make up some excuse and call in. Not this time, and part of the reason is the “positive work environment” – the people here are so nice and helpful and it’s a very calm atmosphere. More than that, though, I think it has to do with this being my first job that I didn’t look at as temporary. This is my first post-college job and I look at this as my career. I know I probably won’t be here until I retire (well, who knows?), but I don’t look at this as something to hold me over until I can get something better. Also, and maybe even moreso, this is my first non-customer service position. I work mostly independently in my own office with no customers coming in and out. The only person I serve is the attorney I support, not a bunch of people off the street. Finally, I love this job because I’m good at it, and it came so naturally to me. My employers seem to be more than pleased with my performance and are constantly telling me how quickly I’ve caught on and how great of a job I’m doing. For the first time, I feel like I’m in my comfort zone and I’m doing something I can really excel at. It’s a fantastic feeling!
I have a lot of downtime at the moment (which is why I’m here…), but my 90 days is almost up and they will be moving people around so I can get a second (and maybe even third) attorney. I’ve never been excited to have more work before, but I am!
Did I fail to mention that the pay is much better here, and that’s a fantastic incentive to come in and work?
I loved my three careers, all revolving around independent secondary school education. hanging out with interesting adults and students, getting to stretch my own intellectual wings and having a very long summer vacation.
My last job (Director of College Placement) involved research, counselling, travelling, public speaking, expository writing, secret gossiping with college admissions offices, financial planning and being in the same location as my kids and step-kids so I could spy from afar.
After retirement I made and sold quilts and did volunteer work that enabled me to write monthly press releases for moderately talented artists. I loved that challenge; I also got to meet the weirdest people.
I work with dogs every day. Whenever I feel run down or depressed about certain situations at work I just remind myself of that fact.
I started working in childcare and it is the most amazing, beautifully rewarding work I’ve ever done. As long as the other ‘grown-ups’ are realistic and supportive, the days go seamlessly. I can’t imagine another job I would love that would allow as many hugs and kisses and games of hide and seek and the endless drawing princess-butterflies for colouring in. Oxytocin has become my drug of choice and those little bundles of wonder and love are the delivery devices. Now, I just need to get well again so I can get back to work.
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