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raspberry's avatar

[NSFW] What does it feel like for guys to climax?

Asked by raspberry (21points) March 24th, 2014

So I apologize if this questions is offensive or whatever, but I’ve been trying to get this question answered from my bf – who gave me a pretty vague idea. So let me hear your thoughts – what does it feel like, as a guy, to climax? Is it different when you’re doing it solo (which we all know you do), when being jacked off, in someone’s mouth etc.
*apologies if this totally throws people off (just generally curious ;))

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18 Answers

bolwerk's avatar

Yes, it is different. The human male is a crude ejaculation factory with a body attached. Ejaculating by masturbation, at least without the assistance of pornography, is a process of shedding older/excess sperm cells. Ejaculating into a mate is about (hopefully) ejaculating the best sperm you have in the hope of effecting conception, and is probably more sensual. Masturbation largely creates a feeling of relief, kind of like taking an impressive dump.

Pornography is popular because it short-circuits the process somewhat. By seeing another male copulating with a woman, a man’s competitive instincts are initiated and his primordial brain tells him he should ejaculate into her too so he can have an opportunity to impregnate her instead. Gangbang pornography exaggerates this instinct further. It goes a long way toward explaining why pornography is addictive.

Eggie's avatar

Feels like a really hot pee that you had to let off a million years ago, and you finally went. The pleasure comes in in bursts, where each squirt feels better and better.

ucme's avatar

It feels rather like a million tiny angels are milking my penis & beating a million tiny drums in my testicles.
Also, every time I ejaculate into a vagina I have to resist the temptation to do a Tarzan yell, coz the wife would probably crush my nuts for being so crass.

Blackberry's avatar

Finally a good question!

You feel it come out the same as urine, but there’s a difference between the two. It’s almost like you feel the ejaculate coming from deeper inside you (not spiritually) so you feel it travel throughout your body more or something?

dappled_leaves's avatar

@bolwerk “Ejaculating by masturbation, at least without the assistance of pornography, is a process of shedding older/excess sperm cells. Ejaculating into a mate is about (hopefully) ejaculating the best sperm you have in the hope of effecting conception”

Citation, please?

Cruiser's avatar

I have had this discussion with most of my partners and for the most part we seem to agree that we have similar pleasure experiences upon orgasm but that the orgasms can and do vary in intensity and also as to what you were doing at the time of climax ie. oral, hand, copulating or my fav jungle Fcking. Subsequent orgasms are almost always more intense and again what women have told me when they have multiple orgasms.

bolwerk's avatar

@dappled_leaves: don’t enjoy it too much!

dappled_leaves's avatar

@bolwerk Interesting. Thanks.

kritiper's avatar

Sorta like throwing up but in your groin. And it don’t feel bad!

Eggie's avatar

Tis….it lasts for such a teeny while…
But whilst its coming
Its makes you smile….

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It’s like a sneeze that does not quite want to happen and then finally does.

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flip86's avatar

It feels similar to taking a piss after holding it in for a really long time.

DominicX's avatar

I agree with what @Eggie and @Blackberry said. The main pleasure is when the muscles contract and the semen comes out in squirts, but you can’t forget about the intense build-up of pressure beforehand, that feels good too, though in a very different way—I’m sure girls have that same feeling, it’s just that with guys that intense pressure turns into the actual ejaculating/contracting/pulsating feeling (that is accompanied by the release of the liquid, which I think, makes it feel even better lol).

Definitely feels different depending on who’s doing it. Solo is okay, but that’s like a “sampling” compared to actually having sex (oral or other) with someone. At least that’s my experience.

Cruiser's avatar

@DominicX FYI women squirt too

kritiper's avatar

When you do it solo, it isn’t as intense because there is no visual or reality based, real partner involved stimulation, only your imagination. It happens faster, too, because you can move your hand faster than your (or the partner’s) pelvis, and your in-hand grip is stronger (the squeezing) than where ever your unit is if it isn’t in your hand.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

If you’ve ever been with a woman who has been doing her Kegel exercises, you will find bliss unbeknownst to you from merely making love to a woman who doesn’t squeeze you there!

The actual feelings of intense pleasure begin fading so soon after the experience that it is hard to recapture the incredible fabulous wonderful feeling of power over the universe in words.

And surely these feelings are different from one guy to the next.

The closest other experience to which one might compare the buildup and explosion of ejaculation is sneezing.

Yes, sneezing.

You know how you get that feeling that you need to sneeze. It builds and builds and almost but then you lose it. And then it returns, building and building only this time you reach an explosive crescendo ~~~
There is a Led Zeppelin song, Whole Lotta Love which very clearly demonstrates this buildup and release.

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