Meta Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Am I the only one who notices that some people don't read all the answers and then gives an answer that has already been given and debated to DEATH?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) March 26th, 2014

I had to ask this. It was required so I had to ask. The reason I had to ask was because it was required, so I asked it.

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125 Answers

Judi's avatar

Did you really have to ask it? I mean, was it really required of you or did you just ask it because you wanted to or you gave in to peer pressure?

Coloma's avatar

It can happen on occasion to anyone and I concur with @Judi .
No offense Dutchie but, you’re kinda annoying today.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am not annoying! Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

I know I’ve done it too, but I always apologize in advance and tell folks that I haven’t read the other answers and why. Usually because of time constraints.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’m in a hurry, so I’ll just add this: always refrigerate the melon first.

Juels's avatar

I’ve done it. Oh the shame!

Berserker's avatar

What is this, first come first serve? I’ll answer what I gat dang well wish to, whether it’s already been said or not. If anything, mob mentality can always reinforce an idea. ’‘pitchfork brandishing’’

filmfann's avatar

Did you really have to ask it? I mean, was it really required of you or did you just ask it because you wanted to or you gave in to peer pressure?

ibstubro's avatar

I’m with @Hawaii_Jake. Just take a danged flyswatter to it and be done with it.

Little cheese to go with that whine?

dxs's avatar

See my awkwardly worded (and already debated) question about a similar circumstance here.

Cruiser's avatar

Did you really have to ask it? I mean, was it really required of you or did you just ask it because you wanted to or you gave in to peer pressure? ;)

Seek's avatar

Why did you ask this? Is it that peer pressure thing again?

ibstubro's avatar

Let’s talk about this “requirement” thing, @Dutchess_III.

Whowhatwhywhenwhere, andsometimeshowmuch?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Take me to Miami.

ibstubro's avatar

Where is Urami?

We need a little direction here, sheesh.

janbb's avatar

It’s the owner’s fault.

longgone's avatar

I love you, jellies.

rojo's avatar

NO I am the only one who notices that some people don’t read all the answers and then gives an answer that has already been given and debated to DEATH!

Stop stealing my thunder!

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^^ Are not!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@ibstubro “Miami” is actually from a story about my then 6-year-old grandson. He was pretending to be a pilot with my mom. After about 5 minutes of flying all over the country he asked where she wanted to go next. She said, “Take my to Miami.”
He said, “Well, I can’t take you to your ami because I sell jewels now.

ibstubro's avatar

Eww!Ewww!Thunder??, @rojo.
(4:00 exactly.)

And you’re surprised at my psychic abilities? @Dutchess_III
(not to mention my 6 year old mentality!)

SavoirFaire's avatar

Has anyone thought of looking under the swimming pool at the house of in the frizzer we had a boy that was missing for 3 years somewhere around here and they found him .i would not let her out of jail shell will just run?

Judi's avatar

Oh Janet…..

ibstubro's avatar

Oh, Brad!

XOIIO's avatar

Did you really have to ask it? I mean, was it really required of you or did you just ask it because you wanted to or you gave in to peer pressure?

whitenoise's avatar

I was just thinking:

Is this not some kind of peer pressure thing?
Did you really have to ask this?

GloPro's avatar

The voices told me you were gonna ask it.

XOIIO's avatar

@whitenoise Yeah, I mean, did it really need to be asked? Maybe it was peer pressure.

Berserker's avatar

I believe it was peer pressure. I wonder if this needed to be asked.

whitenoise's avatar

Just struck me…

Do people even read their own answers? Do they actually just think and reflect before posting an answer? Or would they just type anything that comes to their mind? Just to be able to answer?

Why is it that people just seem to answer without even processing their own earlier input to the same (!!!) question?

Worse: the same even holds true for posting opening questions, I feel.

Why is their such a need to ask questions like this… Might it be peer pressure?

I think I should post a question on that in META.

XOIIO's avatar

@whitenoise Maybe this should answer your…

asfdoihw oihj
apijfd owih ‘aih s’pj a poop

Strauss's avatar


rojo's avatar

I thought peer pressure was what forced you to the bathroom at all hours of the night. I did not realize it also made you ask questions!

Other than “where is that damn light switch

CWOTUS's avatar

Did you really have to ask it? I mean, was it really required of you or did you just ask it because you wanted to or you gave in to peer pressure?
Judi (36970points )“Great Answer” (7points ) Flag as…
AshLeigh’s avatar
AshLeigh (13363points )“Great Answer” (2points ) Flag as…
Coloma’s avatar
It can happen on occasion to anyone and I concur with @Judi .
No offense Dutchie but, you’re kinda annoying today.
Coloma (38075points )“Great Answer” (7points ) Flag as…
Dutchess_III’s avatar
I am not annoying! Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?
I know I’ve done it too, but I always apologize in advance and tell folks that I haven’t read the other answers and why. Usually because of time constraints.
Dutchess_III (25486points )“Great Answer” (1points ) Flag as…
Hawaii_Jake’s avatar
I’m in a hurry, so I’ll just add this: always refrigerate the melon first.
Hawaii_Jake (25250points )“Great Answer” (8points ) Flag as…
Juels’s avatar
I’ve done it. Oh the shame!
Juels (3137points )“Great Answer” (1points ) Flag as…
Symbeline’s avatar
What is this, first come first serve? I’ll answer what I gat dang well wish to, whether it’s already been said or not. If anything, mob mentality can always reinforce an idea. ’‘pitchfork brandishing’’
Symbeline (29174points )“Great Answer” (8points ) Flag as…
filmfann’s avatar
Did you really have to ask it? I mean, was it really required of you or did you just ask it because you wanted to or you gave in to peer pressure?
filmfann (39384points )“Great Answer” (5points ) Flag as…
ibstubro’s avatar
I’m with @Hawaii_Jake. Just take a danged flyswatter to it and be done with it.
Little cheese to go with that whine?
ibstubro (8626points )“Great Answer” (3points ) Flag as…
dxs’s avatar
See my awkwardly worded (and already debated) question about a similar circumstance here.
dxs (9256points )“Great Answer” (1points ) Flag as…
Cruiser’s avatar
Did you really have to ask it? I mean, was it really required of you or did you just ask it because you wanted to or you gave in to peer pressure? ;)
Cruiser (34267points )“Great Answer” (7points ) Flag as…
Dutchess_III’s avatar
Dutchess_III (25486points )“Great Answer” (1points ) Flag as…
Seek_Kolinahr’s avatar
Why did you ask this? Is it that peer pressure thing again?
Seek_Kolinahr (29298points )“Great Answer” (5points ) Flag as…
ibstubro’s avatar
Let’s talk about this “requirement” thing, @Dutchess_III.
Whowhatwhywhenwhere, andsometimeshowmuch?
ibstubro (8626points )“Great Answer” (1points ) Flag as…
Dutchess_III’s avatar
Take me to Miami.
Dutchess_III (25486points )“Great Answer” (2points ) Flag as…
ibstubro’s avatar
Where is Urami?
We need a little direction here, sheesh.
ibstubro (8626points )“Great Answer” (4points ) Flag as…
janbb’s avatar
It’s the owner’s fault.
janbb (42519points )“Great Answer” (3points ) Flag as…
Dutchess_III’s avatar
It is @janbb!
Dutchess_III (25486points )“Great Answer” (2points ) Flag as…
longgone’s avatar
I love you, jellies.
longgone (4925points )“Great Answer” (2points ) Flag as…
rojo’s avatar
NO I am the only one who notices that some people don’t read all the answers and then gives an answer that has already been given and debated to DEATH!
Stop stealing my thunder!
rojo (13528points )“Great Answer” (2points ) Flag as…
Dutchess_III’s avatar
^^^^ Are not!
Dutchess_III (25486points )“Great Answer” (0points ) Flag as…
Dutchess_III’s avatar
@ibstubro “Miami” is actually from a story about my then 6-year-old grandson. He was pretending to be a pilot with my mom. After about 5 minutes of flying all over the country he asked where she wanted to go next. She said, “Take my to Miami.”
He said, “Well, I can’t take you to your ami because I sell jewels now.
Dutchess_III (25486points )“Great Answer” (2points ) Flag as…
ibstubro’s avatar
Eww!Ewww! ”Thunder??, @rojo.
(4:00 exactly.)
And you’re surprised at my psychic abilities? @Dutchess_III
(not to mention my 6 year old mentality!)
ibstubro (8626points )“Great Answer” (1points ) Flag as…
SavoirFaire’s avatar
Has anyone thought of looking under the swimming pool at the house of in the frizzer we had a boy that was missing for 3 years somewhere around here and they found him .i would not let her out of jail shell will just run?
SavoirFaire (19176points )“Great Answer” (5points ) Flag as…
Judi’s avatar
Oh Janet…..
Judi (36970points )“Great Answer” (0points ) Flag as…
ibstubro’s avatar
Oh, Brad!
ibstubro (8626points )“Great Answer” (2points ) Flag as…
Mimishu1995’s avatar
Sorry @Dutchess_III but you’ve already too late! ~
Mimishu1995 (3828points )“Great Answer” (0points ) Flag as…
rojo’s avatar
@ibstubro Awsome!
rojo (13528points )“Great Answer” (0points ) Flag as…
XOIIO’s avatar
Did you really have to ask it? I mean, was it really required of you or did you just ask it because you wanted to or you gave in to peer pressure?
XOIIO (16088points )“Great Answer” (3points ) Flag as…
whitenoise’s avatar
I was just thinking:
Is this not some kind of peer pressure thing?
Did you really have to ask this?
whitenoise (12459points )“Great Answer” (3points ) Flag as…
GloPro’s avatar
The voices told me you were gonna ask it.
GloPro (3655points )“Great Answer” (3points ) Flag as…
XOIIO’s avatar
@whitenoise Yeah, I mean, did it really need to be asked? Maybe it was peer pressure.
XOIIO (16088points )“Great Answer” (2points ) Flag as…
Symbeline’s avatar
I believe it was peer pressure. I wonder if this needed to be asked.
Symbeline (29174points )“Great Answer” (1points ) Flag as…
whitenoise’s avatar
Just struck me…
Do people even read their own answers? Do they actually just think and reflect before posting an answer? Or would they just type anything that comes to their mind? Just to be able to answer?
Why is it that people just seem to answer without even processing their own earlier input to the same (!!!) question?
Worse: the same even holds true for posting opening questions, I feel.
Why is their such a need to ask questions like this… Might it be peer pressure?
I think I should post a question on that in META.
whitenoise (12459points )“Great Answer” (0points ) Flag as…
XOIIO’s avatar
@whitenoise Maybe this should answer your…
asfdoihw oihj
apijfd owih ‘aih s’pj a poop
XOIIO (16088points )“Great Answer” (0points ) Flag as…
Yetanotheruser’s avatar
Yetanotheruser (13124points )“Great Answer” (1points ) Flag as…
rojo’s avatar
I thought peer pressure was what forced you to the bathroom at all hours of the night. I did not realize it also made you ask questions!
Other than “where is that damn light switch

janbb's avatar

@CWOTUS And your point being?

whitenoise's avatar

Do you really need to ask?

janbb's avatar

@CWOTUS I had to ask this. It was required so I had to ask. The reason I had to ask was because it was required, so I asked it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OMG @CWOTUS talk about required peer pressure. Whut is wrong with you???

ibstubro's avatar

Time flies like the wind, fruit flies like bananas.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Are the fruit flies under peer pressure to like bananas you think?

ibstubro's avatar

I’m sure, there lots of pear pressure in the fruit fly community.

janbb's avatar

And…’s a stop!

ibstubro's avatar

What kinda intersection, @janbb? Is it just a one-way stop, like at a T in the road, or is ii something more complicated? I’m good, with a one-way or a two way. But wait, I guess a T in the road could be a three-way, and that sounds kinda tricky. I hate 4-ways, not because they don’t make the traffic flow smoothly, but because a busy 4-way will meter the traffic out on the 2 streets involved so regularly that it’s murder pulling out on those streets from anywhere but at the 4-way stop.

But wait! If you’re talking about lighted stops, a 4-way is fine. I actually prefer the 4-way lights with the traffic camera. Most generate revenue from the out-of-towners. The thing I wonder is WHY it seems like once a light is installed, it can almost never be removed! I mean, if a light is put in because of a specific business traffic at an intersection and the business goes out, why can’t the light just be turned off?

Berserker's avatar

whoa d00d

Dutchess_III's avatar

I hate the peer pressure I feel to stop and stop signs and stop lights.

ibstubro's avatar

I hate the peer pare pressure I feel from my pears.

(Wait! STOP! If I Fluther further, I’ll end up on my 5-worded alteration question!)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Quit talking about your pears @ibstubro. Nobody wants to hear that!

Berserker's avatar

Not true @Dutchess_III.

The medieval times always interested me. XD oh wait, peers, not years…

rojo's avatar

Is this thread still active?

What was the question again?

ibstubro's avatar

I’m sorry, @Symbeline, you were whispering and I missed it, what were you interested in wearing?

I hope it’s spare!

rojo's avatar

Spare wear on a great pair!

Berserker's avatar

I doth inquire that all of thee step within my lair ‘pon the moment.

rojo's avatar

Beware! Have Care! Grendels lair!

dxs's avatar

This thread is confusing me.

Berserker's avatar

@rojo Ain’t no one here but us carebears.

rojo's avatar

Fuzzy carebears, pleasant pairs, spare hairs, from here where?

ibstubro's avatar

@dxs Seek truth in chaos. It’s free for all here!

ibstubro's avatar

Scuzzy paredpears, pheasant peers, square seers, from thar lair.

rojo's avatar

@dxs You need to go back and read the Original Question and then all the answers all the way back down to your question and then duck because @Dutchess_III will probably be launching a brick at your head

ibstubro's avatar

Sorry, channeling Dr. Seuss.

XOIIO's avatar


ibstubro's avatar

^^ too much pear juice before beddy bye. @rojo covered this!

XOIIO's avatar


Berserker's avatar

beer pressure

Dutchess_III's avatar


Strauss's avatar

Who left the frizzer door open!

Berserker's avatar

A werecarebear.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^ Eating pears.

Berserker's avatar

While riding around in a wheelchair.

Dutchess_III's avatar

leaving frizzer doors open.

Strauss's avatar

And always hopin’...

ibstubro's avatar

Good book, @Yetanotheruser, but I personally prefer the song.

XOIIO's avatar

I think this question might be beginning to get off track.

Berserker's avatar

Ya think?

ibstubro's avatar

On the crack track, maybe?

Berserker's avatar

lol u sed crack

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Symbeline! You sayethed ‘pon’! That’ reminds me….where is that “Derail This Thread” question? I just realized I haven’t seen it in FORever. crack.

Berserker's avatar

I doth indeed recall such a thread, aye. But should it naught be located by means of the search feature, then I feareth indeed that I hath no clue of how else to arrive again to such nostalgia.

In the name of crack, I hath spoken.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well pon. Pon crack. Porn pon.

rojo's avatar

What a crock.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Judge Judy is on. Gotta run!

GloPro's avatar

Wait! LISTEN! You cannot answer older questions unless you are a newer member. Proceed…

ibstubro's avatar


The best way the Danes found to solve peer pressure was sticking your finger in a dike.

Strauss's avatar

Hope she liked it!

XOIIO's avatar

hope she licked it

Buttonstc's avatar


Actually it was Janets not Janet.

Can’t you remember anything. Sheesh.

Jk :D

Judi's avatar

Well, I AM old. Give me a break! ~

rojo's avatar

Why, @Judi are you a dike?

if so watch out for the fickle finger of fate (or of @ibstubro )

Judi's avatar

No, I’m straight but I have many friends who are. (I wish I could figure out how to spell a raspberry sound.)

rojo's avatar


you are welcome

ibstubro's avatar

Ohhh… @rojo‘s giving tongue!

Dutchess_III's avatar

You guys are soooooo off topic. I’m tellin’!

Judi's avatar

Lol. You noticed?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Noticed what?.....BUTTERFLY!!!!

ibstubro's avatar

Food fight? Let the butter, FLY!

jca's avatar

Flutter Bye Bye!

Dutchess_III's avatar


This is SO much better!

Berserker's avatar

Shiver me timbers…some mens’ hearts are as black as coal, yo, ho heave ho! It’s a darker tale that’s ever been told, ‘bout a lust for treasure and above all gold! Shiver me timbers shiver my sails, dead men tell no tales!

Cruiser's avatar

This thread is officially hijacked and is proof positive nobody reads the answers first nor the question.

Berserker's avatar

Peer pressure.

Strauss's avatar

Just sit right back And you’ll hear a tale,A tale of a fateful trip That started from this tropic port Aboard this tiny ship. The mate was a mighty sailin’ man, The Skipper brave and sure, Five passengers set sail that day, For a three hour tour,

A three hour tour.

Berserker's avatar

Yo ho, yo ho, we row beneath the black flag, a rollickin’ we’ll go, we own the seas and skies!
A pirate knows no fear, our steel is ready and our retribution is severe!

rojo's avatar

“Doe de doe doe! Hand over ‘em delicious Golden Fries”

“Never!” cried Billy.

Berserker's avatar

Well then, on we shall go widdit.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Damn your eyes! I have the Gilligan Island theme song stuck in my head!! >< >< <> >> << <> >< >< >< >< <> >> << <> >< >< >< >< <> >> << <> >< >< >< >< <> >> << <> >< >< >< >< <> >> << <> >< >< >< >< <> >> << <> >< >< >< >< <> >> << <> >< >< >< >< <> >> << <> >< >< Hey. That’s kind of cool. I feel like an Indian Native ‘Murikin.

ibstubro's avatar

Ronalmammalian’Donalds? @rojo

@Dutchess_III, nice blanket!

Coloma's avatar

I truly hope nobody hear really watches Judge Judy..OMG! You need to be exterminated. lol

Buttonstc's avatar

There are strange things done in the midnight sun
By the men who moil for gold;
The Arctic trails have their secret tales
That would make your blood run cold;
The Northern Lights have seen queer sights,
But the queerest they ever did see
Was that night on the marge of Lake Lebarge
I cremated Sam McGee.

Now Sam McGee was from Tennessee, where the cotton blooms and blows…...

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