Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

Do you think you should have to seek court permission to have sex in your own home?

Asked by ragingloli (52371points) March 27th, 2014

Limited government republicans are at it again.
A rep in Massachusetts (stupid name, btw), has filed a bill that would make it illegal for a divorcing parent to have sexual relations with a third party until the divorce is final.

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57 Answers

syz's avatar

Yes, I’m always amazed by how often the party of “less government” wants to mess with our genitals.

elbanditoroso's avatar

If this silly law were to pass, how would they enforce it? Microphones and cameras in every room of a house? That’s kinky.

Suppose I go outside and do it in the back yard on a towel? Does that break the law? Or maybe in the garage down the driveway – am I guilty?

Stupid law.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Incredible. I’m sure Sen Richard J. Ross, Rep., is doing it “to protect the children!”
This is a slap in the face to women who most often get the house and the kids.

Truth be told, it would likely be just as emotionally scarring to see married parents doing the deed. I know my parents did it at least twice, as did I. But i sure as heck don’t want to see it. Shudder!

Tell me again, why do women vote republican?

hominid's avatar

Not to derail, but I think there may be more to this than Richard Ross (a Republican) proposing this bill. Richard Ross has denied writing this bill, and it may be that he’s simply filing this on behalf of a constituent (83-year-old Robert LeClair), as he might other petitions.

cazzie's avatar

How about a sauna? Can we all get naked in the sauna with the kids? How many female bikes does Daddy get to ride and parade in front of the kids, because he doesn’t live at home any more? (My only consolation is that he is changing girlfriends so frequently, my son is calling them by the wrong names.) Regarding this ill-written, poorly inspired piece of rubbish, I think someone has mommy issues and should stop projecting.

JLeslie's avatar

Good God! This is just ridiculous. You can’t even use adultery in divorce proceedings anymore I don’t think as a named reason for the divorce to try to get more alimony, etc. I already hate that some states make couples be legally separated for 6 months, some a year, before being able to get a divorce. You can get married in a day; but divorce, so many states have all sorts of crazy rules. The divorcing parent usually understands better the consequences of what they are doing better than the two young people about to get married. I do think the state taking an interest in children is ok, to the extent that some states require a class for children when their parents divorce, but trying to control the behavior of adults in this way is absurd. The parent isn’t having sex in front of the children for goodness sake.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Why do these idiots keep wasting time and energy on bills that, even if they passed, would not hold up, constitutionally, to any court challenge?

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Sounds like old Uncle Sam is screwing her pretty hard in the down time.

hominid's avatar

It’s worth pausing before railing against Republicans. I’m no fan of Republicans, but it’s embarrassing to see people lose their shit over essentially nothing. From what I have read (and from what Ross has said), this is a non-story. It’s strictly procedural and goes nowhere. It has been proposed by a grumpy old man for years. His representative, Ross, finally decided to submit it. He didn’t write it, doesn’t support it, and sees this as simply doing his job as a representative. There are so many bills proposed that we’re talking about a piece of nonsense in a sea of it.

There’s nothing to see here, so it seems. To paint this as some Republican thing is dishonest.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@hominid I guess people are quick to believe it when they see the law Texas passed that requires abortion providers to show or describe to a woman an ultrasound image of her fetus. (That was a Republican lead initiative.)

The law, enacted in 2011, requires abortion providers to perform an ultrasound on pregnant women, show and describe the image to them, and play sounds of the fetal heartbeat. Though women can decline to view images or hear the heartbeat, they must listen to a description of the exam.

hominid's avatar

@LuckyGuy – Don’t get me wrong. I understand. I find the Republican party to be despicable. Jumping on media frenzies that are not entirely accurate doesn’t help anyone, however.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I wonder where masturbation falls in here?

cazzie's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Oh, please, sweetie, don’t ruin that for me too! I have a month or so of my one year sentence left to serve.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Does a representative have an obligation to submit every crackpot idea that’s pushed by one of his constituents?

cazzie's avatar

I feel like this guy is playing the ‘Sex Nazi’ like the ‘Soup Nazi’ from Seinfeld. He yells at you, ‘NO ORGASM FOR YOU!’

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@cazzie I didn’t see it mentioned one way or the other. Sex Nazi, please no.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@hominid – that’s a lousy excuse on the part of this congressman. He is SUPPOSED to exercise judgment. Obviously he didn’t.

Berserker's avatar

Yeah I’ve seen this. Seriously, do I really have to tell you what I think? This bugger needs to go hang himself.

hominid's avatar

^ This is what I’m talking about.

hominid's avatar

I resent the fact that you’re putting me (a socialist civil libertarian who thinks Republicans and Democrats are right-wing fanatics) in a position of having to defend Ross (or appear to).

@Darth_Algar: “Does a representative have an obligation to submit every crackpot idea that’s pushed by one of his constituents?”

No. It seems that representatives approach this in different ways.

But do we know how many bills are submitted by the 40 Massachusetts representatives each year? When was the last time anyone here actually read those bills? I suspect we don’t hear about 99% of them because they’re all shit. The time to concern ourselves with a piece of proposed legislation is when it gets some legs. This media panic about Ross’ bill is unjustified. This is submitted by a Republican in Massachusetts, and would likely be considered batshit crazy by even the Republicans that we have here.

@elbanditoroso: “that’s a lousy excuse on the part of this congressman. He is SUPPOSED to exercise judgment. Obviously he didn’t.”

Excuse or not, that doesn’t change the fact that there is nothing to see here. People going on about how the Republicans are crazy or Ross “needs to go hang himself” is really sad. It may be that the guy finally broke down after years of LeClair proposing this, or it could be that he was just waiting for the opportunity to propose a batshit crazy bill that would tarnish his career, but only wanted someone else to blame so I submitted it on LeClair’s behalf. Who knows? All we have is his statement that he was doing what he considers to be his job as a representative.

As for judgement? I’m not entirely sure I look to Republicans for examples of good judgement. It doesn’t mean we need to pretend this is some kind of atrocity. It’s only taking anyone’s time because of the media frenzy, which from what I can tell is unjustified.

cazzie's avatar

We don’t need to pretend, @hominid we can point to it and laugh and stop pretending that at any point this was serious.

Berserker's avatar

@hominid I’m not convinced that there is nothing to see here. It’s a law that’s being suggested, and he’s presenting it. You’ll have to excuse some of us if we find it shocking. Secondly if he’s just doing his job and randomly, mindlessly parroting off suggested laws, then that’s even more dangerous. Senators are responsible for a lot of things, and now you’re saying we shouldn’t be worried? If it’s being mentioned, there’s a reason. This isn’t some dumb Facebook joke that comes with a picture and some words. Although I’ll bet one exists about this.

And he still needs to go hang himself.

hominid's avatar

State senate. How often do you read the thousands of proposed bills here in Massachusetts by the 40 state senators? There are a total of 4 Republican state senators here. We wouldn’t have heard about this if it were not for a newspaper article that happened to stumble on this. It would have quietly been voted against and that would have been it.

@Symbeline: “Senators are responsible for a lot of things, and now you’re saying we shouldn’t be worried?”

Rather than me try to quell the panic, maybe you could explain to me why “we” should be worried?

@Symbeline: “If it’s being mentioned, there’s a reason.”

This is exactly what I’m talking about. Someone got a tip about this, thought it would be sexy, someone reported on it, and the rest of the media have been busy running with it instead of reporting on news. The result is predictable. Panic. It’s humiliating.

@Symbeline: “And he still needs to go hang himself.”


Berserker's avatar

@hominid Rather than me try to quell the panic, maybe you could explain to me why “we” should be worried?
What if it comes to pass? Then what? I mean at this point, people must know that most are against this.

rojo's avatar

It’s even worse in my home, I have to get my wifes permission not to mention cooperation

hominid's avatar

@Symbeline: “What if it comes to pass? Then what? I mean at this point, people must know that most are against this.”

Let me assure you – that could never pass here in MA. In fact, like I have been saying, it would have silently been dismissed following a 2-minute unanimous vote against it. We’re talking about an idea that even MA-style Republicans wouldn’t support. And there are only 4 of them in the state senate (and 36 Democrats).

If someone submitted a bill (on behalf of a constituent) in some state in your country that was just one of hundreds (?) of active bills and it said that outlawed hockey, would you not find it somewhat odd when people in the U.S. went apeshit? I mean, the legislator who submitted it should likely be hung, right?

Edit: And just to be clear – if there were a chance this would pass, it had legs and support, then sure – it would make sense to oppose it. For now, I do not see this as anything we should spend any time on.

rojo's avatar

@hominid I agree that it is not worth getting worked up about at this point. What would be helpful would be to see what other bills he has filed for constituents to determine if he has an even handed approach in his filings.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Honestly @hominid, I don’t see many people actually going “apeshit” about. Mostly I’ve just seen a lot of mockery (which is fully deserved). Your valiant defense here, while admirable, may be unwarranted.

hominid's avatar

^ I hope so. I think calling for Ross’ hanging does qualify as “apeshit”, however.

rojo's avatar

Ha! he’s just lucky @Symbeline didn’t propose the Blood Eagle

cazzie's avatar

I think you guys are missing the point. What about the respect due to the process? This shit shouldn’t get a show. Not even a small mention. Do you people even care about how your laws are formed? Maybe this sort of thing is a wake up call, then. Get. Real. People!

hominid's avatar

@cazzie: ” This shit shouldn’t get a show. Not even a small mention. Do you people even care about how your laws are formed?”

As a resident of Massachusetts, I have no problem with the fact that this bill was submitted. If it were my representative, I might have a word with him/her, but Ross is not my rep. Exactly how should I feel? I’m honestly confused by the whole thing. I’m supposed to roll up my sleeves and start writing my local rep to…umm…something?

cazzie's avatar

@hominid something? Really? If you have to ask and you are right there at the coalface, anything I say is going to be mute. THIS is exactly the point to shake proverbial fists and point home proverbial points. DO SOMETHING! Everyone who says… oh.. that will never happen and then does NOTHING is contributing to the injustice.

hominid's avatar

^ What are you talking about? Do “something” about what? I find nothing to be wrong with this situation at all.

cazzie's avatar

So, there you are… while evil men try to do evil things and you just sit there and do nothing.

hominid's avatar

^ What are you talking about? Kill the hyperbole for a second and tell me.

cazzie's avatar

What if this got passed… for what ever reason….. what would you do?

hominid's avatar

I’m not sure if you’re even being serious right now. I live here in Massachusetts. This is not even something that will get a minute of attention. “For whatever reason” needs to be a little more clear for me to understand what you’re talking about.
My opposition to media shitstorms is precisely because I believe in direct action. You’re talking to someone who communicates with my representatives (from local to Elizabeth Warren to federal), has demonstrated in support of reproductive rights and against the invasion of Iraq prior to (and after). I believe in moral responsibility to act and speak out when rights are at risk. But this is in no way one of those moments. It’s the complete opposite, from what I can tell. It’s taking time away from important shit to argue economics with a man masturbating behind a Dunkin’ Donuts.

The most fascinating thing about this is the role the media play in this. We see this kind of shit from confused old people when they hear about some proposed rule of some school and determine that there is a war on Christians in this country. Panic is not progressive. It’s the fuel of the reactionary.

cazzie's avatar

I will continue to refrain from masturbating in front of you while eating dunkin’ donuts. and I wont’ expect you to take any action. I will continue to expect nothing but apathy because that is what you are offering.

cazzie's avatar

My POINT is that this shit, while of course it does not deserve a real response… it shouldn’t even be on the table. Get rid of this shit. all together. it isn’t panic….. it is response.

hominid's avatar

@cazzie: “I will continue to expect nothing but apathy because that is what you are offering.”

All I can say is that I promise you that my position is not one of apathy. Other than that, I suppose we are talking past each other.

I’ll note this as the first time I’ve ever been accused of apathy. :) I’m usually accused of being some fanatic left-wing commie activist who is addicted to stirring shit up. I’ll note this as a first.

cazzie's avatar

You look on and do nothing… what is that? oh sorry… perhaps you are shaking your head….

hominid's avatar

@cazzie: “You look on and do nothing… what is that?”

Look on to what? Shit, I thought we were done with this. What is it that I am looking on and doing nothing about? Be specific.

cazzie's avatar

@hominid as a resident of Mass, you could come out and say something… like what you are saying now.

hominid's avatar

@hominid: “Look on to what? Shit, I thought we were done with this. What is it that I am looking on and doing nothing about? Be specific.”

@cazzie: ”@hominid as a resident of Mass, you could come out and say something… like what you are saying now.”

Say something about what? huh?

cazzie's avatar

i admit to a complete ignorance of the crazy that is the US media….. am i just a bit of floatsom caught in the waves? I get pissed about this stuff.

Berserker's avatar

@hominid Haha you seem to have a bit of an obsession about my hanging comment. Relax, I wouldn’t actually see someone’s life being taken over this. I prefer the blood eagle.

Let me assure you – that could never pass here in MA. In fact, like I have been saying, it would have silently been dismissed following a 2-minute unanimous vote against it. We’re talking about an idea that even MA-style Republicans wouldn’t support.

I certainly hope you’re correct here, but one has to wonder, why then, has it made the light of day? Why DIDN’T it go unnoticed, as you propose it should have, had the media not got involved?
I’m GLAD it got involved, even if it may be blowing it out of proportion. We have the right to know what the higher ups are doing about our freedom and rights. If this will never pass and isn’t a big deal, why is it an issue? Someone, somewhere wants this to happen, and the consideration is there. Cazzie has a point, if this isn’t important and will never pass, then the higher ups should just ditch it.

If someone submitted a bill (on behalf of a constituent) in some state in your country that was just one of hundreds (?) of active bills and it said that outlawed hockey, would you not find it somewhat odd when people in the U.S. went apeshit? I mean, the legislator who submitted it should likely be hung, right?

blood eagle

I believe I have a right to be concerned about this. Canada is affiliated with America, and our prime minister seeks to emulate a lot of American laws and cultural traits to Canada. If you go to a war, we follow. we have no spine
Were it the other way around, say if some law was passed, or suggested in Canada to outlaw hockey, no I would not find it odd if Americans also got involved. It’s your sport as well, as far as I know a lot of Americans enjoy hockey.
If something like this happened, I would be outraged. I don’t care for hockey myself, and frankly all the money spent on it…ugh…but taking away people’s right to enjoy the sport? If it were to be an issue, I repeat, I’d be angry, and I would not find it odd if a lot of Americans felt the same way. Why do you assume I should find it odd, exactly? Or about the matter at hand here in this thread? Again what I’m hoping is that you’re right, and that this law will soon be swept under the carpet and not be spoken of again. But because the senate decided to ditch it, not because I should just believe that there isn’t anything to worry about.

cazzie's avatar

If my local MP was proposing legislation I didn’t agree with… I think I could rise to the occasion and write something to oppose the issue.

hominid's avatar

I’ll chalk up this “disagreement” with a misunderstanding of the media, how MA politics work, and the difference between crazy being proposed in the second-most liberal state in the U.S. vs. crazy being proposed in Alabama. I’ve got to run for now…

cazzie's avatar

Oh… good you feel safe with all that…..

cazzie's avatar

to my mind, that would be all the more reason to write and protest and have my voice heard…. but that is just me…..

1TubeGuru's avatar

I believe that the regressive Republicans need to stop the foolish grandstanding and stay out of peoples private sexual matters. they also need to stop trying to force outdated and unwanted religious /moral rules on the general public .if putting up this law that will never pass is not grandstanding what is it ?

Cruiser's avatar

I think it is a bit unfair to single out Senator Richard J. Ross as @hominid pointed out he merely requested , a petition (accompanied by bill, Senate, No. 787) of Robert LeClair
This bill has had a long record of attention in the State Senate and was approved by the Senate to be sent to the Joint Committee on Rules which is a bi-partisan committee. IMO don’t kill the messenger on this one as lots of people involved must think this bill has merit.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Is it still OK to have sex with a third party that’s not your spouse if you aren’t getting divorced?

rojo's avatar

Well, the bill doesn’t specifically ban it as long as it isn’t in the house so….........

Bill1939's avatar

I fear the Christian equivalent to sharia law being imposed upon citizens whose beliefs are not wholly in agreement with fundamentalistic interpretations of religious scripture. It seems to me (and others) that politicians seeking to insure their positions of power are creating the appearance of supporting radical beliefs by presenting laws (which they may believe would never pass) that control sexual behaviors. These same politicians are also creating laws that make it difficult for voters who might not want them in office to exercise their right of suffrage.

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