If it came down to it would you eat your pet?
Asked by
rojo (
March 27th, 2014
Last resort and either that or nothing. Would you or could you do it?
How about cannibalism? What if that was your choice, a person or a pet?
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50 Answers
My fat little dogs wouldn’t be much of a meal, just enough to peeve you off, so probably not.
Human either, I hear it’s pretty bland.
Not concsiously. Acting on instinct, maybe… I think we’re capable of pretty much anything when we’re starving.
Well, he has got those meaty little thighs…
If it came down to that, it would mean all hope was lost and I would probably close the garage door, climb in the car with my dog and start the engine.
I’m with @Cruiser
Never in a million years.
I’d humanely suicide us all together.
A couple of Hibachis in the bathroom with the door duct taped shut.
I’d rather sacrifice myself for my cats.
It’s the owner’s fault. (This is now my official answer to every question.)
No @janbb this time is would be the dogs fault for being a tasty looking morsel when you are on the verge of starving to death! I just remembered I have the turtle and the rabbit….those are a maybe.
@Cruiser True – those little thighs are awfully tempting and it’s nearly suppertime….
Nope. Never. I’d gladly hunt and eat insects if it came down to a starvation situation. I’m quite good at farming snails and slugs. ;)
My cats would gladly eat spiders and rodents if I weren’t providing food. I’m sure they’d kill things and share food with me.
In a second. They would probably be trying to eat you before you got hungry enough to be desperate enough to eat them.
My old cat would kill and devour a raw squirrel. Could you eat a raw cat? Didn’t think so. They would eat a raw you.
The right to decide about life and death only applies to myself.
If I were in that tough of a position I would also be desperate for companionship. Could you imagine being alone and starving, talking to the dog carcass? Seems enough to make me despondent, so no. I’d rather stick it out and see who died first naturally. Then it’s fair game!
@GloPro :: If you have a cat it isn’t a matter of who dies first it is who falls asleep first.
Dogs on the other hand would silently fall asleep next to you while mustering up the energy to hug you in your final embrace.
My point is that cats are adorable assholes.
@johnpowell yep. But @SpatzieLover made a good point… Maybe the cat would let you have the mouse bones. If it didn’t just leave you first.
My cats (I have 4) are not complete assholes, @johnpowell. If I fell asleep, they’d likely bring dead things to my pillow ;)
On more than one occasion I have been given the gift of a dead mouse, left at the foot of my desk chair.
Even the outdoor cat that refuses to be caught leaves us gifts of “food” (dead things) where we place her food/treats.
If I’m that desperate then fuck it, I’m checking out.
Well…my 16 yr. old goose Marwyn whom I raised from a week old gosling was and is, family.
I can’t tell you how many Christmas goose, roast goose with plum sauce, “jokes” I’ve weathered over the years. People think they are so clever and original but really, it’s just not funny. One does not eat family members.
Seriously, I’d smack anyone that harmed even one, beautiful feather on his body, over the head with a barn shovel. lol
Now that I am co-parenting him with his new mother & father goose after my tragic fall from solvency last year, I am grateful to have found two rare and amazing human that loves him as much as I do.
I couldn’t do it! My cats are part of my family. Would I eat my children? Nope. I’d much rather dig in dumpsters for food, go to a shelter or resort to plants and maybe bugs. Or find a pond or lake and catch some fish.
If I had a pet rat, NO!
If I had a pet moose and it could sustain me for weeks, months, yes.
Cripes. are there bigger pets??
@Coloma Horse steaks here I come! Just joking…totally gross. I love horses and could never do that either. I don’t think I could even kill my livestock if I had any. I tend to name all animals and pets. I quickly find myself getting attached.
When it comes down to it, I’ll let you know.
No. As Coloma said: You don’t eat family.
We here in USA are so spoiled and meat- centric in our food choices.
People all over the world live on primarily plant based diets with meat a rarity. And if there were never any meat at all they’d live just fine.
If they can manage, so could I.
Well, I have had horse family too, RIP Sugar, Ruby and Beauty. Tragic how many family horses and others end up in the slaughter house after years of faithful companionship and service.
@whitenoise I probably would too.
but I digress…..........
I’m going to go with ‘NO’ on this question. I like our cats way too much and ingesting them would scar me forever. Well, probably not but it’s the principle of the matter.
@Bluefreedom would it help to know that your cats would not have the same qualms you have?
@rojo. On second thought…....a little garlic, sausage, red beans, shrimp, rice, onions, tomatoes….......Feline Gumbo!
I am thinking “Chicken Fried Cat” Mmmmm! With a side of mash.
@rojo I have a pretty attractive wife… I’m sure you’d be ready to. :-)
Only in the summer, yummmy, tasty hot dog.
Would you eat your pet if it had a gamey leg?
I’d eat a person before I ate one of my animals. My Daisy is a little skinny thing – I’d hardly get any meat off of her. Same goes for Chloe – in fact, the other day my husband was holding her and said, “she’s so bony!” I guess she’s all fur. They both eat all day and stay so slim (what the hell is their secret?). No thanks, I’d eat my husband first. Lots of nice lean meat on that boy.
In parts of rural china cat soup is touted as the winter food to prevent illness. retch, gag, choke.
If things look to get lean, I’ll install a koi fish pond – self sustaining pet/food!
Well, it’s the dog’s fault, any way @janbb. So, yeah. I would. But I would not eat a giraffe from the Copenhagen Zoo. Or a lion.
Why not? They’d eventually kill it anyway… If you kill one that just ate another you get extra meat!
OK. I would eat the giraffe. But it would take me a bit to eat the lion because I have a feeling lion meat is pretty nasty. But I would eat the lion before I would eat my pets. But eventually I’d eat my pets too.
Just to be sure the giraffe, lions, and other furry pets feel safe, get yourself a snake. The meat isn’t bad and you’d never know if they had any emotions for you. Bet your ass they’d try to eat you or the twins… Even if they aren’t starving.
They’d only eat the twins if they were hungry, and I’d never let them get hungry because I would go to the pet store every week and buy them mice to eat. But I would eat the snakes first, the giraffe second, the lions third and my dogs last. Wait…how long are we starving to death? Is it just for a week? In that case, I’d just tough it out. I wouldn’t eat anything, not even the snake.
I SO want to try rattlesnake. I’ve only eaten it out of a can, and that was over 40 years ago.
I’m a vegetarian, so I guess I need to start being a little sweeter to the peach tree in the yard!
We can all head for Alaska and hunt some bear and wild game, it’s really good and there’s a lot of them. Although Grizzly Adams may be up there hunting US…lol
”Last resort and either that or nothing.”
I would eat snails before I ate any cat. But in the scenario laid out it is the pet or nothing and death.
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