Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

Before the internet, what did you do in your free-time, and do you think it is better now than before?

Asked by ragingloli (52369points) March 28th, 2014

Like sitting in front of the advertising machine called the TV.

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18 Answers

livelaughlove21's avatar

Before the Internet? Was there even such a time? Sounds awful.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Books, comics, cartoons, movies, board games, brainstorming, drawing… in short anything that isn’t computer-related.

I have to admit that the internet has stolen my time for other more productive activities

longgone's avatar

I spent those years playing with Schleich action figures, mostly. I was very young.

Cruiser's avatar

Sat around and got stoned with my friends….kinda yields the same net result.

Seek's avatar

I read books.

… still do. Only now, because of the internet, I have better access to old, obscure reference works. Thank you, internet!

dxs's avatar

Shat my diaper and cried for food. I’m better off now.

jca's avatar

I read books, newspaper and magazines.

I talked on the phone to communicate, or visited with friends.

tedibear's avatar

I read more, did different crafts, and watched television. Do I think it’s better? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t.

Aster's avatar

My house was much cleaner and I did a lot of mall shopping and talking on the phone. Oh; and lots of garage sales at 7am.
I love the internet a heck of a lot more than the noisy, crowded mall.

jca's avatar

Oh yeah right, I forgot shopping. I shopped in stores more often.

I sometimes feel like being on the internet is a waste of time, then I have to remind myself that a lot of what I am doing is just regular stuff like reading or shopping, nothing more nothing less.

hearkat's avatar

I was a student, and then I had a child. I didn’t have much free time.

Berserker's avatar

Video games, drawing and reading. Not much different than now, only I do a lot less of all those things now. I did watch TV, which I don’t now. Also played outside. But I was a kid back then, and although I liked my nerd hobbies, I still spent a fair amount of time outside. Although being poor and owning like 3 video games may have something to do with that.

JLeslie's avatar

Before the internet when I was a kid I watched TV or played outside. As an adult I was working like crazy, and time before or after work or a day off was spent catching up on sleep, watching TV, or running errands. There was a brief time where I only worked part time as an adult, and although the Internet existed, I did not use it. Having more time off I did more household chores than previously, taking over many of them for my husband, I started exercising, and enjoyed the outdoors more.

talljasperman's avatar

Forgotten Realms novels, radio and television.

cookieman's avatar

Read comics (which I still do) and watched waaay more television than I do now.

talljasperman's avatar

@cookieman I stopped reading comic books when the price jumped from $.75 to $5.00 or more.
Even as an adult I can’t afford more than one a year.

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