Why is the book "Fifty Shades of Gray" called mommy porn (NSFW)?
I haven’t read the book. Would a guy like reading it?
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I haven’t read it. Both my sisters who are mom’s have and they love it.
Apparently it is full of women being submissive to men making them do dirty stuff.
So don’t read it, We don’t really want to know do we?
@talljasperman you are a younger guy so I will not spoil it for you. Find out gradually how women like to be treated sexually.
Because mommies are assumed to have poor taste and limited access to good literature (whether erotic or not). Personally, I think that’s a mischaracterization.
Because the primary audience for it is apparent minivan moms who want smut but don’t know how to find good smut.
Apparently because middle aged housewives like it.
It’s a horribly written piece of crap that does a disservice to BDSM.
It puts an abusive marriage on a pedestal in the same way that Twilight put an abusive teen romance on a pedestal.
People who aren’t smart enough to recognize that find it romantic and titillating.
@Seek_Kolinahr are we gonna talk about this really? or did you just answer to go on record woman I respect deeply, but suspect of using unclear language
Have not read it but is it basically what my wife calls (and I have picked up) a Bodice Ripper book?
I am a willing participant in a BDSM relationship.
50 Shades of Grey is not a representation of a mutually consenting, respectful BDSM relationship.
The man gets drunk, comes home, and angrily beats his wife. He’s portrayed with a need to be dominant that stems from his childhood abuse.
The author of these novels has no experience in D/s relationships. And as a result, a lot of women who have no experience in D/s relationships are considering this MaryJane rape fantasy an acceptable relationship.
50 Shades was a Twilight fanfiction at its start. That’s right. A Twilight fanfiction written by a woman in her 40s.
@Seek_Kolinahr I get it, You are so smart and hard I want to be better a man before I dominate you but we have to be gentle for the newbs
Of course you know you have to buy me pancakes.
Who the fuck knows. I’m a mom and I wouldn’t read that shit if you paid me.
@Seek_Kolinahr they are uncomfortable with the way you sex me, a poor man. You better school them,
A book about female voyeurism that is this popular is a testament to how clueless us men are. Time to snap out of it guys!
I find the whole thing interesting. It appeals to a demographic that are normally thought to shy away from porn and yet it reveals how these people might be a little on the repressed side.
It’s a milf manual…mostly.
Haven’t read it but it seems like poorly written drivel ‘clan of the cave bear’ type crap vomit
@DominicX I find the whole thing interesting as well yet suspect you might be misinformed. FYI…women do watch porn and not only are not repressed but like it!
Can I ask you how does a book that appeals to female voyeurism reveal to you how “these people” might be a little on the repressed side?
I didn’t mean women in general, I meant housewives with kids. That’s not really the demographic I would picture watching porn, yet that seems to be a demographic that this book caters too (mainly going off of a local book club my neighbor belongs—all housewives with kids, and this was a book they chose to read). It seemed to me that maybe this demographic doesn’t watch porn yet they still have the same desire to, so when this book comes along, they seize it quite enthusiastically.
^ That is classically the Harlequin demographic.
3000 craptastic bodice ripping novels a year can’t be wrong, amirite?
@DominicX You are right…I don’t see anyone raising their hands saying..“HEY I watch porn!!” yet 50 Shades of Grey apparently tapped into a vein of female horniness that rivals any previously held male dominance to consume all things porn. BTW my wife mother of 2 does not pass up the opportunity to watch porn on demand with me.
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