Would Fluther be better if it had negative lurve?
If the creators designed negative lurve into the site would that have made Fluther better? If there was someone or some question not liked an individual could deduct lurve from them, or maybe do it collectively for whatever reason, to punish the non-conformist, or make a statement etc. If it had negative lurve, would there be a limit on how much you could take such as the 100 lifetime lurve you can give to any one Flutheronian?
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14 Answers
No. The absence of negative lurve means that anyone who wants to disagree must go through the trouble of posting a response. There is no anonymous criticism here. And this makes sense. If you agree with someone, you might have nothing to add to the conversation beyond your agreement. Giving lurve is an excellent way of conveying this without cluttering up the conversation with a string of posts that just say “me too” or “I agree.” But if you disagree, you should have some sort of reason for your disagreement. It is not unreasonable to make people explain their disagreement rather than just voting something down and moving on.
Although I sometimes wish I could hand out negative lurve, I am happy that we can’t.
Fluther wouldn’t be a better place if we could do that.
If we don’t like something we can and should debate the topic. If something is unacceptable, we can flag it.
If we support, we can lurve something.
Let’s keep it the way it is…
I’d have to give a shit about lurve in the first place in order for that to make a difference.
Negative Lurve?!!!.......noooooooooo!…..no…..no
In that case let’s go back to Youtube.
“NO!” Let’s leave the negativity to talk radio ranters and news headlines. Fluther is a forum for exchange of information, experience, humor and opinion/beliefs. We don’t always agree with each other, but unlike Congress, we can be civil about it by positive-lurving comments we like and respectfully debating those we don’t.
Meh there’s enough negativity in life already.
I have disagreed with @SavoirFaire enough times to agree one hundred percent with his answer above.
well put sir
No. The absence of negative lurve means that anyone who wants to disagree must go through the trouble of posting a response.
You really don’t want to give me that power.
AB used to have that feature and I liked it. Not that it made a hill of beans difference taking away points, it was still fun to take away points from duchebag’s who deserved it. Anyone that abused that privilege though was taken out back behind the wood shed and beaten like rented mule.
Maybe not negative lurve, but I would like the ability to take my lurve of a statement back. Sometimes my mind is changed, sometimes a statement is edited and I no longer lurve it, and sometimes I just fat finger accidentally share my lurve.
@jerv Heh heh, if we had that power on here, you probably wouldn’t be the worst. :p
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