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talljasperman's avatar

Have you ever wondered what Yoda's stew tasted like?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) March 29th, 2014

From the return of the Jedi and the Empire Strikes Back, I always wondered what Yoda’s stew tasted like… He didn’t raise any cows, so no meat, or at least large animals… maybe it was a veggie stew, or oatmeal. What do you think it tasted like, what are the ingredients? Maybe really good mushrooms. Yoda lost his light saber fighting the emperor in the assembly fight, so Yoda can’t hunt and eat large animals with a light saber.

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7 Answers

cookieman's avatar

I would think it was like a porridge. Maybe a vegetable stew. Kale perhaps.

Mmmm, there is no try. Only taste in kitchen of Yoda.

talljasperman's avatar

@cookieman He must get most of his food from the local swamp… in Degoba.

cookieman's avatar

Very true. I suspect the swamps of Degoba might have fish. Perhaps it was fish stew. He could have used The Force to levitate the fish right out of the water and into his pot.

talljasperman's avatar

@cookieman I just found this Yoda’s stew . Yes using the force to fish would be fun.

Adagio's avatar

No, but now I know who Yoda is.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Yoda’s stew is mentioned a few times in the EU by Luke, always in a negative way. In other words, it tastes like shit.

” Yoda lost his light saber fighting the emperor in the assembly fight, so Yoda can’t hunt and eat large animals with a light saber.”
We’re talking about arguably the most powerful Jedi here, a lightsaber doesn’t mean much compared to the raw powers of the force.

Oh and it’s Dagobah

Pachy's avatar

Yodalicious, of course.

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