What do you use for drinking water?
I’m curious what most people are doing for their drinking water. Do you use bottled water, straight tap water or a filter of some type? If you use bottled water what kind do you use? If you use a filter what type: faucet, gravity, reverse osmosis?
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33 Answers
Tap filled 4 litre milk jugs in fridge.
I use the Bear Grylls method.
@ragingloli drinking your own piss out of a snakeskin does not count as drinking water.
At home I put tap water in a Brita. When I get my new fridge I will just use the fridge filtered water as I have in the past.
I use bottled water when we travel (on vacation, not daily) as something to drink in the car and also when we are at the racetrack we bring bottled water. Sometimes I buy bottled from a vending machine.
In restaurants I usually order tap water, although if they have Panna I sometimes splurge. Restaurants rarely have Panna though.
Whatever the built-in filter in the fridge is. I’m not one of those people who refuses to drink tap water, but I figure, why not filter it? Besides, the water that comes from the fridge is nice and cool and that’s what I prefer. But I will drink tap water on occasion—Bay Area tap water is pretty good quality.
We buy bottled water because our tap water tastes bad. I grab a bottle in the morning and then refill all day at work, where we have filtered water dispensers.
I use my water straight from the tap, and I’m pleased to get it.
I’ve been living in the same location for 10 years, and for the first 8 I thought I was drinking well water. No, turns out I was using water from a sand point in the farm field across the road. So basically ground water likely saturated in farm chemicals. Bleh. When I found out I applied to get on the new ‘town water’ coming – on the last day possible. I was darned lucky.
I drink straight from the tap. Tastes best, to me. Also, free antibiotics…yay!?
Tap water. Quite strictly. I have a one-gallon plastic water jug and a few 16oz plastic bottles that I keep refilling at bubblers.
I get the plastic water bottles from random happenings; I never pay for them. For instance, I took this most recent one from the leftovers of a convention. I bought the 1-gallon jug at the supermarket for 64ยข, though.
We have a filter under the kitchen sink, then we filter water for drinking again through a Brita pitcher. We have washable cups – some promotional handouts, some stainless, some without that bad chemical that they realized leeches into the water from disposable plastic and other older plastic bottles.
We have a filter under the bar sink. The water in our tap is undrinkably disgusting. I won’t even allow the dogs to drink it. So I fill a glass from the bar sink.
I also drink ice water sometimes from the refrigerator filtered spout.
In Arkansas we had the most heavenly, ice cold tap water that I will never stop missing. I have no idea why it was so good.
I keep regular tap water in bottles and let it sit for at least a week in order for the chlorine to evaporate out.
For coffee, I buy bottled water here because I don’t want my coffee maker getting all clogged up with the tremendous amount of calcium in our very hard water here. I don’t mind drinking it minus the chlorine since it doesn’t really affect the taste.
But its already gunked up a perfectly good Brita pitcher and filter.
I just don’t want to have to go through the whole vinegar thing every few weeks with my poor coffee maker so buying bottled water for that is worth it to me.
I have a neighbor that gets their water from an above ground spring. Now, I can’t imagine that.
By the way, I’ve been using my method for over 5 years and I haven’t died yet. I must be lucky!
Tap water filtered through a Brita filter jug, room temperature, highly drinkable.
We have lovely tap water since it rains 300 days out of the year here.
I guess I’m a bit paranoid. I’m surprised with all of the straight from the tap answers. My tap water is good but I grew up on well water so I could never get past the chlorine taste. Our municipal water comes out of a river that I know has industry and agriculture upstream of where it is sourced. Many contaminants don’t actually get removed but it probably won’t really hurt you. I filter it through a 3 stage carbon block/ceramic filter that is gravity fed. We keep a few gallons in the fridge and several on the shelf for cooking. We also filter the shower heads with a carbon block filter. We recently gave up bottled water (in 2.5 gallon jugs)
1st choice is fridge filtered water….second choice is tap water….last resort is bottled water stashed in the garage.
Back ‘home’ we would always use water straight from the tap. Best water one could wish for.
Now we use filtered and de stilled water in bottles from the drinking water distribution truck.
Tap water in Brita in fridge.
When my relatives from the US and the UK visit, I put out bottled water for them with the injunction that it is for drinking only. All other uses of water – including making juice, coffee, tea, cleaning teeth – tap water. Most of the time I drink tap water stored in the refrigerator.
Even though tap water here is safe we don’t drink tap water – the main reason being we don’t know how clean the building water tank and pipes are. So we depend on bottled water.
Trying to totally wean myself off bottled water and drink only filtered tap water. I’m also hooked on my SodaStream fizzy water maker.
Years ago, there was a Jelly who was a strong proponent of reverse-osmosis systems – they seem interesting. I don’t know how expensive they are, though.
@Pachy – Does the SodaStream have a filter, or do you filter the water before you put it in?
Straight from the tap usually.
My tap water is so full of iron and sediment I have to soak my showerhead in Lysol Power toilet cleaner about twice a month just to keep water coming out of it. So I don’t drink that stuff.
We get our water by the gallon at a machine outside the grocery. $0.20 a gallon, and occasionally spend $0.80 to buy a new gallon bottle in the store. I have ten one-gallon jugs that we refill as needed.
I’ll drink tap water or bottled water, I don’t really care to be honest. I know a lot of people are grossed out/skeptical of drinking tap water, but it really doesn’t bother me at all. I’ve been doing it my whole life and nothing bad has happened to me. Granted, I live in an area with pretty good water, if I was in an area with unsafe drinking water I would obviously avoid tap water. I’ll drink bottled water if it’s convenient, but I don’t go out of my way to have it if the tap is handier.
I would be fairly happy to drink tap water if it tasted good, mine doesn’t taste great, too much chlorine, hence the Brita filter.
The municipal water here is reasonably safe and good-tasting. The house I grew up in had a well, and we were about 5 miles from an artesian well. I’m pretty sure it was the same source.
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