General Question

talljasperman's avatar

What is the most recent video on the quality of education as of march 2014?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) March 29th, 2014

I’ve been watching “Waiting for Superman” and I’m ready for another documentary. I saw some extra footage from the students perspective, and I am ready for more… I am looking for a documentary that I can engage with… please no biology habitat videos. I hurt inside from watching years of the plight of the booby eyed whatchamacallit. I love Michael Moores documentaries, and any thing with graphs and charts about comparing the past to the present. I like educational videos on education. I’m getting interested in Ted talks. Can you suggest any more videos that I can watch online in Canada. Free is better but I could be tempted to spend $25. I have Netflix.

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4 Answers

LostInParadise's avatar

See what you think of this It is a few years old, but I think it is still relevant in its critique of the education system and of the so called reforms.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

May not be the most recent, but is still very relevant…

janbb's avatar

Try the “Hobart Shakesperians” for an inspiring look at a LA city teacher.

talljasperman's avatar

Update: I watched an inconveniate truth about waiting for superman.

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