Meta Question

ucme's avatar

Now that Fluther & Jelly have been united (kinda) how are we meant to behave in answering those questions?

Asked by ucme (50052points) April 1st, 2014

That is to say, what are the guidelines with Jelly questions?
Is it more akin to those in General, or in Social?
Also, i’ve decided to fuse the two entities together & name it Flully…just because I can.

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21 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Note that this appears here on April 1, aka April Fool’s Day.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I don’t even know Jelly, so I have no comment.

ucme's avatar

@gailcalled Yeah, but there’s a tab up there & everything, I refuse to believe I got suckered in, tell me it’s not so…even pretend if you like.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Just browse the Jelly section a little, and it seems that it legalizes all those banned things here (spams, bad writing…)

And I’m getting annoyed!

gailcalled's avatar

@ucme: I am simply raising the question. Not a clue.

ucme's avatar

Ahh, so I could save face after all.
Besides, it’s well after noon here, the traditional time for April fool pranks to be rendered invalid.

gailcalled's avatar

The blog did say in parenthesis kinda.

ucme's avatar

Yeah, I copied that in my question title.

ucme's avatar

“I am simply raising the question. Not a clue.”
Pull the other one, it’s got bells on.

gailcalled's avatar

Nope. I was cautious in my use of language because I was not sure. No insider trading here, I promise. (although I did suspect).

SpatzieLover's avatar <—-the “federated” in the URL tipped me off that this may just be a Fools’ Day joke.

Berserker's avatar

The questions do seem kind of like jokes if you ask me. At least, they’re the kind of stuff that wouldn’t sit well on the site here. I’ll come back and answer this tomorrow, if the section is still there.

ucme's avatar

Well yeah, the questions are clearly jokey ones, but when I first noticed earlier there were only a handful & most of them were no worse than what you get here :D
Already got a pm from a mod confirming the prank, I gave congratulations to whoever was responsible, credit where it’s due, was a good un.

Berserker's avatar

Feels good being a troll. Lol.

ucme's avatar

Haha, yeah, it’s like this is what Fluther would be like if it were blind drunk.

Berserker's avatar

It isn’t?

ucme's avatar

Not so’s you’d notice, like an alcholic…it’s in the denial phase.

Blondesjon's avatar

I’ve never denied my alcoholism.

I feed it quite regularly.

ucme's avatar

So now the prank’s over, they remove the Jelly tab & all related questions, this one remains as a sign of my gullibilty, someone pass the hat of shame.

Berserker's avatar

Yeah they removed the tab, but the one question about finding frogs is still in my feed. Except when I try to get to it, I get Neptune. Now I can’t ’‘see’’ the question but Fluther won’t stop telling me it’s there, so I guess I’m stuck with a big red one on my activity for you thing. keeps reminding me how French I am.

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline That happened with me too, until I found some sense & hit the stop following button :D

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