Meta Question

janbb's avatar

I'm leaving Fluther. Care to bid me goodbye?

Asked by janbb (63361points) April 1st, 2014

As asked.

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45 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Whoa, I rose to this one in a flash. GQ.

Khajuria9's avatar

Why are ya leaving?

Mimishu1995's avatar


Nooooooooooooooo! Why do you leave @janbb? :’( I haven’t got to know you better!

Khajuria9's avatar

Yes, yes…..Please don’t leave us. I will be left all alone.

filmfann's avatar

@janbb I apologize for making this situation so awful. I promise to be better behaved. Please don’t leave just because of me.

Mimishu1995's avatar


Just kidding. @janbb please tell us why you leave! Something need to be resolved!

KNOWITALL's avatar

Is this an April Fools joke, @janbb?

Brian1946's avatar

Given the consummation of your relationship with The Donald, I can understand your decision.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@janbb Please tell us you’re just screwing with us, or I’m going to be real pissed. And when that happens I pee in the tidepool and all the jellies get mad at me.

longgone's avatar

Psht. Never liked you anyway.
I’m 95% sure she’s kidding. So am I. Lurve you, @janbb

SnoopyGirl's avatar

@janbb I’m sorry you are thinking of leaving Fluther. Please share with us what you don’t like and maybe it can be fixed. I’ll surely miss ya.

longgone's avatar

Okay…one of the tags is “fools”. I never remember to read those.

Mimishu1995's avatar

So your reason to leave is to make us feel foolish huh? ~

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@janbb Have you been eating Wannabe’s Anchovy pizza (agent for @Mimishu1995) and washing it down with a double of buttermilk? ?

zenvelo's avatar

Oh no, another penguin rant on global warming. For the last time, fluther is not an ice floe. It’s a nice flow.

Cruiser's avatar

OK apparently time for another dream interpretation. The fact that you want to leave tells me you secretly want to take off and join the circus as a Justin Bieber look alike. Due to your striking resemblance, I think you should take off and follow your dream. Bon Voyage @janbb

SpatzieLover's avatar

Who you callin’ a fool @janbb?

(: Happy April Fools’ Day! :)

cookieman's avatar

This better be a joke penguin, else I shall make my way to your ice flow and make sweet, sweet lure to you until you relent and return.

janbb's avatar

@cookieman You just ensured that it is not a joke. :-)

cookieman's avatar

@janbb: Perfect. Best get baking bird. This here cookie be hungry after penguin-lurve.

janbb's avatar

@cookieman I’m leaving work and rushing home to bake up some cookies for the cookieman!

cookieman's avatar

@janbb: Exxxxxxcccceeeellllleeennnnnnnnnnnttttt

kritiper's avatar

Whar y’all a-goin’?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

It is April Fool’s people….you are actually falling for this?

Cruiser's avatar

So…. @janbb is not leaving?? got to cancel the cake and male strippers for the going away party.

Strauss's avatar

Naaah! We can still have the party. Just bring some female srtippers along.

janbb's avatar

@Cruiser Someone mention flippers??

Cruiser's avatar

@janbb Dang spoiled the last surprise I had planned for your goodbye party!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

They are bringing “grippers”, a horde of mega rich men for the women to pick whom to glom onto to lighten their bank accounts.

janbb's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central You’ll never change, will you?

Blondesjon's avatar

If it had been real, my major disappointment would have been your use of an attention trolling question like this one.

It goes completely against the Penguin grain.

jaytkay's avatar

Good luck.

Come back if you need us The world is a tough place.

janbb's avatar

@jaytkay Holy Hannah! Seriously scary! I guess I’m staying!!!

janbb's avatar

But this makes me think of joining my brethren.

SpatzieLover's avatar

They look like levitating yogis to me :)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Is the penguin back yet ? ?

janbb's avatar

She is here. April Fool’s!

filmfann's avatar

Just to be clear, the next time you ask for a picture of my cookies, please specify that you want pictures of actual cookies!

janbb's avatar

@filmfann But – it wasn’t your cookies I wanted! :-)

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Why are you retiring? Are you bored of the Mansion, are you fed up with something?

Can we do anything to convince you to stay?

janbb's avatar

If you read the thread and think about what day yesterday was, you’ll get it. Thanks.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

LATE COMERS, it was a joke, c’mon people, the Day, April Fool’s, @janbb announcing a departure; a well-liked Jelly… do not have to be near MENSA quality to see through that like a saucer-sized ink spot on a white shirt.

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