Meta Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Can we celebrate April Fools here again?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23811points) April 2nd, 2014

This April 1st Dr. Jelly just witness one of the coolest events: the temporary birth of a new section Jelly! That section contained pure trolling, laughter and party for everyone here to enjoy. Everyone was able to express their unique humor without fear of breaking the rules or offending anyone. We were full of #@^&, no prejudice, no rules, only fun!

Though Jelly was short-lived RIP Jelly, that was one of the most memorable event in my Fluther life. I want it to last forever!

So, can we have something similar to this in the future? I want the fun once more!

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29 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

Yes. In 364 days.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

It’s the once a year idea that makes it special. Just start jotting down ideas for your questions for next year.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

See ya next year ! !

jerv's avatar

There is plenty of laughter and pure trolling already, and some of us have no fear of breaking the rules or offending anybody no matter what day it is.

Maybe I’m just missing the point of people needing a special day/event/section to act like I do year-round :/

Mimishu1995's avatar

@jerv I want a day when everybody is officially allowed to troll and laugh as much as they want.

Normally we can still troll, but we have to stick to the rule. I want to be allowed to show my true evil self (horrible writing, stupid threats…)

Berserker's avatar

@jerv Did you see what went on in the Jelly section? Everyone would have been banned if we just did that here haha.

But something weird happened, there’s one question in there that is stuck in my activity for you thing. If I click on it, I get the Neptune screen like when you click on the username of a squishy who deleted their account. But since Fluther registers this as ’‘unseen’’, I am now stuck with a big red 1 in my activity, and it will never go away. Oh well, now it will make me feel loved all the time.

But yeah, it was fun. Just about as legendary as the YARNPOCALYPSE.

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline I’m repeating myself here, because I can…on that Jelly frog question, just hit the stop following button, mmmkaayy.

ucme's avatar

Oh & “without fear of offending anyone”…you’d have thought so, but this being Fluther

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

So, the Cliff Notes on that button was spoof, I see now…...

Berserker's avatar

@ucme Yup, seems to be the only solution…but it keeps bugging me. It’s like, dude, maybe it will work this time…but it never does. XD

ucme's avatar

Oh hahahaha, my sides are killing me. My Jelly question from yesterday’s high jinks got sent to me for editing, the reason…“cleaning up after the April Fool party” :)

Berserker's avatar

@ucme Haha yeah, my wasp question is there for editing too. I also laughed at the reason given. What I don’t get though is how come my dog testicles question isn’t showing up. Why just the wasp question?

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline That does seems a little odd, I admire your support for dog’s nuts…sounds like a canine jockstrap

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Symbeline What I don’t get though is how come my dog testicles question isn’t showing up. Why just the wasp question?
Ah….the dreaded peat mod, many a question ventured out there in the fog and mires, only to be lost and never seen again. Pray tell there is a peat mod boogey man that snatches the souls of young questions who dare to get off the trail. Word to the wise, stay on the trail, do not go into the mires less the peat mod swallow ya up whole.

jerv's avatar

@Symbeline This is one of the tamer sections of the internet that I frequent. Maybe I’m just too used to that sort of thing.

Cruiser's avatar

More evidence the powers that be take things here more seriously than at least a few of us would like. I do know there are a small to mediumm sized bastion of Jellies who like things neat, clean and tidy. yawn

PhiNotPi's avatar

[Mod says] The dog question was modded about 6 hours ago…. no clue why it didn’t show up. It is in our database as “Pushed to Editing” so it should appear in your queue.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Symbeline My froggy question just got modded too :’(

RIP froggy… I intended to keep you as a good memory here but now it doesn’t seem to be possible…

PhiNotPi's avatar

The questions had to be modded because they were appearing in people’s “Activity for You” but were no longer accessible (thus, the alert could never go away). Ideally, it would be possible to still access the threads while simply having the tab removed, but it was all-or-nothing. Either the section and its questions are viewable, or they are not.

Coloma's avatar

I do this all the time….you do not…have-to-wait. lol
Just take some LSD and let it happen mimi. :-P

Berserker's avatar

Ah there we go, the dog sack question was there. It always makes me feel mean when I click on ’‘abandon your question’’. Abandon is such an evil word.

ucme's avatar

Barbara’s Bush was abandoned a long time ago…in a galaxy far, fa…

Mimishu1995's avatar

@ucme And my little froggy wish too :’(

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

I was hoping to experience the sensation of being lurved to death. I guess now I’ll never know. :-(
I learned how to do this // ( o Y o ) \\
Does that cheer any1? ...... ) . (
I added a bit, actually. ..... ( ... . )
Let’s see, will this still line.. ..^ ..... up after I hit the button?.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Jonesn4burgers Don’t kill me again! ~

downtide's avatar

There would be no fun in repeating the same prank again next year.

Coloma's avatar

I’m dying, was told I only have weeks left to fluther. Oh no!

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

^^^^^^^^^^^^ @Coloma you MUST NOT joke thusly! You have no idea what a start you gave me! My heart cannot take that sort of brutality. I could handle you joking that you might kill, but never that you might die. Subliminal suggestion.

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