Social Question

tedibear's avatar

With whom do you share the bits and pieces of your day?

Asked by tedibear (19419points) April 2nd, 2014

Who do you talk to about the day’s events?

If you don’t have someone with whom you share these things, is that by your choice?

Or, do you find talking about those things – or hearing about this stuff from anyone else – to be too trivial to listen to?

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17 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Mrs Squeeky.

hominid's avatar

My wife has always found my description of my day at work to be an instant cure for her insomnia. “I rewrote the service that pulls GPS data and matches it to collections of status records. In order to calculate the correct lat/lon values, I had to write an algorithm to interpolate…”


Other than that, I rarely talk about my workday.

syz's avatar

My partner.

janbb's avatar

Frodo whom I suspects passes on everything to Milo.

gailcalled's avatar

(That explains the giggling I hear at 3:00 AM when see the light on Milo’s iphone glowing?)

livelaughlove21's avatar

The husband. I always say we’re like George and that fiance he killed (I can never remember her name) on Seinfeld.

Hey….Hey….How was your day?.....Fine, how was yours?....Good. What did you do today?....Eh, talked to Jerry.

We’re a boring married couple is what I’m saying. :)

KNOWITALL's avatar

Hubs or mother, sometimes both if it was bad.

jtvoar16's avatar

My SO, usually. If I feel like it will pedantic and droll, then I usually just offhandedly mention it, and leave it at that. But I ALWAYS want to hear from my SO about their day, no matter what.

cookieman's avatar

Mrs. Cookieman

chyna's avatar

<—-Jessie. I was just now telling her about my day and she turned and went out the doggie door. She has a small attention span.

gailcalled's avatar

^^^ Maybe because you didn’t give her enough good birthday gifts.

Cruiser's avatar

My wife. We update each other a couple times a day while I am at work.

chyna's avatar

@gailcalled She got a small cupcake!

ibstubro's avatar

My S/O, who is prone to answering the phone, conversing with other people and generally pucking around while I’m talking. Some days it’s good. Many days it disses me off!

Since when did a human being, standing before you, pouring their heart out, become less important than an “unknown caller”?

Smitha's avatar

Husband, Mom or my best friend.

AshLeigh's avatar

My boyfriend and my Parabatai.

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