Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

What would film makers have to do, to make good films more successful?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) April 3rd, 2014

It is something that is truly depressing and that was brought back to my mind, when I watched “The Fantastic Mr. Fox” by Wes Anderson, which is a terrific movie, one of the best I have seen.
Yet it barely made enough money to cover its production cost (40 million budget, 46 million box office).

After that I watched Disney’s “Frozen”, which, frankly, is a complete turd of a movie, and that one already made over a billion $.

What can be done to make audiences appreciate actual quality story telling and the craft of film making?

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21 Answers

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Return to clever in camera effects such as in the film Blade Runner.

“Commerce… is our goal here at the Tyrell Corporation.

“More Human Than Human” is our motto.”

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I think the show “Community” is sublime. The greatest piece of Comedy and Cultural Criticism ever presented in the history of situation comedy. Critics agree.

It gets beaten every week by the Big Bang Theory.

Community is a show about smart people with communication problems and how they judge themselves. The Big Bang theory is a show about smart people that invites people to laugh about their communication problems.

Your question is, “How do I make the public see things the way the artists I like see the world?” The answer is, you can’t. Because then we would not be unique.

You are just upset you appreciate the world in a different way than most people. Consider yourself blessed.

Adagio's avatar

Re-educate people’s taste?

@ragingloli I thought Mister Fox was fantastic too.

rockfan's avatar

I thought Frozen was a great movie.

dappled_leaves's avatar

They’d have to increase the IQ of the audience. So… not going to happen, on average. Most people don’t appreciate a well told story. Ever read the comments section on a review of a film that doesn’t have an “A leads to B leads to C leads to a happy and fully explained ending”? People hate being challenged intellectually.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@dappled_leaves In that case the easier way is to add more porn! ~

Adagio's avatar

@dappled_leaves “People hate being challenged intellectually. ” Sadly, I think you may be right.

Blondesjon's avatar

Make them gooder.

cookieman's avatar

I enjoyed both “The Fantastic Mr. Fox” and “Frozen”. What do I do?!

rojo's avatar

Duh, high speed car chase and fairly graphic oral sex scene.

Berserker's avatar

You German bugger, you know as well as I do that the movie industry is…just that, an industry. Of course, it couldn’t have got to where it is without passion and ideas, but as an industry it speaks for itself. Do you know, if you want to put together trailers and previews for upcoming movies, that’s like five years of university studies which include computer programming and beyond basic psychology courses? I’m pulling that out of my posterior right now, but unless you work in the industry you would have no choice but to believe it, had I not admitted that i just made it up.

I think that people need a passion and a love for an idea to make a good movie, and to not care about what the audience thinks, but I guess that’s kind of counter productive at this point. Let me give an example. I know you don’t like zombies but check it out, Romero started out with crappy equipment and extremely low budgets, but he came out with something new and original at the time with his famous zombie trilogy. Take that as thou shalt, but people liked it. Now, he’s all rich and famous, and all his modern movies are just cow cashing and rehashes of his original work. It’s no problem for me because I love everything that has zombies in it, but his modern work does not go unrecognized. Survival of the Dead. Seriously? He took a concept that worked in his older stuff, but he forgot that, well…it’s a horror movie. Zombies do not work if they’re not in horror or comedy. Zombie drama? Wow…okay then. (then again, a lot of good movies work because people did not believe that they would)

Art and money just doesn’t mix, at least if you ask me, it needs to come from the heart, so when it just becomes a job and not passion, it kind of sucks. It’s simple, and I contradict myself here, but if movie makers want to make good movies, at least in pertaining to what this question is asking, they need to want to present something they are passionate about. And not planning to win a Grammy or try to get in as many commercials as possible.

But with this we must ask ourselves; are they all that much to blame? Frozen only made all that money because people went to see it.

Haven’t seen Frozen, does it have Vikings in it? Cuz I like Vikings.

rojo's avatar

Ya, @Symbeline frozen ones.

Berserker's avatar

Dude quit stalking me. Unless you’re one hairy mother lover, that is.

rojo's avatar

One frozen hairy mother lover. I resemble that remark.

Berserker's avatar

Ya shore does.

rojo's avatar

Sure, some people call it stalking, but I prefer to think of it as foreplay.

BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

Have an actual good story without a political agenda. When you alienate 50% of your viewing audience eventually that 50% stops going to the movies.

ragingloli's avatar

Art without purpose is dead.

BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

@ragingloli many people go to movies to relax and unwind. They don’t go to movies for a lecture. For that they can take a college course in the evening.

Inspired_2write's avatar

What would film makers have to do, to make good films more successful?
Study the psycological reasons as to the ‘WHY’ people go searching for in movies in the first place.
1. To forget their problems for two and a half hours of the movie.
2. To reflect on their lives to give meaning.
3. To laugh and relax…thus causing a diversion from life issues.
4. To relate with the story and ‘feel” what they are not willing to feel in real life.
5. To live vicariously..adventure that one cannot in real life do.
6. To learn new insights and grow and understand lifes ups and downs.
7. To find onself.
8. To lose oneself.
9. To socialize with a community.
10.To think on subjects and garner insight to get on with their own lives.
11. To be motivated to “move” in an entirely new direction in life.
12. To for a moment “live” in an entirely different locale (place…countries).
13. To learn how others defeated life altering diabilities and still survive and move on.
14. To discover different techniques in filmmaking.
15. To discover the beauty of life.
16. To find Spiritual comfort.
17. To aide assistance to disadvantaged souls.
18. To learn from mistakes from the past either individaully or as a Nation.
19. To hear different “takes” on topics from around the World.
20. To start “a movement” to a better Society.
Many go on to discover what they were meant to find, even in a theatre environment, one never knows what they will learn about themselves.

Brian1946's avatar

What most films need to be successful are lots of scenes featuring Moon Bloodgood wrestling me into erotic “compliance”. ;-D

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