Who want to play TJBM (The Jelly Below Me) #57?
I know TJBM #56 hasn’t reached its maximum posts yet, but it seems that jellies are getting slower to respond there, and beside I’m a little bored and have nothing to do, so forgive me!
(Copied from #56)
The game rules are:
Respond to the question/statement from the poster above.
Ex: I might make the statement:
“The Jelly below me drinks coffee all darned day.”
The response might be:
“False! Coffee makes me cough.”
“True! My coffee bill is higher than my porn bill.”
Then they might state:
“The Jelly below me has blond hair.”
There are no right or wrong answers, so be as creative as your heart desires.
Tradition now suggests that a jelly re-start the question when we reach about 500 responses. Hopefully almost all the Jellies will join in.
Observing members:
Composing members:
518 Answers
After my rice paddy crack you get a free pass.
TJBM needs a smile.
What the hell are those? And it got a major laugh. Thank you.
TJBM will do something very nice for someone else today.
Like giving you smile?
TJBM is getting better.
Yes, although we appear to be the only ones on fluther today.
TJBM would love to go to the Jackson Browne John Fogerty concert coming up in NY.
Don’t worry, someone will have to come :)
No. Never heard of any Jackson Browne John Fogarty.
TJBM thinks this is both beautiful and disturbing at the same time.
Yes. As long as it isn’t too cheesy.
TJBM is waiting for something…
Yes…for my boss and big boss to leave for an appt. at 9. Get the hell outta here and leave me alone for a few hours! lol
TJBM went to @Mimishu1995 creepy haunted house link last night.
@Coloma There you are. I thought you have gone forever.
I haven’t seen her haunted house link yet, but I’d like to.
TJBM hopes that @Mimishu1995 finally got her notification about her uploaded file.
I don’t know anything about that, but sure. haha
TJBM is avoiding a passive aggressive person today. Gah….I hate passive agressive people so much!
There could be a chance that I might possibly be avoiding someone here, maybe. ~
In reality, yes I most-certainly am! The worst is the passive-aggressive boss. Gah!^982874303
The Jelly below me realizes that this game is the perfect way to be passive-aggressive.
This whole site is!
TJBM is going to opt out of this thread until the other one is done.
Nah! I’m going to play both sides of the street, and see how this plays out.
TJBM goes both ways.
Depends what you’re talking about haha.
TJBM talks to themselves.
All the time
No you don’t
Tjbm is chillaxing
Yah. Watching Ellen, enjoyin’ the crazy antics. Spidermaaaan, good stuff all.
TJBM made a new friend this week.
Not this week, but this year, yes.
TJBM got a haircut today and it came out really great! Yay for me. lol
I wish! I’m deep into the worst season of my little CPA practice, and I don’t have time for much of anything. I have about an inch of ugly roots showing. Oh, what I would give for a good cut and color!
TJBM believes that reclining on a couch is a very low-impact aerobics exercise.
I do…hey, breathing still burns calories. lol
TJBM has had a very busy day.
So far from the truth! Lovin’ the egg, @Coloma!
TJBM would like green m&ms with those nekkid pancakes.
Sure…why not? haha
TJBM is having a nice, cold beer!
Friday night Martin-EYE.
TJBM has noticed a lot of pot holes in the roads, more than usual for Spring.
Mmm…not really, but I am dying of allergies.
TJBM is addicted to salsa.
I can easily consume a pound of pico de gallo, but after that I move on to something else.
TJBM hopes this doesn’t mean that @Mimishu1995 is leaving Fluther. ;-o
Haha! What good timing @Brian1946!
And no! I just quitted that thread :D
TJBM thinks the best way to deal with trolls is not to mess with them further.
After a good beating, yes, they are best left alone. LOL
TJBM likes a good beating sometimes.
Yes! I feel as though I could do all three today. I shall venture out to the general public, and find one person for each type of abuse.
TJBM likes to receive as well as give.
Yeah. An equal amount of give and receive make a happy person :)
TJBM would like to share an experience in which they saw something and screamed: “No not you!”
Does in my head instead of out loud count?
TJBM has a loud voice and isn’t afraid to use it.
Totally true. It’s the people around me how are afraid of it!
TJBM doesn’t mind if I ask again: TJBM would like to share an experience in which they saw something and screamed (in any ways): “No not you!”
Not so much.
So we’ve now confused the thread so badly that we’re talking about a member on one thread that is participating is a different, earlier version of the same question. Protocol.
TJBM has just encountered something unexpectedly sad today…
No, not since someone ran over one of little duck friends at the park last week. :-(
TJBM is hungry, hungry, hungry!
Yes yes yes! I’m starving. I was just talking about Chalupas in another thread so now I’m even more hungry.
The Jelly below me was out too late last night.
Not out, but has a stressful day and had one too many…now it is almost 10am in super sunny CA. going for around 80 degrees today and I feel like shit. haha
Gotta get out and maybe sit in the sun, get chinese takeout for dinner. Mmmm
TJBM had one too many last night.
I don’t partake, and with Chinese take out, there is no such thing as too many, so that’s what I’d go with. General’s chicken, mmmmmmmmmmmmmm
TJBM would like Chinese take out, but would prefer to take out a Chinese.
Whatever you mean by “Chinese”...
TJBM has just woken up :)
(Date someone who is Chinese. I left the word “Person” off the end to make a catchier rhythm)
Have been awake several hours.
TJBM wants to have a party, even if there is no special occasion.
I always love to have a party, so…
TJBM always crashes a party when they see one.
Depends on which party. If it’s the party of my high school former classmates for example, then no thanks!
TJBM is very selective.
TJBM has a tattoo :D
I do, I have 2.
A little black cat on my right hip and a purple morning glory flower with a half anklet vine on my right ankle.
TJBM is enjoying warm spring weather.
Yes! I have a red plastic tub in the yard, and lots of birdies are lining up to take a bath. Actually, some are milling about in crowd fashion, but sometimes I see them standing in line! LOL! My windows are wide open,my green babies are out getting sun, it all feels good.! Freezing nights are coming back in a few days, so I can’t plant them yet.
TJBM has already put out their garden.
No. No garden this year, we are in a stage 3 drouhgt, have to cut back water use by 30?5, sooo….just the bare minimum to keep the lawn watered and a few potted plants.
TJBM is dealing with a difficult elderly person.
Yes- me!
TJBM checks the air pressure in their tires when they refuel or recharge their vehicle.
No, only if they look soft (bad car maintenance R US…)
TJBM gave up chocolate for lent
False…but I turned down CAKE yesterday at a friends. I am trying to drop a few pounds now that spring is here. I love sweets, god help me. lol
TJBM is dreading work today.
No, but I am nervous about trying to catch a bus alone, with no-one to help me if I get my chair stuck. Everybody send me good feelings, and hope I make it. I want to see my daughter’s first home game!
TJBM has a kid who plays soccer.
False. I have a 26 yr; old girl that paints and works teaching kids crafts and strips animal skulls for artwork. haha
Good luck today Jonsie!
TJBM is hungry!
Yes! But, I have to get ready to go. I just had to peek in for a few minutes first.
@Coloma, thanks! Wow, what a cool girl you’ve got. I wish I could meet you both.
TJBM is in a rush!
True – to go to France on Saturday!
TJBM is full of the joys of spring
Sorry, it has passed spring time here…
TJBM is still drinking their coffee.
No. I am having a beer, on this amazingly warm, mock summer night.
TJBM is having steamed rice and veggies for dinner, after their beer. (s) lol
Yeah, last night :)
TJBM started drinking beer when they were very young :D
Yes, actually.
TJBM is drunk right now.
Haha…no, I am having coffee, only 7:47 am.
TJBM likes to make grilled cheese sandwiches with pepper jack and Ortega green chili strips and tomatos. Mmmmm. Try it, you’ll like it.
I’m afraid my innerds can’t handle half of what my mouth loves. It sounds de-lish. I will try fixing it for my daughter.
TJBM saw something today they thought was impossible.
Like seeing my brother getting up early?
TJBM has a talent for sleeping.
False, I’m suffering with a bit of insomnia and a cold
TJBM rides a motorbike
No, I’d kill myself, I need a plenty of driver survival space in my vehicles. lol
TJBM has recently seen a tiny old lady driving a giant Cadillac with the top of the steering wheel in line with her eyebrows. OMG…yesterday this ancient little old lady of that description almost ran into me in a parking lot. Fuck…get a booster seat lady! haha
OMG! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I haven’t seen a picture like that in a while, but I have seen it before.
TJBM enjoys photography.
I dabble.
TJBM likes chai tea.
Sometimes, yes.
TJBM has a belly ache this morning.
No. Belly is fine. Nose blocked though!
Tjbm watches reruns of ‘Friends’
Not usually. I watch reruns of older stuff than that.
TJBM remembers the sweathogs.
I do. I remember once when Epstein was running for something like class president, and one of his campaign signs said, “Vote for Epstein and nobody gets hurt”.
TJBM uses the spellchecker feature in their browser.
I loved Juan. Remember all his notes “from home”? They were always signed “Epstein’s Mom.” Kotter became quite the poker player after he quit teaching school.
TJBM dreams in colors more vivid than life.
Of course! Too bad I often forget them :(
TJBM spams in colors ~
“Who wants to play TJBM (The Jelly Below Me) #56?” is standard English and was copy/pastable.
Just sayin.
Yeah, that’s stuck in my craw. I calledgail and she seemed to concur.
@ibstubro Hey, if you go after @Mimishu1995 , my money is on her. You get your ass kicked I’ll call a cut man, but your on your own for the rest.
TJBM has a mean jab.
My dad taught me, he was in Golden Gloves in the 1930’s.
TJBM can’t wait for the “pollen season” to end.
The fuck you say! lol… and mold season, dust season, dust mite season. haha
TJBM thinks @ibstubro needs to have a cocktail and get happy!
Had one, and happy at my last post @Coloma
^^^^^The Jelly Above ME forgot something ! ! ^^^^^
But the TJBM will have a Bourbon and Branch Water with me.
And knows where branch water comes from.
@Tropical_Willie Probably left his willy out after he peed too. Old age is hell.
TJBM has old people they have to take care of.
Kinda yes. I am sandwiched between 2 ancient woman. One is 94 the other is 96. They drive me NUTS! Nosey, take you hostage for hours talking about their health complaints, gossipy, spy on the neighbors, repeat themselves endlessly, dear fucking gawd…I hope to die at about 75. lol
TJBM is not very patient anymore in their middle age.
Oh fuck that would drive me insane. Don’t whine and complain to me. I’m too busy doing stuff. I move fast, I can’t be slowed down by old dawdling coots.
TJBM has another vote for something that tests their patience.
True! Fucking drivers that try to kill me! In a fifteen minute time frame today I had a guy in a truck loaded with lumber pass me, narrowly, on the double yellow, speed limit 50, and I was doing about 52ish, with oncoming cars, THEN, not 5 freaking minutes later a psycho bicyclist was wobbling all over a parking lot and veered right in front of me. WTF is WRONG with people! haha
Oh, should I count the ancient relic of a woman yesterday that almost hit me in a parking lot in her giant Cadillac with the steering wheel flush with her eyebrows!
TJBM thinks their should be a height requirement for driving. If you shrink 6 inches in your ancient age, get the hell off the road.
He’s a major cutie.
Well, trying to handle some of the farm chores made me wish I was bigger. But I was usually okay with were I was in life..
TJBM has a better answer for @Mimishu1995
Everytime my grandma went fishing without me because I was too little and rowdy. My grandma was my hero, and a highly successful fisher. I never once got to fish with her.
TJBM wants to find a carnival this weekend.
Mmm….probably not. haha
TJBM has bedhead.
Haha..yes, bed head, as in the way your hair looks after you wake up in the morning.
TJBM hates sea weed.
If I hated it, why would my stomach be full of it?
TJBM eats things they don’t like :p
No. haha Why would I do that?
TJBM wishes upon stars.
No. SOMEBODY ATE TOO MUCH OF ME! Look at me! Cookiman got too close, and now part of my butt is missing! (Racing about madly and screeching)
TJBM will smack Cookieman with a stick so he wil not take another bite of meeeeeee!
No, I won’t stop Cookieman from taking a bite out of your ass. It was looking big in those jeans.
TJBM has a deathwish.
Jeans? m&ms don’t wear jeans! Owwwwwwwwwww the bite cookieman took from my butt doesn’t hurt near as much as that bite outta my heart!
TJBM will not hurt me because they care for my happiness.
Hey, you know I was completely kidding. I would never try to hurt you. You are special.
TJAM has a great ass.
Awwwww, sweet! Cookiman copped to it. Check his 30K party. He threatened to eat me because I make him think of m&m cookies. Now he says taking that bite outta me was filling. I guess he too is saying I have a big butt. Look at me, it is a very big chunk missin! I will get myself into the spa and have it fixed.
TJBM is feeling like we should talk about something besides my butt for a while.
Yeah, that was a bad crack on my part. :) I need to work out more, my job has killed me lately. So I shouldn’t have said anything.
TJBM saw their first bluebird today.
What? There’s a blue bird?
TJBM hope @Mimishu1995 won’t lose her money…
@Mimishu1995 You’ve never seen a bluebird?
TJBM enjoys the birds.
Very much! I have been hearing a male western tanager calling for weeks, but can’t spot him in the canopy of the trees, They are so cool, migrate up here to breed after wintering in central america. The males are banana yellpw with bright orange heads and black wings.
TJBM has seen a western tanager.
Mental help?
TJBM has seen a therapist in the last 6 months.
No, not since my divorce 11 years ago, I got rid of the cause of my mental stress, all 180 lbs. of him. I’m good. lol
TJBM is hngry but is going to bed so they don’t start midnight snacking. haha
I’m full. But I still want some snack!
TJBM love snack!
I love having snack, I don’t love being snack! I have been to the spa. I got a chocolate dip, sugar shower, and tint. I feel much better now. How do I look?
TJBM will be gentle when they tell me how I look. :-)
At least your butt has mended itself :p
TJBM tries to be gentle.
TJBM is a violent sleeper.
False, I am a serene sleeper.
TJBM is going to see Captain America today.
Hmmm, no. The last time I saw him, it was after dark, and I proved to be too much for him. That was long ago, but he still hasn’t forgiven me.
TJBM forgives me for being rough on Captain America.
Anything for you.
TJBM is an anthropologist.
Not by trade, but I did, once, accidentally excavate one of my dead geese when digging a grave in the pet cemetery for my cat. RIP Babby. :-(
TJBM has a pet cemetery in their yard.
My pet ashes are on the mantle by my TV. With a little paw print on the top of each.
TJBM read Pet Cemetery and is really afraid for Coloma.
LOL..be afraid be very afraid.
TJBM is afraid.
Nope, not even little afraid.
TJBM is ready for Monday or whatever is next ! !
You bet I am! I love the week!
The Jelly below me is staying up tomorrow night to see Mars and the moon shine bright in the night sky.
I just might..I don’t have as good of a view at this house as I did my old house of 7 years.
TJBM has a nice view from their house.
Like a view to my fish pool?
TJBM likes to sit still and watch fish.
I’d love to see your fish pool. Are they koi?
TJBM wants a fish pool.
I already have a fish pool!
And no, koi are just too big for my pool. There are just small fish.
TJBM wants to raise koi.
One of my clients has an amazing koi pond. He has a bunch of them. And he can hand feed them.
I love Koi, I want a fish pool!
Useless scary fact: koi are cooked and served at some places on New Year Eve here, as there is a folklore involving koi and New Year Eve…
I am curious to know this folklore of the koi and New Year’s Eve.
TJBM will tell me the folklore of the koi and New Year’s Eve.
Sure. Once upon a time there was an impotent couple. One day the husband got so furious of his wife’s inability to give him a child that he threw her away of the house. She wandered around and met another man, loved him and married him.
Meanwhile, the husband felt guilty of having thrown the wife away and searched for her. He met her one day in front of the new husband’s house. They gave each other apology. Just then the new husband got home. The wife instructed the old husband to hide inside a fireplace. The new husband accidentally lighted up the fireplace. The wife jumped into the fireplace to saved the old husband. The new husband jumped with her to save her. They all died…
Their story reached the God. Moved, the God turned them into three fairies, whose job is to watch over human’s activities from kitchens and report back to the God on New Year’s Eve.
It is believed that the fairies travel to the God using koi, so people serve koi for them.
TJBM has enough patience to read the story.
That is a beautiful story. Koi are perfect for the job.
TJBM loves folklore.
Oh yes. My mom was the biggest source of folklore I got when I was young.
TJBM is proud of their mom.
I feel disappointed in her most of the time… But I love her, despite her bad decisions.
TJBM makes a lot of bad decisions.
I wouldn’t say a lot, but I definitely made a really bad one today.
The Jelly below me sometimes speaks too much of their mind.
Sometimes yes. Tonight I had a moment with this weenie man in the 20 items or less checkout at the grocery. I realized I had 22 items and the clerk was cool, but this older dude, made a big fuss and told me I was being inconsiderate of those behind me.
Really…over 2 fucking items? Sooo, I went into my comedienne routine and asked everyone else if they had an issue with my 2 extra yogurts and that I would happily step aside if so, they guy just kept on,
I outwitted him every step of the way and had the whole line laughing. Be gone little weenie man. lol
TJBM is very quick on the draw.
Sometimes quick on the draw, sometimes quick on the temper.
TJBM is consistent
Depends on what it is. But when I am consistent, nothing can stop me!
TJBM is unstoppable.
Mostly, sometimes I come to a grinding halt. haha
TJBM is wearing green jammy pants and a beige top.
Yeah, right now I’m wearing my mom’s old pullover and have accidentally scattered my pineapple jam onto my pant!
TJBM is careless.
Not on purpose. haha
TJBM noticed my video link was unavailable. Pffft!
@Coloma Hah. To really piss everyone off, you could have been technical and made the yogurts into a completely separate purchase.
@dxs No sheet….haha, yeah, and the irony was they were 4 for $3 sooo, technically they were only one, combined item, because they only needed to scan one. People are such weenies! lol
Has someone killed @Mimishu1995, or just the thread? :-D
(I once got away with going through a 12 items line with bread, juice, milk, a case of soup and two cases of veggies. I claimed each case to be one item, unless the person behind me wanted to count the individual slices of bread in their loaf. HA!)
TJBM is a thread killer.
Haha @Jonesn4burgers! I came up with that song while googling a comic book with exactly the same name as the linked song.
And that comic is really badass! Too bad I just can’t download it.
And how the hell can I be a thread killer since I’ve been killed myself?
TJBM has been killed in a thread.
Give me lurve, or give me death! Yeah, I belive I’ve been killed in a thread. I think there’s one out there somewhere that everyone got at least one GA except me. :-(
TJBM wants a young virile servant boy to ask them what is their wish.
Sure. If I had three wishes, one of them will be a young virile servant boy!
TJBM has three wishes.
I do.
TJBM is tired from staying up to watch the lunar eclipse last night.
Nope we had clouds for all of last night and this morning. Videos only !
tjbm Is happy that inter-web has eye all over the Earth.
Yeah. That’s how I found this place.
TJBM is thankful for the internet.
True. the gateway to knowledge and useless chatter. lol
TJBM is eating an apple.
Can pineapple count?
TJBM plays with words.
I love to play with words. Words are playful, and know many games.
TJBM will share their favorite game
TJBM will create a word out of these letters now.
TJBM is reeeeeeeeally smart!
Smart enough I think. :-)
TJBM has the day off.
Very right. Today :)
TJBM was sick yesterday…
No, but I was really tired.
TJBM had a nice day and is now relaxing on fluther for awhile.
Yes ma’am.
TJBM needs to drink more water.
Hell no! I drink tons of water. I have to go pee about every 15 miles when driving. haha
TJBM hates being stuck driving when they have to GO!
Why do I want to go without driving
? :)
TJBM wants to go without having to drive.
No because I already don’t drive. Public transportation and feet are just fine.
The Jelly below me wants to go get more sleep but can’t fall back asleep.
I want sleep! I want sleep! I want…. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
TJBM kdsjlasjiowejoesdk joiejieowjoidsji <wake up> err… TJBM can type with their forehead…
I’ve never tried…...
TJBM has a bearded dragon.
Not one, but several!
TJBM さいえだらヴぁいおdふぇぴいのもそどえただめぬま <wake up again> TJBM type random Japanese
Oh, that’s what they are.
TJBM also thought bearded dragon was NSFW.
…. XD
TJBM hates it when people say “Yuppers”
Haha…now that you mention it, yes I do.
TJBM has a headache.
I do, but she’s not here now. ;-)
TJBM cares about the rights and well being of other beings, besides their own and those of their immediate family/social circle.
E.g.: animals, LGBT people, women in general, the unemployed, etc.
Very true.
TJBM wishes they had my neopolitan Ice Cream sandwich right now. mmmm
(Knocks @Coloma down and takes ice cream)
TJBM can’t believe they just watched an old lady get mugged by another old lady.
Hahahahahahaha! Very true! That’s why I laugh!
TJBM laughs so hard!
Haha…wish the old lady next to me would get mugged. Gah…I am sandwiched between 2 old ladies that I do not like. Nosy, gossipy, prying, manipulative. Aaaagh! lol
TJBM wants to shoot nosy people.
Got one just down the street.
TJBM spotted that, but they won’t hold it against me. ;- D
TJBM is surprised that @Coloma doesn’t use her goose (err, what’s his name again?) as her avatar anymore.
I am going to change it again…soon, I out my face up for a few days now and then.
TJBM wants to see more real faces.
Of course, but no one can ask me for my real face :D
TJBM is overprotective of their anonymity.
HAH. No. Ash-Leigh is my real name. My photo is of my face. I’m not good at staying anonymous.
TJBM is an open book.
Yeah, anybody who knows me and finds this site is going to know who I am. I don’t hide anything well.
TJBM can read other people well and tell when they are honest or lying.
No. Seriously…
TJBM is naive.
At times.
TJBM is sleepy.
Err… I was about to say good morning to you…
TJBM thinks this is the morning.
No. Just dusk here, bedtime soon.
TJBM loves cinnamon rolls.
Ugh! Cinnamon’s smell gives me a headache!
TJBM thinks this is awesome!
@Mimishu1995 What’s in the egg rolls and the broth?
TJBM is careful.
Oh yes, I want spring rolls, lumpia, NOW!
Sometimes, sometimes not.
TJBM wants egg rolls and sweet & sour sauce.
@Adirondackwannabe They aren’t egg rolls and broth. They are fried girdle-cake and soya sauce. And inside the girdle-cake is (traditionally) a mixture of meat (beef or fork), mushroom, carrot and soya noodle.
And @Coloma, can you make them for me :p
TJBM can make egg rolls and sweet and sour sauce.
I cannot, I need an asian cook. lol
TJBM wants a personal chef.
@Mimishu1995 There is fork in those girdle cakes? haha
@Coloma It’s pork, or a fork for a suicidal person :p
No. I already have my mom :)
TJBM can eat a fork!
I’ll try.
TJBM was born in 1983.
Or were you?
TJBM was born in 1995.
I gave birth in 1995.
TJBM likes extreme sports, like BMX stunt riding, cliff diving, sky diving from the top of the Earth’s atmosphere.
Nah. I prefer my bones to be in tact. But I sure want to go skydiving.
The Jelly below just realized that @Jonesn4burgers might be my mom…
No, I am too old to be her child but I will be the surrogate mom to you @Mimishu1995 and @dxs I’m a really cool mom, ask my 26 yr. old daughter. She just gave me a happy brownie the other day. haha
TJBM likes Happy Brownies
I’ve never known a brownie that wasn’t happy, and I never knew a happy brownie I didn’t like, YYYUUUUUUUUUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!
TJBM has wealthy parents who gives them happy brownies and doesn’t want a mom who can’t walk.
Oh yeah, I had wealthy parents, if you don’t measure that by $. I got tons of love, lot’s of responsibility, and no happy brownies. I would have got my ass seriously kicked if I had a happy brownie. Mom can’t walk?
TJBM Has a healthy family and blesses something every day for that.
Well….my family is now all dead, so I guess they are not healthy, but I am and so is my daughter, and sadly, her asshole dad is healthy too, physically speaking. lol
TJBM is sitting outside fluthering on this fine spring evening.
No. I’m inside, in this fine morning.
TJBM likes to stay inside.
No, but it gets more necessary all the time.
TJBM wants to go fishing.
Yup, with my new fly rod.
TJBM has something new for one of their hobbies.
TJBM is interested in bizarre things.
Some yes. I like memento mori photographs, ancient medical practices, strange medical deformities/conditions, personality theory, and geese, of course! haha
TJBM is going to a party today.
TJBM will join in my party.
Take that you dirty rat.
TJBM like’s Cagney flicks.
Are you trying to drag me to a fight with that guy?
TJBM drags someone to a fight.
Nah. I don’t like fights. If somone starts with me I kil them, then it is over quick.
TJBM doesn’t like to dawdle, and takes care of things quickly.
Quite on the contrary :p
TJBM thinks it’s taking more time for jellies to post on this thread.
I’m not really paying attention.
The Jelly below me plays a musical instrument.
I do. I play Djembe and Celtic and other ethnic hand drums.
TJBM has to go pee! haha
Just peed. Don’t need to :)
TJBM is boooooooored!
No, tired and stressed out.
TJBM likes 3 Muskateers candy bars.
You have? I’ll go for it!
TJBM wants to reduce @Coloma‘s stress a bit. Maybe by letting her watch something colorful like this :D
I wish I could reduce @Coloma‘s stress by giving her a goose…but I know she can’t take it where she lives!
TJBM loves the art of double entendre.
I love giving a good goose. I can give YOU a goose no matter where you live! Tee hee. I like a good double entendre when it serves me well.
TJBM wants cornbread NOW.
TJBM still wants to play TJBM.
There is no jelly below you, because none want to play.
HA! Just kidding! I still play. I think things are getting spotty on most threads right now. It seems like no action for all day long, or more, then an hour of everybody popping in, then nothing again. People are getting out a lot, now that the weather is changing.
TJBM is afraid TJAM will open fire just for kicks.
I’m not opening any fire, my machine gun is!
TJBM is as hot as a chocolate ball!
Well, maybe.
TJBM’s brother is getting married tomorrow? mine is!
Heh, congrat @AshLeigh!
And if only you would ask this 12 years later :)
TJBM is not at all interested in marriage.
@AshLeigh Fucking absolute congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TJBM is in love.
Hey, how about my question?
@Mimishu: they crossed in the mail. Why not interested in marriage?
TJBM Would marry if they had the right circumstances.
Not something I’m planning on.
TJBM enjoys being single.
I don’t, but, being married would leave me feeling crowded after being single for SO FUCKING LONG! I don’t think I could make it work, unless there were seperate bedrooms, so I have my own space to go when I want to be alone.
TJBM would like to have statues of their children dotting their yard or garden. (I saw an artist during an art search who does/did people’s children for them. They were incredible!)
Wish my parents had the same wish :D
TJBM knows that 日本人 is recognizable by both Japanese and Chinese.
I did not, what does that say/mean?
TJBM is ready for bed…...zzzzz
日本人 means Japanese people.
Very true. I’m going to log out in a minute….. zzzzzzzzz
TJBM wishes me a good dream.
I do @Mimishu1995 x
TJBM has planned their summer holiday/vacation (details please!)
Yes, I do. But it looks more like “summer resolutions” than summer plans.
This summer I’ll try to finish my mafia books and then I will write my planned story, based on all the information I learn from the book.
This summer I’ll no longer abandon my water color box and use them more often, lest all the colors will dry up.
But I don’t know if I can do them…
TJBM makes resolutions.
I try to, but they often end up being just unfulfilled wishes.
TJBM is unfulfilled.
Until I finish my Mafia masterpiece I’ll be fulfilled!
TJBM wants to write about the Mafia.
I grew up just outside “Sha-caw-ga” (Chicago), so everyt’ing I write is about da Mafia, or da “Mob” or somethin’ like dat!
TJBM wants me to say hello to my little friend.
I prefer the 1932 version…
TJBM will teach me about the Mafia.
No, but I did wake up with a pig in my bed once. It was a practical joke, and I was sooooo hungover.
TJBM is a good sport when it comes to being the butt of a practical joke
I’d say so…unless it involves something really scary and/or inappropriate.
TJBM is having a hard time getting it together this morning.
It’s only 9. I don’t need to get it together xD
TJBM needs a nap.
If I took a nap I would be in so much trouble…
TJBM need to get on with the tasks of the day.
I am off for a few hours this afternoon and it is pouring rain, a great excuse to do nothing for a few more hours.
TJBM thinks they will bake a pie today.
No, but I would love one.
The Jelly Below me will bake me a pie.
Sure…going out now..do you like blackberry cobbler?
TJBM likes blackberry cobbler.
I love blackberry cobbler! hot, with a big scoop of vanilla ice cream! Washed down with fresh-brewed coffee (with a little of the ice cream in the coffee! MMM!
TJBM would love to attend a blackberry cobbler party!
Yeah that would be fun
@Yetanotheruser By the way was the Pig good in bed?
TJBM Knows what coyote ugly means.
Yup. I have seen a few guys down around the campus with suspicious looking bite marks on their shoulders.
TJBM has amputated one of their own body parts.
All the time.
TJBM is wearing a dress.
I am wearing a blue lace skirt and a gray sweater.
TJBM will tell us about their most serious injury.
Who wants some of my steaming hot, amazing, blackberry cobbler.—eat your hearts out. lol
@Coloma You evil heartless bitch. Cobbler and it’s 3000 miles away. May all your teeth fall out in the night, brain chiggers fly into your ears, and the IRS audit you. And then your luck turns bad.
The worst injury ever was the concussions. When you start to lose that part of you it is so fucking scary. And I don’t know what’s coming in the future.
TJBM would have cobbler with vanilla ice cream.
Neener neener…. lol
“Concussions”...plural concussions? Has the swelling in your brain subsided yet?
TJBM is brain damaged but hides it well.
@Coloma Bite me :) Yeah plural. A lot of them. Ha but do you have ice cream in the freezer? I just looked.
TJBM is trying to decide between a hot fudge sundae and a milk shake.
My damaged brain is the main reason the Mafia hides me!
Just kidding. Actually I’m regarded by some “brain damaged” since I have a different view of things. And to some, that’s unacceptable.
But hey, without my damaged brain I could never think of so many insane stuffs you see here and would just ask and answer like you run-on-the-mill teenager with “does he/she like me” and “do you like that movie” :p
TJBM loves people with damaged brain.
What the hell @Adirondackwannabe? You were before me?
<Sign> Fuck you mobile phone. You never tell me when someone is coming…
Usually not. haha
TJBM is watching a murder mystery.
I’m watching Welcome Back Kotter.
TJBM knows who W.C.Fields was.
What? Some kind of fields which grew W.C as crops?
TJBM has an insane logic.
“There ain’t no sanity clause!” Chico Marx
TJBM is a Lennonist
Not Lennonist, but Mafia-ist!
TJBM is a Mafia-ist.
Not a Lennonist or a Mafia-est, but a Democratic Socialist.
TJBM is a capitalist.
Actually, I have gone to a hair salon called Lennonheads. Does that count?
I don’t think I’m an “ist”. I believe in what makes a community work well together, keeps them safe and happy.
@Mimishu1995, W.C. Fields is an entertainer, commedian from very early movies and tv. He was a character easily recognized by his appearance and his voice. Always appearing drunk, he was a sort of socially acceptable alcoholic, gambler, woman chaser. Many people have done imitations of him down through the decades because his unique way of speaking was fun to practice. On the ‘70s tv show Welcome Back Kotter, there is a teacher in a New York high school who does imitations of people from the old days.
TJBM has a deep desire they keep secret, but now will share with us.
No secret, my deepest desire is to get back to a happier place after the train wreck of this last year.
TJBM is enjoying a beautiful spring morning.
Yes! Breakfast is over, the wife and daughter are off to work and school respectively, time for Pop to get out to the garden!
TJBM has a wonderful day planned.
I don’t have anything planned.
TJBM just goes with the flow.
I wish I knew how to.
The Jelly below me is oblivious.
All mafiosi are…
TJBM is obvious.
I think so…who else has a neon green duck avatar. lol
TJBM is has a machine gun.
<——- Ready to kill :P
TJBM is ready to kill :D
TJBM will congratulate our friend @Mimishu1995 for reaching 5K.
Yes, our little darling is growing up fast. lol
TJBM will say “Goodnight Coloma.” zzzzzz
TJBM will whisper quietly and tell me a ghost story.
“It was a dark and stormy night…”
TJBM will continue my ghost story for TJAM (Don’t forget to whisper!)
“A girl and a boy suddenly died”
“They were holding hand in hand”
“While their killer was running wild”
TJBM has the gut to continue this story.
Suddenly the lights flickered, and then went out. The lightning was intense and lit up the night at times. A chill ran through my guts as I realized someone was leaning against the window, looking in. When they moved their hand it left behind a bloody handprint, with the blood slowly streaming down the window in the rain.
TJBM can run with this.
TJBM wants to tell another ghost story. The first one has been ruined by an aggressive mafioso, sorry :(
No, but that would make a good thread if you want to start it. Have each responder post a few lines of the story and see where it goes.
TJBM likes ghost tales.
Hey, that’s a good idea @Adirondackwannabe! Maybe I can start it now…
And if I didn’t like ghost tales, I wouldn’t have taken your suggestion into consideration :)
TJBM thinks @Adirondackwannabe‘s idea is awesome!
Yes, @Mimishu1995 . run with it!
TJBM will encourage TJAM to run with it!
I will, waiting for @LuckyGuy to post his entry.
TJBM is not moving very fast today.
Too true. I loved the story though. I asked for whispers partly for effect, and partly so we wouldn’t wake TJAM, then I fell asleep waiting for somebody to start. :(
TJBM respects the noise level when others try to sleep.
I have yes, I miss living alone after a decade of space and freedom from others…bah.
TJBM is HOT today..damn, jacked up to almost 90 by tomorrow..pfft!
So hot here! Really!
TJBM is now drown in a pile of PM!
No, but I am drowning in beer. lol
TJBM is not ready for the summer heat wave.
@Mimishu1995 How hot is it in Vietnam today?
Warning: please don’t faint OK @Coloma.
30 degree celsius!
If I wasn’t ready, I would have dropped dead by now.
TJBM thinks @Mimishu1995 is being roasted.
No, no, not my little Mimishu!
TJBM will give @Mimishu1995 a cold drink and a fan.
Shh! There, there, little @Mimishu1995! Có con bướm vàng lây lan đôi cánh của nó!
TJBM knows I was trying to sing in Vietnamese.
No, you were talking nonsense in Vietnamese using Google Translate :D
And don’t worry @Coloma, Vietnamese have their ways to deal with the heat :p
TJBM is abusing Google Translate.
No. When I was very young, a family who lived on my block took in a family of refugees from the war torn Vietnam. There was a mother, a 4 year old girl, and a seven year old girl. I was 12. We invited the girls to play, my two younger brothers and I. We had total language barrier. I went to our library, and there was a Vietnames/ english dictionary! This is years before home computers, social media. I tried using words from this book to speak with the girls. They showed no recognition for anything I tried to say. I managed to say one word correctly, and made the older sister smile brightly. In english, the word is spelled “Gop”. I spoke with a questioning tone as I tapped my little friend’s skirt. It is a compliment which means, “Pretty”.
We taught the girls two english words, “Mommy”, so they know when to go home, and when my baby brother got frustrated, “Dummy” which he shouted back and forth with the girls over a toy dispute. LOL We tried SO HARD, but not only are the languages different, so are the cultures! We were stunned when we watched them eat dinner, and everyone was dipping their green leaves in the same bowl.
I have experience with messing up other languages already, and would not attempt google translate without a guide who could help me.
TJBM will please forgive the long winded story.
Not at all :D
Just kidding. Your story is really interesting. It’s funny thinking about how you all communicated :)
TJBM has just realized that @Mimishu1995 is Vietnamese.
I have known that for awhile now, and I want to go to Vietnam SO BADLY!
TJBM has traveled in asia.
Does going around my house count?
TJBM goes around their house and claims that it is called “traveling”
No, but I would like to revisit Vietnam again as well. Haven’t been there since 1970.
TJBM rembers things and claims that it is called “time travel”.
Yeah right.
TJBM hesitates about posting a comment for fear that they will derail the thread…
No, I just let things flow and if someone wants to mod me, go for it. haha
TJBM likes chocolate milk.
Love chocolate anything. I think I’m going to make a mocha right now!
TJBM is ready for a break.
I am ready for it to be yesterday. haha
I woke up with a tweaked neck and allergies so bad I can hardly function. Pffft! lol
TJBM is out of it this morning.
Yeah, late night helping teenage daughter finish her speech due today. Glad there’s only about a month of eighth grade left. I told her, ninth grade onward, late night assignments are hers and hers alone!
TJBM has been through the evolution of boundaries with teens.
Oh yes, my daughter is 26 now, getting to the friends zone is great!
TJBM is friends with their adult children now.
Yeah right.
TJBM says “yeah right”.
Yeah right!
The Jelly below me says “no suh”.
No suh, but I did, accidentally call the kid at Taco Bell “Boy” today.
Hey boy, you did give me plenty of hot sauce right? lol
TJBM is a silly goose.
How about a silly mafioso?
TJBM is a silly mafioso.
Nope. I’m just a mean old woman.
TJBM sometimes does something in public just so people will stare or laugh.
Yeah, in class. But my jokes can be very controversial (that is, not all can understand them, and some even don’t like them).
TJBM sometimes tells jokes like that.
Yeah, but controversy does not stop me from expressing my sense of humor.
TJBM will say “Good Morning”!
@Yetanotheruser That’s why I come here, to bring my insane sense of humor into use.
And why the hell do I have to say “Good Morning” while the sky is dark and stars are sparkling here? :P
TJBM has just done some intense research and now wants a break.
Recovery from the injuries which left me disabled has been a lot like heavy research. I spent years learning, remembering, My memory was severely damaged, and I had to relearn a great many things, not even certain just how much I was relearning, and how much was new information. I have a deep yearning to proceed, keep learning, get more active, but my body has shut down most of my options.
TJBM can’t get #56 anymore either. My last 3 posts on there was after repeated attempts just to get the page.
@Jonesn4burgers Hey, never expected you would have suffered like that. I’m sorry to hear that. That damned accident, it has made your life harder…
And by saying “intense research”, I was just referring to my Mafia research. Never expected such an innocent post could lead to something like that…
False. I’ve just posted there.
TJBM will try to finish #56 then return here.
I’ve already finished it.
TJBM likes to feed the birds.
If only there were birds around to testify that…
TJBM is desperate for research materials.
I can tell that you are! (Get off of Fluther!)
TJBM works at night
I can tell that you are!
TJBM loves to mimic people.
No, I find it terribly annoying. As is being every other post to a thread until you wear not only the thread but a fun concept behind the thread down.
TJBM is glad this is not their first TJBM thread, as they would have missed out on a lot of fun in the past
TJBM is still angry that I started this thread out of the blue…
Disgusted is more the word. That you put your personal boredom over the collective by starting a splinter thread that did nothing by siphon responses off the old thread. Now we have the childish “Mafiaso persona” talk show where you have to respond to every answer, even if it is unrelated to anything. Perhaps I resent the fact that we’re no longer allow to respond to anyone but you and receive replies from anyone but you. And I definitely resent the fact that you’re systematically doing it to any ‘fun’ social thead and, in my opinion, hastening the decline of Fluther.
TJBM is glad they asked.
Asked what?
The Jelly below me thinks everyone is saying too much.
Mmm who wha huh? Saying too much? I just woke up. Was I talking in my sleep?
TJBM talks in their sleep.
I do a lot more than talk in my sleep. If I could only figure out the stair master while sleepwalking.
TJBM has been taken to task in the past, and felt bruised by it.
Oh, yeah! Several times, but the bruises healed pretty quickly.
TJBM has a tough skin and a soft heart.
Haha..no, I have soft skin and a tough heart.
TJBM is not jumping into their Monday with enthusiasm.
So-so. I’ve piddled with Fluther too much, but I’m nearly ready to load the car and head to town.
TJBM thinks ‘Heading to town” is a funny idea.
Not at all, I lived, forever, in a more rural place and always talked about “going to town.” haha
TJBM is hungry, hungry, hungry, for lunch.
But it’s only brunch time!
TJBM has to help a man buy a gift for his wife today.
No, but I have to help my daughter buy a gift for my wife sometime this week.
TJBM is having some wildlife issues.
Ha! The other day I was walking in the quarry, and then this moose and her baby just popped out of the woods like 12 feet from me. I was by small cliff, so I just hopped on the nope train to fuckthatville, and jumped off the cliff. I’m kind of a badass.
TJBM is kind of a badass.
I think so!!
TJBM has been to Wales.
No, but I’d love to see Wales and Scotland, by origins. :-)
TJBM is a Bonnie Lass/Lad.
Actually, yes. My family name on mom’s side is Scottish.
TJBM loves hymns, hates the hummer.
Haha…amaaaaaaazing graaaace.
TJBM has had their first, amazing watermelon of the season. Okay it was from Mexico, probably grown with cerveza piss but still. lol
If only you asked this a month ago…
TJBM is recovering.
TJBM is relapsing.
@Jones4burgers I take that as a “yes”.
TJBM knows how to “assume” appropriately.
If I knew how to do that, I wouldn’t have landed myself on so many troubles…
TJBM can’t estimate.
I won a jar full of gumballs once by estimating better than anyone else how many gumballs were in the jar.
TJBM can’t go around babies because it always makes the poor little babes cry.
Nothing has ever been more true.
TJBM has played Magic before.
No, but I was just looking at it this afternoon in a bookstore and wishing I had a group of friends who would play with me if I purchased the game/cards.
TJBM has played Cards Against Humanity.
I would play with you, @geeky_mama :)
I haven’t.
TJBM is a mother.
Noper, but they use to call me Mutha.
TJBM has had an interesting nickname and will share it.
But of course, I have been “Goose girl/lady” and “Mother Goose” for years. haha
TJBM loves Italian food.
Anything Italian related :p
TJBM has endless love.
Probably not.
TJBM has no love.
I have cat love and daughter love, good enough. haha
TJBM has a secret stash of choclate.
TJBM will tell me where their secret stash of chocolate is so I can steal it :D
It’s in the back of my closet stashed under a couple of empty shoe boxes. Good luck getting to it without getting your wrist smacked! I might share if asked nicely. It’s a box of king size Crunch bars.
TJBM has had a severe allergic reaction to something sometime, and remembers wanting the nightmare to be over.
Yes. In my dream.
TJBM yarns.
TJBM will tell me what “yarning” is.
My guess is that “yarning” is either making something from yarn or “yarns” is a typo for “yawns”.
TJBM knows what color light is emitted by a xenon headlight.
Hmmmm…not sure, psychedelic blue? haha
TJBM is sad about the California psycho kid that went on a shooting spree in Santa Barbara last night, killing and wounding over a dozen people.
What? Something like that happened?
TJBM would like more info.
That last thing I need is to hear depressing news.
The Jelly below me is sick of trying to solve the world’s problems.
True, I don’t really care, but I still feel sad when I hear things like that.
TJBM had Spaghetti for dinner.
Nope- I’m going to have celery with hummus, and grilled salmon with onions.
TJBM could do without neighbors who stink up the neighborhood by treating their lawns with chemically-contaminated shit.
I could do more without being surrounded by ancinet old folks who just live to be nosy. Maybe I should fumigate their lawns. lol
TJBM loves summer nights at dusk.
True. It’s so cool.
TJBM is cheerful.
I try to keep optimistic, but sometimes I can be quite the cynic.
TJBM has or does sleep on a waterbed.
I have, but now I have a memory foam for my old bones. lol
TJBM is a sugar-a-holic
I do.
TJBM has shaved their head before.
Maybe, when I was 0.1 years old.
TJBM has no hair.
Quite the opposite. I have long hair (a little thinner than it used to be) and facial hair (a little lot grayer than it used to be!
TJBM is glad for summer-like temperatures.
Yes and no. Today will be a perfect 79, but anything over about 86 is too damn hot.
TJBM is going to see a movie this week.
Only on DVD although my daughter is going to see the new x-men today
TJBM likes french toast
Oh, I love French Toast!
TJBM thought this was gone forever and is so happy to have found it again!
I’m happy we woke it up, but gone forever? Nothing’s forever!
TJBM believes nothing’s forever.
I’m not sure.
The Jelly below me hates thinking about the concept of forever.
There is no forever. lol
TJBM is hot and sweaty
That’s right!
TJBM says “That’s right”.
That’s right, that’s right, I’m sad and blue, ‘cause I can’t do the boogaloo!
TJBM can do the boogaloo.
I reckon I could give it a whirl…
TJBM Enjoys Tuna MAC.
Probably, I like tuna casserole on the rare occasion I have had it.
TJBM wants to ask @Mimishu1995 if there is peanut butter in Vietnam.
I don’t need to ask her, because I had peanut butter when I was in Vietnam. (OK, it was from the galley of a US Navy ship, details, details.) Seriously, I think there is peanut butter. I know there are some Vietnamese recipes that call for peanut sauce, and a that usually starts with peanut butter.
TJBM changes her or his underwear more often than her or his avatar.
LOL..I should hope so.
TJBM is under extreme stress right now.
TJBM is going back to bed and calling this day a win.
It’s not even 2:00 PM on the East Coast. Shouldn’t you be getting out of bed?
TJBM has weird sleeping habits.
I do. It’s 10. And I am out of bed. But I wish I wasn’t.
TJBM needs to get on my level.
There are way too many answers to that that will get me in trouble and I’ve already done that enough today.
TJBM has their mind in the gutter way too much.
So much so that I sometimes have to step up to the gutter.
TJBM is suffering from Time Famine.
At least right now…
TJBM is suffering from Time Obesity.
Both right now. Waiting on famine time to find out about a possible new situation I might take on that I need to jump into action with and time obesity as in I have to wait a few more long, fat days. haha
TJBM just sneezed. Ah, ah, ah, CHOOO!
I think the last time I sneezed was about a day or two ago.
TJBM feels that sneezing is like your nose having an orgasm.
Of course, it happens. haha
TJBM is exhausted today.
Trying not to be. Have to get ready to go out of town.
Yep, Lunchtime is coming early to this house.
TJBM likes lunchtime.
I don’t have a set lunch time.
TJBM is having breakfast for lunch.
No, I already had lunch for breakfast (chimichangas!).
TJBM will have what is usually considered one meal for another one. (example: breakfast food for dinner/supper)
Sure. Infact I had veggie chili with tomatos for “breakfast” yesterday around 10 a.m. with extra sharp cheddar. haha
TJBM is not a slave to traditions.
Nor to fashion.
Although I do believe some traditions are worth keeping!
TJBM knows of some interesting, if quaint, tradition(s).
My little tourist town lines the bridge over the river with Jack O Lanterns every Halloween. It is cool to drive over the bridge with about 50 glowing pumpkin faces lining the rails.
TJBM loves to get a massage.
How about the tradition of commemorating the ancestors at the dates and months they died (aka “giỗ”)
The oldest child of the family usually hosts the ceremony. The ceremony usually goes like this: the host cooks a bit meal and present the meal to the ancestors’ altars (let the ancestors eat first), in the meantime people pray in front of the altars. Then the meal is taken down and everyone can use.
Many say this is Vietnam’s specialty, but I’m not sure.
TJBM would like to share another tradition.
Yes, I do love to get a massage. I used to walk backs for my friends. Now that I have aged, and the muscles really stiffen, I have only my daughter to sometimes give my shoulders two minutes of her time. beh!
No, I have no special traditions anymore. They became more bothersome than meaningful. I love the punkin tradition.
TJBM gets a kick out of community/group decorations.
Sometimes, but after all the damn decorating I did when my daughter was a kid in various clubs and activities, not so much. haha
TJBM is a white tornado today.
Shoot. More like a tiny dust devil, just stirring shit up.
TJBM loves Mexican food.
El Jelly debajo de mí le gusta hablar español.
Me encantaría, pero no sé cuánto.
TJBM wants to learn a foreign language.
Yes. English is my first language, I studied Latin and Greek (classical versions) in seminary, and I have spoken Spanish to one extent or other for about 45 years. I would like to learn a language that is not Graeco-Latin or Germanic, such as Russian, Chinese, or Turkish.
TJBM is of the opinion that a person that knows more than two languages approaches language more like a linguist.
True…a cunning-linguist. lol
TJBM is sitting poutside Fluthering and having a cocktail while watering theii yard.
@Yetanotheruser Don’t make me drool! I only know English, Vietnamese and a bit Japanese. So jealous :)
That’s my wish right now :D
TJBM wishes for something.
398 answers.
Compare the time frame with previous TJBM questions._
Yes.I wish I knew the rhyme or reason for TJAM’s answer.
TJBM thinks it doesn’t matter.
True….we go til someone complains. lol
TJBM is searching for something.
Yes. Money
TJBM is wondering if they’ll ever get to a point in life where they don’t feel broke all the damn time.
No. Not wondering.
TJBM is looking for the camel.
All I’m finding are his toes I can’t believe I just said that! Ewwwww!!!
TJBM is looking for the vacuum cleaner.
False. I know exactly where it is and I am not vacuuming for another week. haha
TJBM is fatigued today.
Extremely! I didn’t get much sleep last night and have been working on school work all day.
TJBM is enjoying a nice relaxing day in the sun. Like I wish I was.
No, but I enjoyed a nice relaxing morning in bed listening to the rain.
TJBM sometimes gets into GREAT conversations with telemarketers.
Actually, sometimes yes. It can be quite amusing.
TJBM always just hangs up on telemarketers, they’d just rather ignore them.
False. I am polite to telemarketers, no excuse for being rude when someone is just doing their job. I treat others with respect.
TJBM believes in being good mannered
Why, yes. Yes I do, thank you very much!
TJBM has confidence in the US Congress.
Surely you jest! lol
About as much confidence as I have that I will win the lottery. haha
TJNM has bad posture.
Only when I’m “digging weeds” in my garden! @Coloma BTW, morning glories are looking good!
TJBM knows what to do with morning glory seeds.
True, plant them and enjoy, don;t eat them, you will have liver and kidney failure. haha
@Yetanotheruser Yay….any flowers yet?
TJBM has a crazy bird that pounds on their roof. Damn Scrub Jay and his nuts. lol
No, got rid of the woodpeckers (humanely, thank you) earlier in the spring,
No flowers, yet, I got them in a little late. But there are some buds. It should only be a few more days!
TJBM likes gardening.
Love it!
@Yetanotheruser I tossed about 6 old apples and a couple of nectarines over the little barb wire fence on the hill behind my place into the little cemetery behind me the other night. Oh man…major screeching animal fight in the night, maybe raccoons of Skunks or who the hell knows what. lol
TJBM loves giant baked potatoes with the works.
If they eventually turn into chips, then I’m all in.
TJBM just saw something.
Yep. The most recent episode of Graceland!
TJBM watches too much TV
No, but use the computer too much.
TJBM uses the computer too much.
Not really. I’m usually on Fluther from my mobile xD
TJBM uses Fluther from their mobile.
Sometimes. Sometimes on laptop.
TJBM has a study or office in their home.
My room is my office!
TJBM has a multifunctional room.
Not really, I used to have an office TV room combo.
TJBM has a separate TV/movie room
Working on it. The basement will be my ”man-cave multi-media/music space”
^^^^ There is a Man Cave store in my town, you’d love it.
Uh…well then…allow me to start what you forgot to finish.
TJBM has to do something they are dreading today. Ugh..I have to visit someone I don’t like in the hospital. lol
Just did it. And now we’re broke, with payday 10 days away.
TJBM thinks their blood pressure is sky rocketing.
No, my b/p is actually going down today
TJBM is having a relaxing weekend (or will).
Supposedly. Suppose to be taking the RV out to our land/pond, and camp.
TJBM likes to camp.
No. haha Not after living in the hills forever, my house sat on a campground like area.
I like my comfy bed and coffee on demand in the mornings, tents suck. lol
TJBM likes camping in a deluxe RV or cabin
I do and I do have a deluxe RV. And we stayed in a cabin last weekend. :D
TJBM wishes it was bedtime already.
No, got too much to do!
TJBM will share a one-liner…
Bread before bed unless you are dead what I used to tell my geese for years haha
TJBM will share a two liner.
What did the fish say when he swam into a concrete wall?
TJBM will share a 3 liner.
If wishes
were fishes
there would be no room in the sea.
TJBM will share a four liner.
Has four
TJBM will share an onnamatapea.
You mean ὀνοματοποιία.
TJBM will make up a new word and it’s definition.
Definition: a long word made of random letters and is accepted by most despite its ridiculousness.
TJBM will make up another new word.
Junkpunch. Definition: to punch someone in the junk.
TJBM was junkpunched today :/
I won’t jinx myself. But I only have 45 minutes left in the day in the privacy of my room.
The Jelly below me has jinxed themselves before.
Junkpunch—OOW! Just the thought…
Maybe I’ve jinxed myself, I don’t know.
TJBM is up late tonight.
I was, yes, and now I am out watering since 7:30, I am whipped. haha
TJBM is whipped
Noooooooo! Don’t whip me again!
TJBM whips.
Yes, I whip cream for my mocha!
TJBM owns a wire whip.
I do and I just used it to stir pasta last night.
TJBM is out of it this morning
Well, it’s 2 AM, and I’m still awake. If that counts for being out of it.
TJBM is up way too late.
I was, but now I’m up way too early!
TJBM is up way too early!
Wha… what?
TJBM is down way too long!
Well, till almost noon, but considering the weekend I had, I don’t blame me!
TJBM aches.
No, I feel pretty good today.
TJBM feels pretty god today.
If there is a pretty deity, I don’t know if I would be able to feel her.
TJBM is not worried about the 7-inch tsunamis, that might be generated by today’s earthquake near the Aleutian Islands.
Nope. Warning’s just been downgraded to an advisory.
TJBM has a flight to meet tonight.
Yeah, as usual. Because we live near an airport :)
TJBM lives in somewhere noisy.
A little, but not as noisy as a really big city.
TJBM is going to bed now
I just woke up.
The Jelly below me slept past their alarm.
No, I actually woke 15 minutes early, and was never able to fall back to sleep.
TJBM has a rigid body schedule.
Not really. Kind of wish I did.
TJBM is cooling their heels, waiting and waiting for a phone call.
Why haven’t you called yet?
TJBM must go to somewhere they really don’t want to today.
Haha…I did , I drove 3 hours to see a house I was investigating and ended up putting a deposit on it! OMG…what have I done? lol
TJBM is having a ” OMG! What have I done?” day too?
Yeah. My BIL, his wife and their five kids (oldest is 11) pulled up to our door yesterday unexpectedly from out of town, with all their belongings, in need of temporary shelter!
TJBM has found themselves suddenly in an unusual situation..
Oh yes, refer to above. lol
@Yetanotheruser Yikes…loks like the rocekt of weirdness has descended on you too.
TJBM is awake at the crack of dawn contemplating their weirdness.
Crack of dawn, YES !
Weirdness, NO !
TJBM had the dogs wake them at 3AM.
Not a dog, but a chicken. My moron neighbor used to keep a moron too chicken as a pet. One “spectacular” thing about that chicken was that it cried very spontaneously. And its favorite time is from 2AM to 4AM! Holy shit! I never had a good sleep because of that!
At time I just wished I could kidnap the chicken and roast it alive. Luckily it died a long time ago.
TJBM loves animals, except for one.
Hahaha…yes, I don;t care for dogs and noisy roosters much, or noisy dogs.
My favorite animals are cats, geese and horses.
TJBM has mush for brains this morning.
No, mush for breakfast. I cooked 2 quarts of oatmeal for breakfast. I had to declare that although I retain my title as “Head cook” I am not the “sole cook!”
@Coloma I lovet it rocket of wierdness!
TJBM is trying to cope with fallout from the rocket of wierdness.
LOL….Yes, oh man, you have no idea. I am so fried today, I can’t believe what I am about to do. Life…WTF! :-)
@Yetanotheruser Well…sounds like you have a big enough Oatmeal pot to feed the family drop-ins. Hey…maybe if you only give them Oatmeal 3 times a day they will leave sooner. haha
TJBM likes peas porridge hot and peas porridge cold and ..well you know the rest of it.
Mostly the “pot” part ha-ha. Especially today!
@Coloma Lo-o-ong PM story coming your way, (as soon as I get a few minutes of quiet without hearing “Uncle Yet! UncleYet!”
TJBM loves to have unexpected relatives drop by unannounced.
Only my daughter. :-)
@Yetanotheruser I’m all ears. haha
TJBM is hungry but too tired to cook.
No such thing in this house. Just cooked up a big pot of black beans (used a nice meaty ham bone), with rice, and a nice lettuce salad. That’ll keep their stomachs from growling!
TJBM can seem to find a minute or two to “go placidly amid the noise and haste.”
No, because I don’t think I understand what you are getting at.
TJBM wants to know what @Yetanotheruser is talking about.
Yes, he needs a zen moment but is challeged with the herd of family buffalos stampeding around him.
TJBM has a birthmark somehwere.
Somewhere, right ankle and right thigh.
TJBM has an appointment they can’t miss.
Sort of. My dad’s wife is coming to town next week and I have a whole bunch of stuff to do to get ready for it.
TJBM got some good news today.
Good news? Household expansion is only temporary…but “temporary” might mean three or four months
TJBM has recently had a good news/bad news moment.
Holy frack, yes! I made a commitment to something last Weds. a new job and living situation in a new area, but now, as of yesterday. another better opportunity has manifested. An area I like even more, about 1.5 hours North of me and double the pay I am making now. I think I’ve got it, have a second interview Monday.
Sooo.,..if this works out I will just eat my deposit on the other situation and their gain, my ultimate gain in the greater future. :-)
TJBM loves rice
I would if I didn’t have to live with it everyday, since the day I was born :p
Just kidding, rice is the thing that keep me alive after all.
TJBM has wanderlust.
Yeah, sometimes it seems those faraway places are calling my name.
TJBM is tired
I am really tired…and have SO much to do to get ready for company this week. Can’t I hire someone to do all this?
TJBM is feeling over whelmed.
Not anymore. Things are not as chaotic, settling down to a sensible “routine”, just spent the afternoon with a couple buddies. Things are OK.
TJBM has seen a reasonable outcome go what started as a potentially chaotic time.
That’s what I am hoping for right now! haha
TJBM has seen the new Transformers movie and liked it.
What? It was out already?
TJBM would like to share an interesting rumor.
No, the only “Rumours“https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvVznAb9-Ss I really like are from Fleetwood Mac.
TJBM thinks “The Klingon Chronicles” would make a good movie, relating the politics of the Klingon Empire, from Worf’s POV, in the Star Trek Universe concurrent with TNG and DS9.
I’d watch it. I’m into Worf. He’s a biter! Worf is a classy Klingon. He’d have to have a lot of screen time, and flashbacks.
TJBM has a bandaid on something.
No, but I am watching my bruised thumbnail slooowly grow out from it’s crush a couple months ago. haha The bruise is mid-nail now.
TJBM is still waiting on something… freaking seriously, I am ready to shoot myself. lol
Well, my dad’s wife is coming on Wednesday so I guess I’m waiting on that. Working my butt off to get the house ready, and waiting.
TJBM was poking around in a box recently and found some really cool things!
Happens every time I try to clean the basement!
TJBM is or should be eating right now.
I am eating a giant bowl of cut up watermelon, it is about 100 degrees today…ugh!
TJBM has watermelon too.
Yes. Everytime I visit my grandma I’m greeted by a gaint watermelon cup!
TJBM has an overprotective relative.
No. No one, except my husband and my kids, are particularly protective of me.
TJBM is cleaning for company.
No, I wish I were. I’m just cleaning to don’t be dirty. No visitors just now.
TJBM only cleans when someone visits, and spring. :o
Yep, and I have visitors, so I am constantly cleaning, with all the helpers.
TJBM has helpers to clean.
I used to, in my old life when I was still quite solvent, the Merry Maids moments were a huge joy, now I am back to self generated domestic services. lol
TJBM has seen the new movie “Chef”. Very cute.
What? Watch a chef cook in a movie?
TJBM watches a chef cook in a movie.
One of my favorite movies is Ratatoulli. Thanks to that movie, the word, “Perspective” always makes me think of Ego.
TJBM can serve up a helping of fresh perspective.
TJBM has a hard time finding work.
Yes, and have for the last 3 years, hence, my fall from solvency. I am ready to buy a one way ticket to somewhere remote and just disappear into the jungle. haha
TJBM is exhausted today.
TJBM knows the troubles I’ve seen.
True, this year anyway.
TJBM is hot, hot, hot, hot….
Not anymore :-(
TJBM will stay hot forever.
Of course.
TJBM has unrealistic expectations.
No. They are very realistic these days, sadly so. haha
TJBM is prone to wild flights of fancy.
@Jonesn4burgers You’re still hot to me, you green M&M, you!
TJBM takes refuge in their imagination.
<——If not, then who is this guy?
TJBM has an imaginary friend and would like to share about them.
Yes, fluther. haha
TJBM loves home made pasta sauce.
You bet I do! My grandmother makes a kick-ass salsa with meatballs and sausage.
The Jelly below me has eaten a bowl of really good pasta lately.
Hmm, I’ve been sick a lot. My 12 YO daughter has been doing most of the cooking to help out. The best pasta experience has been to boil noodles from a bag, pour on sauce made from a can, served with baked chicken. Pretty basic stuff,but for a girl trying to take charge so her mom can get better, it was the best pasta dish I ever had.
TJBM is swallowing a lump in their throat.
Swallowed several today. Cleaning out a buffet that has all the kid’s old school work in it.
TJBM keeps finding stashed treasures in the house.
Like money.
TJBM is addicted to money.
Hell no. That shit destroys people!
The Jelly below me needs to clean out a closet.
Will gladly accept any help offered!
TJBM lets certain things go unattended for too long.
True: I have a couple of surgeries that I’d like put in my rear-view mirror.
TJBM would not be opposed to seeing a new TJBM.
Of couse not! Too bad not everyone thinks like me.
TJBM would like to apologize for something they have done here.
Gah! @Brian1946. TJBM #58 is mine! ~
TJBM will still stay here.
No, it’s time to move on.
No reason, if you want to sit around on an idle thread, more
power to you!
Well, of course I’m not, but I don’t understand why the rush? It’s not taking a long time to load or anything.
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