Do you think every question asked on Fluther should be 'white-bread'?
Asked by
ibstubro (
April 4th, 2014
Should good Fluther questions be free of bias? Should the asker hide their opinions in the OP?
Or is it okay for the person posting a question to show bias, perhaps be a tad inflammatory?
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56 Answers
You seem to take things on here kinda personally.
How about people ask what they want, how they want? There’s no rules against supporting or being against something. As long as the question is actually a question, and not a statement or opinion disguised as a question.
White, brown, lightly toasted…bring em on.
Wouldn’t that be kind of boring?
No, do whatever you like and say what you like, I admire that, but be prepared for endless “debate” if it’s unpopular…lol
No. I think every question asked on Fluther should be ‘scali-bread’.
Or is it okay for the person posting a question to show bias, perhaps be a tad inflammatory?
Unfortunately this happens here all of the time, whether or not people get twisted depends on which way the bias leans. There was a question posted a day or so ago about some hose of some science show and it should have been all about how well or not the host did their job, but the poster had to toss in one of the reason to like this talking head was the overt digs he sneaks in against or clowning supposedly Young Earth Creationist. If I post a question that has any particular leaning it is to get the other side to explore and examine, hopefully even clear up hypocrisies and fakeism in what I see they believe in. If what a group believes in seems to have holes in it, I invite them to plug the holes. To simply ask a slanted question to garner support for it but there is no alternate outcome the poster will logically accept, then maybe questions of such should be outlawed for more ”white bread” questions as you speak of.
Sometimes the more inflammatory the question, the better the conversation. Conversely, sometimes the more inflammatory the question, the more inflammatory and personal the conversation becomes. If the question is from a certain POV, it doesn’t necessarily mean the answer has to come from the same point, or from the opposite. It’s when the answers (or even the questions) contain personal attacks, or when folks take statements as personal attacks, that we run into the flamethrower wars.
There’s nothing wrong at all about being biased in posing a question; that is different from posing a question that structures it so everyone is supposed to agree with your own wisdom.
Since joining Fluther I have noticed that nearly every question has shown a bias. I have made the decision not to ask anything here since I have figured out how most members here stand on their opinions.
I read members comments, answer a few questions (while not revealing too much personal information),and go off to other sites where I can give opinions and not be insulted.
Just the other day I answered a question about what do I think of gay porn and do I watch it. <something like that….>
I answered that I thought gay porn was disgusting and I have never watched it. WELL!! immediately I got insulting comments from people for me not liking gay porn.
On these kinds of social websites, ya really can’t win for losing.
@BeenThereSaidThat I hate to tell you this, but that was extremely tame compared to some of the stuff that gets thrown about here. You need a really thick skin to enjoy this site fully. Some of the best discussions get pretty heated.
@Adirondackwannabe That was just one example, there have been quite a few more that I didn’t bother posting.
It’s too bad that social websites don’t monitor discussions better. Cursing just for the fun of it and mean talk should not be allowed. I think because of this, that is why most of these sites don’t really last. They end up exploding due to conflict when moderators let things ride for too long.
just my opinion…
Yeah, what @Adirondackwannabe said. Especially if it has to do with religion. Or politics. Or economics. Or science. Or sex. Or drugs. Or music. OK, I’ve never seen a heated thread about music, but I think you can see my point.
@BeenThereSaidThat You both were expressing your opinions. That’s okay and makes for more interesting discussions.
@BeenThereSaidThat To the contrary, everything can and is discussed. That’s the beauty. My golden rule about Fluther is no personal attacks, and take nothing personally. I don’t know you, so anything I think I know about you is either from my assumption or from something you have decided to share. (Speaking in general terms, definitely not referring to @BeenThereSaidThat personally).
@BeenThereSaidThat I read members comments, answer a few questions (while not revealing too much personal information),and go off to other sites where I can give opinions and not be insulted.
That is kind of sad, isn’t it? I feel when people degrade to insults it is because they know their argument doesn’t have the mettle to stand on its own merits.
yeah, apparently nothing can be discussed. :)
Sure it can, just capitulate, say you love gay porn, that it is the greatest thing since sliced bread and recommend all adults watch it and enjoy with popcorn and you will do well here.
People generally have a thought or opinion on the question they are asking. Being a little bit down the autistic spectrum, hidden agendas are something I struggle to understand (it’s called social imagination). I’d be happier if the question asked the question and the blurb underneath stated their thoughts or opinions. Then I’d know where everyone stood!
@Hypocrisy_Central very cute. would you like your popcorn with or without butter? Thanks for your point of view. really!
@BeenThereSaidThat Discuss everything you want, just know that some will not agree with you, and may voice that in a manner that may or may not be kind.
In the end, it can be a terrific place to learn about things you know nothing about, or cultures, or ideals or pov’s. That’s why I stay, and people critiquing you happens to everyone, there’s not really a ‘free pass’ for anyone here from what I’ve seen.
@KNOWITALL I have read a lot of your posts. You seem like a down to earth person who doesn’t get her feathers ruffled. You stand your ground in a nice way. I like that.
@BeenThereSaidThat Thanks, you must have stuck with recent ones…lol!! I feel like we all have a right to believe how we want to believe, all of us.
Oh but honey, they get ruffled (wait til election time!) but I try to remember that I genuinely like a lot of these people, so I try to cultivate those relationships and learn what I can from others.
Basically you take from it what you want, and try to add your own personal knowledge to educate others on thing’s you may be knowledgeable about. There’s jerks and sweethearts just like anywhere else though.
Fluther isn’t so bad as far as insults go. Flaming and the like is usually dealt with very quickly. Yes, some people seem to fly under the radar, but frankly I’ve seen places that were much more hostile than here.
Someone not agreeing with you or challenging your views and opinions is not ’‘an attack’’.
It should be pita bread
good with hummus and olive oil
Hummus is as nasty, vile and obnoxious as chitterlings. B-P
Have you guys seen the cute little single serve hummus containers with pretzel chips? mmmhhmmmmm, and using hummus instead of mayo on wraps is dabombdiggety
Depends on what kind of discussion the OP is looking for.
As a white person, I am a bit offended by your use of the term “white bread”.
What do you mean “you people”?
The term “you people” usually mean my people.
Have you ever noticed that if you say the word ‘people’ enough it begins to sound like nonsense?
Have you ever noticed that if you say the word ‘nonsense’ enough it begins to sound like nunchucks?
Have you ever noticed if you say the word ‘nunchucks’ enough it begins to sound like ‘numbnuts’?
Have you ever noticed if you rub your ‘numbnuts’ enough the feeling returns and magical things begin to happen?
Have you ever noticed how Andy Rooney we’ve gotten here?
Great. Now everyone will have a mental of Andy Rooney masturbating.
Yes, yes…yes…and no. Censorship either by modding or by the OP withholding details that reveal the true intention and reason for asking or setting traps with misinformation is just wrong. But then again the collective here is wise to these tricks and the end results are often not very pretty.
Fluther is rather iconic IMO, for being a liberal place, for open minded and inquiring minds.
There is no topic that really inflames me, short of any attempt at condoning abuse or pedophilia. If something is not of a flavor one finds palatable feel free to skip on over the bridge to a more wholesome discussion. What’s the point of having a Q&A site if one must camouflage and censor their content.
I believe “Andy Rooney Masturbating” was the name of a ska band from Des Moines.
or it should have been.
You’re thinking of “Andy Rooney Masticating”, @cookieman. They headlined the Blue Ribbon Bacon Fest. The Flaming Lips first gamed a following playing at the bi-annual Wing Ding.
Maybe we went from white bread to 7 grain
Pumpernickel, mother lovers.
There is line you can’t cross here. Sometimes you do not realize until you do it. But there are certainly subjects that are regarded as inappropriate. Oh well.
He said ‘Spin your wimple’ not “tweak your nipple”.
I think Dr. Jelly need this slogan:
Welcome to Fluther!
Warning: not for the narrow-minded, Hitler and cry-babies
Seriously, @BeenThereSaidThat, I’ve encountered a similar situation to your. One day a jelly asked if anyone like Korean Drama. I said no and gave the reasons. Then the OP pissed off and told me not to say anything if I had nothing to say. What the hell? I was merely expressing my opinion!
I think the problem lies in the OP’s mind, not yours. Don’t care for those Nazis, stand for your thought. They are pissed off because they can’t accept things, and you don’t need to care.
@Mimishu1995 Your warning should say…“Warning not for the thin skinned”....which makes little sense in that a Jelly fish….the thinnest skinned animal on the planet is the mascot. They should have an Armadillo as the mascot here. I bet @Hypocrisy_Central looks just like an Armadillo in real life. One resilient MoFo
For the record, I’m Italian Herb with Cheese on a good day, dark seeded Rye at times. White bread is a staple (goes well with any Jelly), but variety is the best. Naan. Pita. Cornbread. We need a bit of each at times.
@Cruiser @Mimishu1995 I would think more of a coconut, dark brown, hairy, with a hard shell. Here in this lagoon you can’t be no shrinking violet.
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