Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

Now that facebook has put their filthy claws on the Oculus Rift, have you now discarded any plans of ever getting one?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) April 5th, 2014

I know I have.

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6 Answers

jerv's avatar

I never planned to. Until we get full simsense, the weak attempts at VR don’t interest me.

Seek's avatar

/me crawls out from under her rock

VR? What is this, 1992? I thought we gave up that idea as stupid and pointless a long time ago.

elbanditoroso's avatar

My plans have been consistent all along. I have never played with VR and I have no intention to now.

GloPro's avatar

I specifically avoid anything to do with Facebook and being forced into Facebook.

zenvelo's avatar

I discarded my plan of never getting one. If they could make something to compete with Google Glass and cut the cost, who knows? It might be fun.

Berserker's avatar

Meh, like Jerv says I wasn’t interested anyway. That also includes Sony’s Morpheus, I don’t want one of those any more than the Oculus.

And now that FB does have the Oculus, it will probably serve no other purpose but to play 3D Farmville filled with 3D adds all over the place. The Devil widdit.

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