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ragingloli's avatar

[NSFW] If god hates gay sex, why did he give men a g-spot?

Asked by ragingloli (52343points) April 5th, 2014

And why did he make the rectum the perfect size for another man’s penis?

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62 Answers

jtvoar16's avatar

This, my friend, is the eternal question. I frequently use this argument in my “debates” (read: screaming at) with religious acquaintances.

The only response that I have ever gotten that made any sense was, “God gave us free will, the Devil gave us those other things to temp our free will towards evil, like buttsex.”

So, according to that person, God didn’t give us the great happy-man-spot, or the perfect anus for gay sex. It was actually the Devil… Because I am fairly certain that the moment he feel from Heaven his first thought was, “Ah, yes! I know the perfect plan to get back at God! I will give people assholes, and let them make sex in them! That will show God who is better!”

Berserker's avatar

If God is real, then He must not hate gay men, because He’s supposed to be perfect; had He not wanted gay people, He would not have created homosexuality. (whether it’s a choice or if born that way…even less if people are born gay, then it makes even less sense for the latter)
So if God didn’t want gays He should have thought His stuff through before making creation. This same subject reminds me of Satan, Satan tempts men to damnation, but the Devil was created by God. It seems God makes mistakes, but He’s not supposed to. Even if Satan turned on God, God should have the power to make Him leave people alone, yet God does nothing.

People will always talk about free will and the like, and different branches of Christianity will have different explanations, but what comes back to me a lot in this is that so much stuff that happens should not be happening if God is all powerful. If He is testing mankind, it seems weird as we are born unto sin, and have no hope of escaping that unless you find God. It seems to me that God is playing a cruel game.

But to return to gay men, let’s say God is real, maybe this is just what people say, and not God. I remember that joke on Facebook where Jesus is doing a face palm and under it it says; dang it you guys, I said I hated FIGS. lol

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Another misinformed question; akin to a plumber trying to explain electric current, if you do not know of God, you will certainly not know how homosexuality came to be. To say God created gay sex is to say He created hatred, murder, mayhem, etc. Those were not of God, but the other guy, which if you are not following God, you are really following him if you know it or not.

@Symbeline If God is real, then He must not hate gay men, because He’s supposed to be perfect; had He not wanted gay people, He would not have created homosexuality.
God did not create homosexuality, it is a byproduct of man’s rebellion, same as stealing, cheating murder and the likes. God does not hate homosexuals any more or less than he hates murders, liars, cheaters, blasphemers, molesters, robbers, fornicators, adulterers, and so forth. To say God hates gay sex is unauthentic, as to allude to God doesn’t hate fornication, adultery, bestiality, etc. God hate all for of sex outside marriage so gay sex is not hated just because it is gay sex, so gays can’t single themselves out for pity because their sex is the only one God would hate, God hates gay sex because like fornication, adultery and such, it is outside the one man one woman marriage.

God should have the power to make Him leave people alone, yet God does nothing.
God could smote anyone who doesn’t keep the Commandments too, but He gives man freewill, so people have freewill to steal, murder, cheat, be gay etc. Now I know some say ‘I can’t help being gay’, but I doubt they ever sincerely ask God to be delivered from it also. I have met people who were delivered because they truly ask of God to be delivered. If they do not want to be delivered, as long as they don’t fornicate they can be gay all they want.

It seems to me that God is playing a cruel game. It seems to me that God is playing a cruel game.
Satan’s cruel game is to make people blame their troubles on God; that is the Devil’s cruel game and he has gotten many to play without ever knowing they are playing, until it is too late; and they lose.

ragingloli's avatar

To say God created gay sex is to say He created hatred, murder, mayhem, etc.
It did create hatred murder and mayhem, by its own admission.
“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”

Berserker's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Satan’s cruel game is to make people blame their troubles on God

I see people blame Satan just as much. Whether these guys are real or not, I see no real distinction in which deity gets blamed the most. As a Christian it would be logical to blame the Devil indeed, but there’s also responsibility and the knowing of the self in accordance to God’s rules, which you already explained with people and why God doesn’t like homosexuality. As in, one cannot always blame the Devil, but we can always blame God, because He created EVERYTHING, at least, to my understanding.
As a disclaimer for this, I am merely making an observation of what you’re saying, and am in no way stating whether or not I think homosexuality is wrong in any way. Anyone who knows me knows I have no problem with it, anyways.

But one Christian once told me why being gay is wrong, and out of all the explanations I’ve ever heard, his was the most legitimate; as far as anal sex goes, a penis is not meant to go inside a butt, (men or women) it can causes diseases and physical damage. This is not how those things are meant to be used. Of course, not all gay people engage in butt sex anyway, and as far as I know, that explanation is not in The Bible. (and as far as dangerous sex practices goes, heterosexuals are included juuust as much) I’ve also heard God doesn’t like condoms, most likely because it prevents a potential life, just mentioning that to say that most gay people who engage in anal sex probably use condoms. But what if it was okay in The bible for two men or women to be married? Would gay sex be okay then?

But I just don’t understand this free will thing. If there are paths of it that are not right, why do they exist? God loves us and wants us to find Him, so why did He make it so that some people can get lost?
The one wall I keep running into is why does God allow things that lead to perdition. Most especially when we are all apparently powerless against everything.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

Anyone who says the penis is not meant to go inside the butt is just blowing smoke. How on earth does anyone know what it is meant to do other than what it does? I mean show me the owners manual that came with you at birth.

And god hating gay sex. Hah! What a laugh. Come on. If there were a God do you really think he would care what any of us do? Remember, this is a powerful being here.

So God really doesn’t care one way or the other (other than he might be pleased that some of his creations are expressing love towards one another).

BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

No one has ever said that “God hates Gays”. That is tripe! God loves everyone. Ever hear, “Hate the sin but love the Sinner”? I’m a Christian and not Gay but I believe that God loves them as much as he loves me.

dappled_leaves's avatar

“If god…”

You already lost me.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Symbeline _I see people blame Satan just as much. _
People do, and sometimes people are wrong, Satan doesn’t cause all of man’s calamities. Sometimes it is man’s own doing by rebellion, but the father of that is Satan, so he gets the de facto blame for it.

As in, one cannot always blame the Devil, but we can always blame God, because He created EVERYTHING, at least, to my understanding.
Just because God created everything, He doesn’t sit there and control everything, if so where would free will come in? Is Detroit responsible for every car they build? Bad things happen because God let man do it. If God controlled man to like Him we would be as the angels, even they had some free will, because ⅓ decided to follow Satan in his rebellion.

But one Christian once told me why being gay is wrong, and out of all the explanations I’ve ever heard, his was the most legitimate; as far as anal sex goes, a penis is not meant to go inside a butt, (men or women) it can causes diseases and physical damage.
So can regular sex, as far as disease go. I can’t say in what way God envisioned sex, I can’t say oral sex was off the table because parts of scripture seem to say it happens. To say God did not expect the penis to go in an anus, which is logical from a man point of view, but does that mean He did not expect it to be in a mouth either? It is all debatable, and open to conjecture. What I do know is:

Hebrews 13:4
Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge.

Many believers have their own interpretation of the verse but to me it means whatever a man and wife does freely to enjoy sex with each other is their business, even so-called risky sex; so long as there are no other people, animals, photos, movies of other people, etc.

Homosexuality is basically a form of fornication as there is no legal way a woman can have a woman as a husband or wife, and a man cannot have another as a husband, or wife.

I’ve also heard God doesn’t like condoms, most likely because it prevents a potential life, just mentioning that to say that most gay people who engage in anal sex probably use condoms
A gray area many believers try to ’absolute out’. Preventing a pregnancy is a whole different thing than terminating a pregnancy. IMO the sperm hitting the egg is not pregnancy because the egg has not found a home in the uterine wall, until that happens, no child can be produced. Condoms used because you are trying to avoid disease is more liking to sin because of you are with the one person only, married until death, if they are clean, and you are also, there should ever be a real threat of disease, especially an STD like herpes, Gonorrhea, etc.

But I just don’t understand this free will thing. If there are paths of it that are not right, why do they exist? God loves us and wants us to find Him, so why did He make it so that some people can get lost?
This free will thing is why you have a choice of what you like and what you don’t. We are not like animals who are hard wired to like a certain food, do certain activities, and no will do to do otherwise. A lion usually do not have any empathy, guilt, or compassion on the gazelle they caught slipping and shredded down by the watering hole; it is food, even if it was a young one, the mother counts for nothing. When the sea lion snatches a penguin off the ice shelf it has no feeling for its friends nor does the penguin’s friend going to miss him. We have a will to do as we desire. There are “paths” that are not right because man chose those paths. Just as there are some people here who refuse to even fathom that there could be someone, or something greater than themselves in the universe, they will never come to Him, so they will never find the right path and be perpetually lost.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Where is my G-spot? Damn. I wish I knew this before.

Cruiser's avatar

God created all sorts of temptations to test the will, moral fortitude and self control of each of us to see who is worthy of going to heaven and those that fail to heed the basic tenets handed down from the heavens get to go to Vegas and live the hedonistic life they so desire and then go to hell for eternity. At least that is how the nuns at my Catholic school told me it would go down.

Berserker's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Just because God created everything, He doesn’t sit there and control everything, if so where would free will come in?

That’s if it exists. If religion was science, free will would be an unproven theory, as not every branch of Christianity agrees on this. I know this is pretty unrelated, but I have voiced my confusion regarding the idea of free will, and your example about animals doesn’t really clear it up for me.

So can regular sex, as far as disease go.
I have mentioned this by mentioning that heterosexuals are not excluded from the hazardous side of sex, so please don’t make it look like I totally overlooked it.

This free will thing is why you have a choice of what you like and what you don’t. We are not like animals who are hard wired to like a certain food, do certain activities, and no will do to do otherwise.

Just like, and I agree, we don’t actually know if penises were meant to go inside butts or not, You don’t know how animals think, or what they feel. Maybe penguins do get sad when one of their buddies is snatched by a predator. Pets such as dogs and cats have emotions, this has been proven, so perhaps wildlife does as well.
Although in a scientific viewpoint, I do believe that we are pretty much wired and have no real choice but to follow our nature. I think we’re conscious of this, OR consciousness exists to make it seem like we have choices. But that’s pretty much another story.

A gray area many believers try to ’absolute out’. Preventing a pregnancy is a whole different thing than terminating a pregnancy.

Well yeah, I can see the difference there, at least. Since when you have sex without a condom, millions of sperm race to the egg, but only one will make it there. (well sometimes two, or even three) Granted, maybe the ones who couldn’t make it were not fit to be humans to begin with, but looking at it this way, can’t argue much.

@Dan_Lyons I am parroting away something I was told. But science and medicine does state that each body part has its specific use, so I slightly agree, although not on a God mode…man do I have to defend everything I say here? I have nothing against people who engage in anal sex, I just hope they’re careful about it. Looking at it this way, technically a blowjob should not be natural, but there’s no harm in it, not any more that would not be harmful through regular sex. (diseases and whatnot)

hearkat's avatar

I do know someone who begged the Christian God to “deliver” him from homosexuality. He did everything he could, including psychological reprogramming and being a devout Presbyterian. He was a very sad man and full of self-loathing for trying to deny his true nature of having been born gay. That man was my father, and the whole family was miserable because of his own misery. He bore a tremendous burden of guilt and shame all his days. Things improved a little once he decided to come out of the closet and accept being gay in his late 40s, but the misery was too deeply ingrained, and he never found true acceptance. This is the first time I’ve shed a tear for him since he died four years ago – not because he’s dead, but because he never knew love. He remained active in the church as long as I was in contact with him, and I do hope that he made his peace with his god rather than dying still believing that he wasn’t good enough. I know that he tried his human best.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@hearkat Oh crap I’m so sorry. I think God loves all of his subjects. I hope he’s at peace now.

bolwerk's avatar

There are lots of flaws in the Lord’s design. For straights, the vagina is located incredibly close to a toxic waste chute. Perhaps we are the beta test. After the apocalypse, a release with fewer bugs will come out.

hearkat's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe – Thanks for the kind words. The only way he’s at peace now, is if whatever awaits us after our body dies is a place where people are forgiven their human frailties and flaws if the human was truly humble enough to forgive the frailties and flaws in themselves and others. If there is a harsh and judgmental supreme being who only allows eternal peace to the people who followed very arbitrary and specific rules to the T, but isn’t clear on letting us humans know which set of interpretations of the rules are the right ones, then he’s doomed to eternal damnation, like the vast majority of us. If there is no god, and our bodies rot and whatever the energy that makes us human rots along with it, then he’s not at peace – he is just ash. We won’t know until we get there ourselves.

Kropotkin's avatar

@bolwerk ” For straights, the vagina is located incredibly close to a toxic waste chute.”

You say that like it’s a bad thing. I consider it to be conveniently nearby.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@hearkat God made us in his own image. And I have never witnessed perfection in my lifetime. God will forgive him for his flaws if he was a good man. That’s the true measure of a person. We don’t have to be perfect, and we never will, but if we’re good, we’re blessed and God will take care of him.

bolwerk's avatar

@Kropotkin: who wants to sink the pink into the stink. Isn’t that how Republikans are manufactured?

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

God Loves Gay Sex! He established it specifically so that I would have less competition and could spread my genes into wider circulation. All of you guys on the fence, just go gay. It is god’s will. You women should do it too, I get tired sometimes.

Pachy's avatar

On the Seventh Day, He needed to rest after sex.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought So he’s cheering for you, and not for them? I thought that was another of today’s questions.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@dappled_leaves He is totally cheering for us all, by making me straight and a lot of other men gay. He sees the big picture.

bolwerk's avatar

Bi men are the best at scoring women actually. There’s one possible explanation for why homophobia is resonant in males.

dappled_leaves's avatar

It’s all about perspective, @Imadethisupwithnoforethought. You have yours, your competitors have theirs.

eno's avatar

Take one quick look at the disproportionate STDs, HIV/AIDS epidemic for gays and bisexual men, you can make the conclusion that the g-spot was a mistake and the various STDs, STDs, HIV/AIDS is the correction, at least until they find a cure. But I’m pretty sure something new and more deadly with rise in its place.

Side point – the cell walls in the anus are thinner (in inches) than the cell walls of a vagina, so internal damage/tearing is much more likely. Also, a vagina self-lubricates, giving easy entry. Penetrating the anus requires external lubricators and is not an easy entry. If anything, the sphincter is there to prevent fecal matter from leaking out and potential harm from entering in. As memory recalls, prolonged anal sex loosens the sphincter permanently causing an increased risk of harmful exposure and anal leakage (assuming you survived this long without harming your health).

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@bolwerk Seriously, curious. Do you have a study to link?

hearkat's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe – If there is a supreme being (and I generally do not believe there is a deity), I would hope that it is gracious and loving. “Good” is a subjective term, and some religions will tell you that being good alone isn’t good enough. Time will tell.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@hearkat Yeah, I don’t know. But I think if we’re good peeps we’ll be okay.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe That… is an extremely liberal interpretation of the text. ;)

bolwerk's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought: ‘fraid not handy, but Robin Baker is a popular biologist that talks about this. Put crudely, they’re good at getting laid, but are also more prone to being harmed by risky sexual behavior

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@bolwerk I don’t doubt you in theory. I just wondered if somebody had actually done a study

Meanwhile, I will assume it is God’s will that I dominate the gene pool.

bolwerk's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought: yeah, I just don’t have access to EBSCO at home anymore, or I’d hook you up.

Another fun fact: men with bigger genitalia cheat more.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@bolwerk fun fact

It is only cheating if you tell them that they are the only one.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

That’s if it exists.
All I can say is you do not have to believe in God, but He sure believes you exist.

I have mentioned this by mentioning that heterosexuals are not excluded from the hazardous side of sex, so please don’t make it look like I totally overlooked it.
Sorry, I must have missed that reference.

You don’t know how animals think, or what they feel. Maybe penguins do get sad when one of their buddies is snatched by a predator. Pets such as dogs and cats have emotions, this has been proven, so perhaps wildlife does as well.
I will give you that. Perhaps all animals, or most, have some sort of emotions, however, I do not believe they are as defined as human emotion.

Humans do not go into heat where they only care to mate with the most virile suitors that was able to fend off all comers. I do not believe there are many, if any, animals that go through anything that can accurately be called fore play. Usually it is mount, hump, nut, go their separate ways or back to business as usual.

downtide's avatar

So if Christians are saying that it was Satan who makes people gay, makes gay sex fun and all of the other things, they are actually saying that mankind was not created wholly by God, or “in God’s image”, after all.

That’s a good one to remember for next time the Jehovah’s Witnesses come knocking at my door.

LornaLove's avatar

He put the G Spot there to make pooping a pleasant experience. After all sitting on a toilet is boring and can get stinky.

downtide's avatar

@LornaLove If that’s the case why is it that only guys have a g-spot up there? Did he forget that women poop too?

Darth_Algar's avatar

@BeenThereSaidThat “No one has ever said that “God hates Gays”. That is tripe! God loves everyone. Ever hear, “Hate the sin but love the Sinner”? I’m a Christian and not Gay but I believe that God loves them as much as he loves me.”

You haven’t been paying attention then. Wait, let me guess – those folks that do say “God hates gays” aren’t ‘Real Christians®’, right?

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Darth_Algar They get so much flak for just taking the rules seriously. Baffling.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Darth_Algar You haven’t been paying attention then. Wait, let me guess – those folks that do say “God hates gays” aren’t ‘Real Christians®’, right?
Some are not real believers.

Matthew 13: 42–30; 36–40
24 Jesus presented another parable to them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went away. 26 But when the wheat sprouted and bore grain, then the tares became evident also. 27 The slaves of the landowner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 And he said to them, ‘An enemy has done this!’ The slaves *said to him, ‘Do you want us, then, to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he *said, ‘No; for while you are gathering up the tares, you may uproot the wheat with them. 30 Allow both to grow together until the harvest; and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather up the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up; but gather the wheat into my barn.”’”

36 Then He left the crowds and went into the house. And His disciples came to Him and said, “Explain to us the parable of the tares of the field.” 37 And He said, “The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man, 38 and the field is the world; and as for the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil one; 39 and the enemy who sowed them is the devil, and the harvest is the end of the age; and the reapers are angels. 40 So just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the end of the age.

Some people believe in their hearts they are followers but have their own form of godliness that is of the world and not of God.

Other are true believers but still flawed and prone to making mistakes.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Leviticus 20:13 – If a man lie with another man as he lieth with a woman both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death.

I think this makes it pretty clear, God hates gays.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ Just curious, do even have an inking of the difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament? If you did, you would not have made such a grievous error or apparent ignorance of the Bible.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Is not the Bible the inerrant word of God?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ It is, however, you are missing a whole lot but trying to rip a passage out of context to pigeon hole God to what you want Him to be. Try adding all the parts you conveniently left out, then let people judge.

Darth_Algar's avatar

” trying to rip a passage out of context to pigeon hole God to what you want Him to be”

Like you just did right before me.

Berserker's avatar

Wow, Leviticus needs to chill.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^^ Never like you, I posted everything in context with the explanation of the parable in God’s own words. Got caught with your hand in the cookie jar, just add the parts you don’t know to add and we can go from there.

ragingloli's avatar

Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled. Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.

For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ What does that mean to you…...?

ragingloli's avatar

It means, Dave, that all the laws of the OT, every single one of them, is to be obeyed by christians, you included, if you want to have any shot at getting past Petrus.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Keep reading….there are parts that go with what you posted that will give full clarity to it. I could do your homework for you but how will you truly learn what thus say the Lord. Keep reading until you understand what and how the resurrection goes with that and what the law of grace is; then we have somewhere on which to go from.

Darth_Algar's avatar


So in what context should God’s command that homosexuals be put to death be read?

KNOWITALL's avatar

This is so sad. God is love and only He can pass judgement. @Hearkat’s story breaks my heart.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Darth_Algar So in what context should God’s command that homosexuals be put to death be read?
Let me attempt to clear it up for you in terms you can understand. It is most likely a ill use of time since you are probably hell bent on believing gays have such a raw deal with God and he hates their guts that you cannot see anything else, but here goes. The context of that commandment was in the Old Testament. Back then God tried to keep Israel spiritually unpolluted by the practices of the heathen, and their pagan gods; of which homosexuality was one of their practices. There were other things than homosexuality that would have gotten you stoned, so one can’t take one line of scripture and try to make it as if God only had wrath for homosexuals.

Christ came and died, being the propitiation for the sins of all men, even those who don’t even believe He did or believe in Him. Because of His divine sacrifice we (that is you and I and every other Flutheronian here) are under grace. You know what that is I take it. We get a pass from immediate judgment for things we deserve to be judge on in the Law. Don’t get it twisted, just because He paid for it, if you don’t accept the payment it does you no good. The commandment that fulfills all of the old Law is this:

Matthew 22:35–40
35 One of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, 36 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” 37 And He said to him, “‘YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND.’ 38 This is the great and foremost commandment. 39 The second is like it, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF.’ 40 On these two commandments depend the whole Law and the Prophets.”

Because man cannot get the 1st one right, he can never understand the 2nd or do anything right after that. My neighbor is gays, thugs, prostitutes, rapist, drug dealers, etc. as well as stockbrokers, janitors, longshoremen, etc., even Republicans.

bolwerk's avatar

@ragingloli: the Sermon on the Mount actually reads like hyperbole to me (pluck out your eyes and chop off your hands!). I almost get the sense it is intended to be an attention-grabbing exaggeration employing the use of graphic language and rigid/impossible demands. Much of it contrasts with the Beatitudes, which if anything demand compassion and tolerance.

In other words, Jesus is trolling. A little too well, since a lot of his followers took that shit way too literally. :(

Cruiser's avatar

@bolwerk history is rife with examples of downtrodden folks seeing opportunity for hope and change in mere mortals to bring salvation to their oppressed lives….Jesus, Hilter, Jim Jones, Obama are classic examples of this messiah dynamic at work. Drink the Kool-Aid anyway and hope for change.

bolwerk's avatar

@Cruiser: the only thing they all have in common is charisma. I wasn’t commenting on the person anyway, just the message.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Yeah, see I actually understand all that. I had a pretty heavily religious upbringing, and I’ve read the Bible a few times as an adult. I understand the Bible quite a bit better than most Christians I’ve encountered. The problem is that the Bible is a self-contradictory mess and Christians have to preform mental gymnastics in order to seemingly make the various pieces fit with each other. I’ve always found it funny how so many Christians will assert the absolute, unwavering, infallible truth of the Bible and then get offended when someone points out the ugly bit of the Bible and/or insist that Christians who do hold to those ugly bits aren’t “real Christians”.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@Darth_Algar The problem is that the Bible is a self-contradictory mess and Christians have to preform mental gymnastics in order to seemingly make the various pieces fit with each other.
The Bible lines up if you have read enough of it. If anyone has to do mental gymnastics to understand it is because they only break out the Bible once a week on Sundays, or worse, Christmas and Easter. If you are in the Word daily and let the Spirit lead you in your study, there is no contradiction.

I’ve always found it funny how so many Christians will assert the absolute, unwavering, infallible truth of the Bible and then get offended when someone points out the ugly bit of the Bible and/or insist that Christians who do hold to those ugly bits aren’t “real Christians”.
Sadly as I said before, some believer do not get in their word enough, they have not gotton off the milk of the gospel and onto the meat.

Darth_Algar's avatar

You’re only proving my point.

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