What are your stereotypes of other countries/regions?
Inspired by a personal incident here :p
I know that some of you jellies haven’t been to another country (or region in your country). So when talking about a particular country, you may have a stereotype. That’s OK because that’s what you imagine the country could be, according to many sources of information of that country, since you never get to know the country fully.
These are my stereotypes of Italy and 1930s America.
Do you have any stereotypes of any other countries?
Disclaimer: I’m not racist, really, and this thread isn’t for racist purpose! I start this thread purely for fun, and as a laugh at myself for being sooo ignorant of other culture. So don’t kill me!
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46 Answers
Colonials are fat, lazy, stupid, violent, sexually obsessed with guns, uneducated, superstitious, fundamentalist, arrogant, militaristic, nationalistic, chauvinistic, sexist, homophobic, racist, uncultured and with no sense of good food or drinks.
finally it is off my flat chest
Belgians tune into their local radio stations by twiddling their nipples.
Russians use their feet when cooking.
The French were carpet bombed with deodorant during the war, alas, to no avail.
Germans make shitty pizza. I have had their pizza so maybe that doesn’t count as a stereotype since it is fact.
By your definition, are colonials exclusively American, or does it include Canadians too?
@Brian1946 I heard Americans have some stereotype of my country too. What is it? :p
exclusively usa’ans. Canadians are nordic Ice Giants.
@ragingloli :: The states are a big place. I witnessed way more racism in a few weeks in London and Manchester then I see in a year here. I live in the liberal Pacific NorthWest. In the south you would be correct.
I never saw that. Vietnam.. That is a bit awkward since my dad might have been guilty for tossing bombs on your country in the 1970’s. Sorry about that.
I can’t really come up Vietnam stereotypes. If you were in Japan I could pull out the used panties vending machines.
@johnpowell Then may be your dad’s stereotype would be: Vietnam – a country of falling bombs.
During the Vietnam war, some racists used the term “gook” to refer to the Vietnamese. If you Google the term for the images, you’ll see some awfully ugly depictions that I don’t have the heartlessness to show you.
Unfortunately, I personally know only two people of Vietnamese heritage, and the only one that I’ve met in person is my doctor.
It would great if I knew more people like her and you. :)
I don’t have too many stereotypes about places around the world. I’ve either been to many places (Italy, China, Canada, Mexico, England, France, Belgium, Switzerland, etc.) or I’ve known people from different places (Nigeria, Cambodia, Greece, Ecuador, etc.)
So, while may I have limited experience with these places, I can’t call my views “stereotypes”, because they’re at least somewhat based on fact (I spent five hours at a German airport once)
I’ve never been to nor do I know anyone IRL from Vietnam. So my stereotypical view of it comes from my father’s time there in the US Navy and the fact that my wife used to go to this Vietnamese Restaurant. So, to me, Vietnam = Unfortunate War & Yummy Soup.
Same goes for Australia. I just think Kangaroos, Koalas, that beautiful Opera House, and Outback Steakhouse Commercials.
@cookieman At least your stereotypes aren’t as morbid as my Italian stereotype :P
They are all mobsters in Italy.
I have been to Italy many times and they are not all mobsters. I have also been to England and they do not all have bad teeth. I have been to Ireland and they are all not drunks.
I have NOT been to Iran or any middle eastern country since I believe they are all scary.
BTW, I have been to and known some Canadians. not impressed at all! Big mouth, know it all, airheads.
@ragingloli there are Asian colonials, Indian colonials, African colonials – all are stigmatized the same way in your generalizations? And the colonizing powers were so wonderful?
I’ve been to over fifty countries and more than twenty of the US states.
I have little stereotypes left. (And gained so many at the same time.)
I do feel, though, that we all use water to make coffee and sit down to take a $£!¥.
We all feel pain when we lose someone dear and we all smile at the innocence of a child.
—and… If it ain’t Dutch… It ain’t…—-
@Mimishu1995 . . . It is my understanding that you come from country full of people who are as good at math as they are bad at driving.
@Blondesjon I’m a reckless driver as well as hopeless as math.
I thought all Swedish women were blonde and blue eyed beauties. When I went to Sweden most of the women were brown hair homely women that didn’t shave pits or legs. That was a shock.
And I assume all women from Brazil to be stunning as well. Every one I’ve seen, anyway. That’s some tough competition.
I’ll do Vietnam! They walk around barefooted in rice paddies ALL DAY and ALL NIGHT! And….they cook their dogs in woks and….when they open up a Chinese restaurant in the colonies they….talk really loud and screeching when people are trying to eat. And no one there has a car. And everybody gets bit by the most poisonous snakes in the world there. And all the boys are named “Charlie.” And just hearing the word “Vietnam” makes me want to cry.
Germans are hateful, anti-Semites still butt sore that their own plans for world domination didn’t work out.
German people are hugh human beings. By hugh I mean muscular and tall.
I love asian countries, and have no real stereotypes. I was in Taiwan in 2010 and found everyone friendly. helpful and the island ( formerly known as Formosa ) was gorgeous.
I would LOVE to go to Vietnam, see the jungle temples, raise chinese geese and water buffalo and bamboo and die in opium bliss in some ancient temple hidden away in the jungle. lol
@Mimishu1995 Can I come live with you? haha
This is my dream…to SEE these temples.
@ragingloli exclusively usa’ans. Canadians are nordic Ice Giants.
Just wanted to acknowledged this haha.
German women buff their beavers with sandpaper & can crack walnuts using their vaginas.
Well, let’s see..
South Western Californians are stuck up pricks who think they’re better and more hip than everyone else.
Central Valley Californians are stuck up prick who think they’re either more gangster, more hipster or more country than everyone else
Bay Area Californians are stuck up tree hugging pricks who think their shit smells better than anyone else… and they’re the only humans worth calling human
Sierra Nevada Californians are chill treehuggers who try to help
Oregonians are as stated above
Northern Wyomingites are as stated above
Southern Wyomingites are natural gas hogs who take up all the hotel rooms in a 100 mile radius and force you to sleep in your car in the parking lot of some walmart in subfreezing weather
Northern Coloradans are as stated above
Southern Coloradans are potsmoking cool cats who like to help out unless you have anti-America slogans posted somewhere on your vehicle, clothing or skin
Urban New Yorkers are in denial about being New Yorkers specifying that their origins are Brooklyn, Harlem, etc. and not New York.
Countryside and rural New Yorkers are nicer folk but they’ll rape you for every last dollar they can get their hands on through prices.
New Jersey smells like deep fry, turnips and Guidos/ettes
Countryside Alabamians are the masters of wearing the polite and sincere mask disguising a sense of distrust and disgust
South Koreans think they’re the best of all Asians, place strict emphasis on genetic purity as well as honor and are racist
North Koreans are misled
Japanese think they’re the best of all Asians, place strict emphasis on family honor and love their tentacle porn.
Chinese think they’re the best of all Asians, place strict emphasis on family values and have their nose up in the air like urban French and British.
Urban French have their noses up in their air and are cheese eating surrender monkeys
Rural French are pleasant cheese eating surrender monkeys.
Brazil is the land of dirty naughty porn and chicks with something extra to surprise you with
Thailand is as above
Germany is as above as well but with techno to go with it
Greece is as above but no one ever notices.
Italy is in the closet about being so carnal and is the land of ruins, pasta, church, ruins, models, ruins and did I mention ruins?
Holland is the land of dams, dikes, tulips, pot, and hookers. And everyone wears wooden shoes
Georgia is the land of bible belt backwards pricks who breathe liquid air.
Don’t worry rest of the world, I’ll get around to stereotyping you once I get to visit/live in you a bit!
I’d be interested, any stereotypes about NZ?
@Adagio What’s there to say about Sheepland but that it’s all baaaaahhh-d. ;P
@ragingloli That is why many of us Americans dislike the South. You just described the people who refuse to admit that they lost that little scuffle we had in the early 1860s, while ignoring New England (where the first colonies were) and the West Coast.
@Winter_Pariah Well….I fit the Northern CA. Sierra, nature nut, tree hugger, bohemian stereotype, but I am not on my knees crying and chanting when a tree is cut down. lol
I also like my happy brownies. lol
Isn’t NZ where they have those eels that will swim up a sheep’s rectum, if the sheep is in the water?
Sure! Ask me about a specific country!
France – Rude
Germany – Aloof and rude
Japan – Weird and rude
England – Uptight and reserved.
Any Middle Eastern Country – Fucked up and, well, even more fucked up.
America: greedy, self centered, obsessed with youth, shallow, rude, unconscious, wasteful, corrupt.
@Dutchess_III first I’ve heard of it but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen : ^)
@Michael_Huntington oh yes, those guys, not that I’ve ever met one though
@Winter_Pariah yup, almost 2 for every person living here, not as many as there once was
@Coloma It’s nice to know an American has stereotypes of America :D
People in Finland know English very professionally and they sound British when doing so.
This is not true. My friend is from Finland, and she does not know any English and refuses to learn it anyways. She does, however, know French.
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