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pleiades's avatar

What will happen to our space travels when it is declared there is no longer enough oil to explore the cosmos?

Asked by pleiades (6622points) April 6th, 2014

When the oil reserves are depleted how will NASA and other space stations launch rockets into the atmosphere?

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28 Answers

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Rockets typically do not run on oil.

Darth_Algar's avatar

They don’t use petroleum fuels for space flight.

talljasperman's avatar

We will swing to the next commodity.

pleiades's avatar

Oh well f&*$ me! hahah

Never knew that

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@pleiades No one is giving you a hard time for not knowing that. It is just frustrating that people who follow science have not explained ourselves enough so that people who do not understand know what is going on.

I am mad at myself for not making my friends understand.

ragingloli's avatar

Nuclear propulsion was on the table since the beginning. They will switch to that.Besides, they are working on a warp drive.

disregard that, i suck cocks

talljasperman's avatar

Isn’t rocket fuel derived on and from fossil fuels?

kritiper's avatar

No need to worry about that. Our time on Earth will expire before then.

jerv's avatar

@ragingloli What you do in the privacy of your own home has no bearing on rocket science.

One legitimate concern is that there are plenty of plastics that we use in the construction of space vehicles that we’ll need to find non-petrochem replacements for. Yes, between ceramics and hemp, we can probably do it; it’s just a matter of actually doing it.

Berserker's avatar

@jerv Sort of have that thought myself. Whatever the setbacks, space travel and exploration is definitely not dead, but I don’t think we live in a society which allows for the maximum potential thereof to be achieved. marketing and pop vids, that’s where issat.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Don’t worry, our ancestors will send transport to return us to the planet of our origin. They are just waiting for us to do some growing up.
@jerv, I think @ragingloli was simply lamenting the woes of a rocket pilot should the opportunities cease to arise HAHAHAHA!

ragingloli's avatar

One legitimate concern is that there are plenty of plastics that we use in the construction of space vehicles that we’ll need to find non-petrochem replacements for. Yes, between ceramics and hemp, we can probably do it; it’s just a matter of actually doing it.

That is actually a good thing, because that will lead to new innovations in material science.
Limitations breed creativity.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Oh. I never heard of it before. I guess I’m not common.

Bill1939's avatar

Regarding plastics, perhaps in the future we will mine the vast quantities of plastics floating in our oceans and buried in land fills.

RocketGuy's avatar

@jerv is not far off – there is a small amount of R&D for plastics made from plant material. I can only imagine that R&D money will increase when we start running short of petroleum.

bunnywok's avatar

We should find a way to recycle fossil fuels. Or maybe through some kind of launching machine that supply enough force to propel a rocket into space.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Kinda hard to recycle something that’s burned up when you use it.

talljasperman's avatar

We will use Hydrogen 3 mined from the moon.

jerv's avatar

@talljasperman Quite possibly. I’ve heard Helium-3 also mentioned as a possibility, though producing He3 often requires Tritium (H3).

RocketGuy's avatar

We have to figure out fusion reactors to go with it too.

jerv's avatar

@RocketGuy Frickin’ lasers!

rexacoracofalipitorius's avatar

Yay materials science! Bring on the Space Elevator!

By the way, today I had my coffee out of a cup made of plant plastic :^)

jerv's avatar

@ragingloli Why do you think I said what I said? Or was I too vague?

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