Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

Walmart caught forcing employees to donate to republicans. How long until they force you to vote for them, too?

Asked by ragingloli (52399points) April 8th, 2014

a glimpse into the future that they have planned for you.

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14 Answers

Cruiser's avatar

Using David Pokeman’s own words Is legal kinda jumped out at me.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

You mean they plan on me working at Walmart in the future?

Do you think any of those Walmart employees ever actually went out and voted?

dappled_leaves's avatar


@Cruiser Since it’s legal, I guess you demand that your employees do the same? If not, why not?

Cruiser's avatar

@dappled_leaves Smoking pot is legal in Colorado and Washington state does not change my better judgment to do so neither does @rags lame link or your attempt to make it into something more salacious than it is.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Cruiser “Smoking pot is legal in Colorado and Washington state does not change my better judgment to do so ”

Thank you, you’ve made my point. Just because something is legal, doesn’t mean it is right to do it. Legality and morality are separate things.

Maybe I’m jumping to conclusions, though. Perhaps your comment “is legal” was not meant to justify Walmart’s actions in any way.

rojo's avatar

I don’t want to vote for Walmart.

Although, since money is speech and corporations are people, how long before a corporation runs for president and who better than the biggest fucking corporation in the world. (What a great question for the collective, when will a corp. run for prez?).

Walmart in 2016!

maybe Hobby Lobby will be the VP nominee

Cruiser's avatar

@dappled_leaves You completely missed my point…the whole video is biased Liberal maniacal hand waving grandstanding over something perfectly legal and had the numbers reflected 69% of the donations being directed towards Democrats instead, there would be confetti in the background. What this shrill shill David failed to prove is where the “forced” part of this story comes into play. These are voluntary donations and the fact that 69% of the employee donations are directed towards Republicans also fails to be clear to the facts behind the real story. A good portion of Mr. Pokeman’s rant was how oppressed and underpaid the workers are who because of that cannot put food on their table and if that is the case….I cannot fathom said employee using money that should be used to buy food instead donating to a Republican PAC. That is just plain silly and even sillier to make a stink out of it.

People like David are merely sharks in the water and will spin nothing into something knowing full well people like you will drink the Kool-Aide. Him and his side kick are high fiving every time this video gets a hit and even made sure to plug his bumper stickers and T-shirts to sell to the gullibles. Again, if the numbers were 69% of the donations going to Dems, you could be sure Glen Beck would be all over this story in similar fashion. It’s what these loud mouths do and it would be a refreshing change if people would stop encouraging these blowhards by posting ridiculous rant videos like these.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Cruiser After parsing your post for actual content, it sounds like you didn’t actually listen to the story.

Cruiser's avatar

@dappled_leaves I did listen to the whole ridiculous rant. Let’s start with the headline on the YouTube post…
“Walmart Busted: Forcing Employees to Donate to Republicans”

You can’t be busted when what you are doing is perfectly legal and nowhere in his “story” is their any evidence of “forcing” either. Forcing is entirely illegal and I am sure that would be the real story IF it ever happened and the 5 other versions of this nonsense I read failed to reveal any force or coercion on Walmarts behalf. This whole story is a huge waste of time.

BeenThereSaidThat's avatar

I don’t believe a word of it. what a lame video. I could give information to you about what the Democrat Party does to get money from Unions and Corporations but I can tell your mind is made up. I love how foreigners love to be critical of the U.S. when they don’t know what goes on here.

Paradox25's avatar

I’m not sure if I’d use the term ‘force’ here, but maybe ‘sneaky’ instead.

Cruiser's avatar

@Paradox25 Why is something perfectly legal “sneaky” to you?? Especially when 30% of the donations went to Democratic candidates? Do you also consider Obama bussing voters to the polling booth or giving them $5.00 gift cards to vote sneaky? I am pretty sure none of those voters were Republican.

Paradox25's avatar

@Cruiser Straw man. My issue isn’t because most of the donated monies went to the Republicans. I would of had the same problem if most of the donations went to the Democrats too. My problem here is that these particular employees receiving lower wages at the stores frequently donate to these hardship funds, and because this may be necessary for these employees to do I can’t help but find this practice to be a bit unethical. This is further increased by the fact that Republicans are not these workers donating to the fund best friends now either.

Yes, it is sneaky, and it’s not comparable to what Obama has done considering that these workers were in a much more dire situation. In fact the events you’ve brought up concerning Obama and Wal-Mart are not even comparable in my opinion. Moreover, just because something is legal it doesn’t necessarily make it ethical, just like not everything illegal is unethical.

Cruiser's avatar

@Paradox25 I see the point you are trying to make but you are swinging and missing with the examples you are using. You paint the Walmart employees as being in dire straits and I would argue that most are in anything but dire straits. They all seem perfectly healthy to me plus they have a job. The people I referred to getting $5 gift cards and being bussed to the polls need to get bussed because they have no other way to get to the polls and are often unemployed or even homeless. Those are examples of people in dire straits.

I also think you are not entirely sure about what actually is occurring with Walmart matching the funds with their employees that from the information I have read is that this incentive program is directed solely at management employees. I made that comment earlier that I sincerely doubt hourly employees would have the extra money in their pockets to make any kind of donation. If you read up on the program you will see that the management employees donate to a PAC and then Walmart provides a 2:1 match of that PAC donation and gives that 2:1 match to a charity that helps Walmart workers who are facing financial distress.

What is so bad about that? Plus as I said many Democratic politicians get money from Walmarts PAC. The link in @ragingloli OP is liberal flame bait demonizing a bi-partisan PAC all because a slightly larger portion goes to the Republicans. IMO there are far more important real issues to get this excited about.

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