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mazingerz88's avatar

Can you help me figure out the title of this animated series from the 80s?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29383points) April 8th, 2014

Been wracking my brain for almost an hour now and so naturally, I go to Fluther for the answer so I don’t end up jumping off a cliff. LOL

I only have vague memories of it. I think it’s Japan produced but not certain. The main character, a boy, owns a small cute doll, a teddy-bear like toy character that holds a hammer.

In every episode, in order for them to get back in their own world, the teddy-bear toy has to strike the hammer down to open a portal. The teddy-bear is alive when they’re on an adventure in another dimension but in the real world, he is just an ordinary toy.

That’s all I can remember.

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