I don’t know if people always blame serious problems on the next generation, but aye, next generations certainly do get a lot of needless criticism. I’m not sure what it’s about, besides older people of current generations feeling that what they valued is forgotten and left behind.
(and I’m not being mean or insulting; my generation is long gone)
Sometimes I’m wondering if culture and fashion changes remind people of their mortality so bad that they dismiss everything that isn’t pertaining to what was in at their time.
Like I hate it when people dismiss modern cartoons and say that what they had as kids was better. Really, do you even watch cartoons anymore? You have nothing to say if you don’t. And I don’t care if you have kids who watch cartoons, if you only see five minutes of it then walk out of the room, you don’t watch cartoons. Period. And even if you do…were your cartoons really that better? Remember what it was like when you were a kid filled with imagination? You do not perceive things today as you did back then; probably your parents thought that YOUR cartoons were bull droppings, just as much.
Or pop artists. Like what, Madonna and New Kids on the Block were any better than Justin Beiber or Lady Gaga? Please. My guess is that this phenomenon is merely the biggest form of mass dismissal that exists.
I am not a fan of smartphones, yet many adults today have them too, and I can see why. They are cool tools. I just personally don’t care about technology, if they don’t play video games. But kids today all have the smartphones, how is that any different than when kids had their own landlines in their rooms? Or their Nintendos? Or am I watching too many 80’s movies?
But if people are blaming wars and political decline on kids today, those people are the last ones on Earth you should even pay any attention to. Go live in some other country that is only known to you because there’s always a war in it, or find a time machine and be a kid in the fifties where teachers were allowed to hit you for not knowing something, then get back to me.
@rojo _ Forty years from now you will be blaming your grandkids generation and you know it._
No I won’t. As I said, my generation left years ago, what I see now in kids is SO different, (is it really?) and I blame them for nothing.
TLDR School shootings have been happening since like 1800 something. Human nature is what it is, and kids are certainly not to blame. If they ARE, it’s the fault of grownups.