General Question

janbb's avatar

Does anyone have any experience of living in Half Moon Bay, CA or thereabouts?

Asked by janbb (63319points) April 11th, 2014

Someone I know is thinking of buying a house there. Any thoughts?

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6 Answers

GloPro's avatar

It’s quaint and beautiful. I just camped there on the coast this weekend. As in San Fran, that area of coastline is covered in fog almost every day for some time. I like the proximity to so many big cities and national/state parks without living in a city yourself.

zenvelo's avatar

It can be hard to get to or to get from. There is Hwy 1 North to San Francisco, or south to Santa Cruz, or Hwy 92 to San Mateo and the Peninsula. Hwy 92 is one lane each direction, up over big hill, and traffic gets backed up all the time. Weekends in October are nothing but snarled traffic because of the Pumpkin Festival.

A close friend lived there 20 years ago, and it was nice to “go away” to visit, but there were times when it was just too much effort to go there.

janbb's avatar

@zenvelo Yes – some of my thoughts on it too.

Judi's avatar

I fly over it often. It’s always fogged in.

Dan_Lyons's avatar

There is a great surf spot there known as Mavericks. Big Wave Country!

DominicX's avatar

Too much fog and humidity for me, and it’s a little isolated from the Bay Area, but it is a nice place to visit.

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