Social Question

A question about ”Blue is The Warmest Colour” and its perception as a porn flick?
Since someone linked the film in another thread I checked it out, partly because I thought the film was a fake, I don’t follow the entire hubbub in entertainment, secondly, if it wasn’t fake I wanted to know what the entire buzz was about. While researching it I discovered it was the darling of the Cannes’ Film Festival even being bestowed with the Palme d’Or, wonder if that is like a French Oscar. The only version I was able to view, and it is a long flick, was in French, so I could not tell exactly what was going on; it seem like a girl meets girl, girl gets girl, girl loses girl, girl gets girl again, maybe?, with some sort of political activism going on. There were things said about the extended bedroom scene between actresses Léa Seydoux and Adèle Exarchopoulos, (which could prompt several questions just around them), unlike Bound there was no subdued lighting, oblique camera angles and they were not under a sheet when they cuddled at the end. I believe it was given a PG-17, must have been in France, cannot see that rating here in the US, I am thinking if the MPAA did not get cut to hell here in the US, it would be Rated-R of not PG-18 (certainly can’t see how it could be less racy than Showgirls). The French version I am sure would have a hard time flying in the US, even though people here seem to want realism, they really do not want that much realism. Around the one hour and 18 min. mark, give or take, when Léa Seydoux had her face in Adèle Exarchopoulos’ crotch, though they stopped short of actually showing lips on lips at one point you seen moisture all over Léa Seydoux’s chin, a similar scene was cut from Boys Don’t Cry as too graphic. As far as Blue went if the director would have went one step further and made it true reality, not hiding any of the fingers, tongues etc. and were they went would it still be seen as a Palme d’Or, or other award worthy critically acclaim movie or just a long glorified porn flick here in the States?