Prophecy time: How bad do you think the Disney Star Wars movies will be?
After a small peak with Depp’s PotC, almost all of Disney’s movies since then have been stinkers, so it is virtually certain that their Star Wars botchwork will be bad.
The question is,how bad. Where do you think the movies will stand compared to the Lucas Prequels and the original trilogy?
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15 Answers
I liked the prequels a lot more than most people I know. Yes, Jar Jar is an embarrassment, but the films do add to the original series.
I recently showed the movies to my grandson for the first time. (4, 5, 1, 2, animated film, 3, 6) and he loved them. Okay, he’s 7, but it did give my another chance to reevaluate them, and I stand by my assessment.
Since Lucas himself outlined 7, 8, and 9, it should be good, since he isn’t writing it himself. I am particularly interested in the other offshoots they have proposed. For example, the updated version of “Seven Samurai” (done once before as a space movie, with John Boy and Lorne Green in “Battle Beyond The Stars”).
I really don’t know, but you have a point, most modern Disney stuff is starting to get pretty lame. For sure the special effects are going to rock though, but that alone won’t save the SW saga if Disney ends up botching it.
There is no more hope for Hollywood. 99% of movies nowadays are utter shit. I doubt the Disney Star Wars movies will be any different.
Kinda talked about this recently.
I dunno, I think Star Wars became a cartoon midway through RoTJ. It never really recovered, and the second trilogy continued the silliness.
@Symbeline Disney stuff is starting to get pretty lame.
Totally agree!
What makes them lame is the fact that Disney refuses to brainstorm new ideas! Take Tangled and The Princess and the Frog for example. You don’t know any better thing to do other than making same-old fairy tales adaptions? Or Brave, just the same-old ” your family gets in trouble and you are the only one who can save them, because it’s your destiny to be a hero” <sigh>. Not to mention those in production Cars 3, The Incredible 2 and other crappy sequels…
I loved Brave to no end. but you know…Vikings. But yes, I agree, most of their stuff is rehash. It’s entertaining, but not very original, I mean it’s the same concepts they’ve had for years. In my opinion, the last original Disney movie was Mulan. (mature, daring themes)
So let’s see how good they are with this…being that I’m not a fan of Star Wars, I’m not very concerned, but I bet there are legions of fans out there who are. :/
Well looking at the recent Marvel (minus X-men, Amazing Spiderman) movies, I wouldn’t say almost all Disney films have been lame…
@Winter_Pariah I’m not into super heroes at all, not seen a single one of those. But I will take your word for it, a lot of people love them. (I like my heroes without any special powers though, like Ironman and Conan)
@Winter_Pariah I haven’t seen the X-men or Spiderman you mentioned, but I have seen The Avenger and to tell the truth it sucked! You are superheroes, and you go kick all the bad guys’ asses. The bag guys lose, and you win. That’s it? What story are they trying to tell?
Or maybe it’s just me, who don’t like simple story telling…
@Symbeline I like my heroes without any special powers though, like Ironman and Conan
My heroes are even lamer than you, without muscular bodies or super strength to fight! (like Phillip Marlowe and Sam Spade)
Considering the quality and continued brutalness of the sixth season of Clone Wars, I have some hope that Disney might not eff it all up.
Edit: apparently the sixth season is actually just previously unaired content, and Disney had nothing to do with their production. So never mind; trepidation resumed.
Eh. I’ll probably watch them because I have a young son that likes Star Wars, but even he’s smart enough to recognize that the prequels suck.
I think the only stuff Disney has put out recently that has been with a hill of beans is the Pixar films. And Pixar is pretty much a completely different company with their own way of doing things.
The recent Marvel films have been so over the top ‘pretty-fied’ that I have a hard time watching them, and they seem like the script was written as a vehicle to get from one unnecessary CGI scene to another. I expect new Star Wars to be much the same.
I can’t wait for it to be absolutely stunning, and watch everyone be afraid to admit defeat.
“I haven’t seen the X-men or Spiderman you mentioned, but I have seen The Avenger and to tell the truth it sucked! You are superheroes, and you go kick all the bad guys’ asses.”
“My heroes are even lamer than you, without muscular bodies or super strength to fight! (like Phillip Marlowe and Sam Spade).”
How about a movie with Humpty Bogart playing Dr. Strange? ;-)
Well….it can’t be worse than Phantom Menace so there is that at least….... I know I’m going to have a lot of nerd rage throughout already since they’re going to be raping the EU I’ve grown to love more than the Star Wars movies themselves.
@wildpotato I’m still upset about clone wars and honestly don’t have a lot of hope for rebels, I want it to be good but everything I’ve seen so far is meh. I wish the creators would stumble across this and redesign the show :P That Inquistor character looks like Darth Bobo
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